MayaScientist Profile picture
Here's a bit about me- Trans woman and lesbian. She/her/etc pronouns please. Loves anime, prone to rant about social justice. Avatar by @Pumpkinfriend
Nov 3, 2021 31 tweets 8 min read
[CW Transphobia] So with the Lily Cade stuff blowing up, I'm already seeing GCs being all "Well she's just one person, this doesn't invalidate the rest of the story."

So let's take a look at some of the rest of the story. Let's take a look at the infamous 80 person survey. [CW Transphobia] It was a survey published by "Get the L Out" Here's how the BBC describes the group while introducing the survey.
Jun 7, 2019 22 tweets 5 min read
So now that Law twitter has found the Vic suit and we're all laughing at their reaction to it, I want to talk about something less hilarious: how for the lawyer at the heart of this, the validity of the suit doesn't even matter and he probably knew it was bogus from the start. So let me introduce you to Nick Rekieta, sometimes derisively referred to as a "youtube lawyer", he is in fact an actual lawyer with a small case history. And he has a youtube channel, where he "lawsplains" stuff to folks.