MagicalHackeršŸ‡·šŸ‡“, Doctor of Commander Decks Profile picture
Former YouTube/Twitch Commander content creator ā˜€ļøI still have opinionsšŸ’§most of them are correctšŸ’€that one probably isn't one of themšŸ”„stay awesome everybodyšŸŒ³
Jun 2, 2023 ā€¢ 19 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
Recently, I wanted to figure out EXACTLY how effective my decks are, since they are all doing pretty much the opposite of what you now hear as the Commander Dogma: faster = more wins. In comparison, my decks are designed to do little in the early game.

Here are my results: Image First of all, what am I looking at?

Of my 16 commander decks, only 12 are able to played on MTGO with no more than 4 replacements to cards due to MTGO's card pool restrictions.

For each of those 12, I played games of multiplayer commander (note: not 1v1, this is very important)
Jun 2, 2023 ā€¢ 12 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
"This could be an important lesson for players as well as for game designers: whether it's mana rocks or board wipes or metagame responses, the desire for our cards to 'belong' is a strong psychological force that dictates a lot of our card choices." -@JosephMSchultz This statement from the video linked below really struck a chord with me, and I'd like to explain why.
Dec 29, 2022 ā€¢ 12 tweets ā€¢ 7 min read
Let me present to you some #DataIsBeautiful that shows how WotC is prioritizing phasing out (no pun intended) monocolored EDH deck designs for command zones for the sake of command zone designs that facilitate multicolored decks. I'll go into detail for each of these 4 charts. šŸ§µ ImageImageImageImage First, let's start out by talking the raw numbers of what Commanders are printed each year. As @SaffronOlive tweeted based on the entire @MTGGoldfish Commander Crew's end of the year podcast, designing commanders is currently in an unprecedented spike, but is it all the same? No. Image
Dec 27, 2022 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read

"The biggest strike against this [adamant] is that it just doesn't have that many fans. It has a few challenges, but nothing we couldn't do if we wanted. The best chance for this to return is a set with a monocolor theme where it just exactly fills the roll we need." @maro254 Please also consider adamant for Commander preconstructed decks. Of 1604 Commanders, 623 are monocolored/colorless without "partner", "partner with", or "choose a background". That's slightly more than 3/8 (it was closer to 4/9 before 2022). -->
Dec 27, 2022 ā€¢ 16 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
I'd like to document my thoughts related to what Sam Black is saying, since I am in agreement with ~75-90% of what he is saying here. This is also notable since our overlap is something I've been saying at least since 2015 (see sources at end) & been called "brainless" for. --> "People donā€™t play enough land. I think the precons wotc makes are about 3-5 land short of where they should be."

Unfortunately, we start with where we disagree. Card draw is king in Commander, & when it gets answered, you hope your deck is built to give you gas in a pinch. -->
Mar 26, 2022 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
You've heard of cEDH, but have you heard of sEDH?

sEDH, or "stipulation EDH", is the format popularized by YouTube content creators such as Commander Clash of @MTGGoldfish and Commander VS of @StarCityGames.

But what if you're not a YouTube channel, & YOU want to play too?

--> @MTGGoldfish @StarCityGames Then, there needs to be an official place/person to find the official stipulation for a particular time period. That's how your group can decide for yourselves if you want to try it out for that time.

Who should decide the theme? Some rando named MagicalHacker? Well... no.

Mar 2, 2022 ā€¢ 21 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
A Defense of Temple of the False God, a thread.

But first, let's do an entry poll :)

Before reading my points on TotFG, how do you feel about it in Commander? So, why am I tweeting this now?

I was listening to the linked podcast (side note: @MTGGoldfish 's Commander Clash podcast is my current favorite podcast), and I felt that the most important parts of TotFG were left insufficiently presented.

Nov 7, 2020 ā€¢ 14 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
Why does Opposition Agent have a cheap cmc, a theft ability, flash, and a black color identity instead of white?

In this thread, I'll be answering why I think this design is one of the best designs for commander in the past decade. 1. Why is it only 3 mana?

Because the beneficial effect of how this affects deckbuilding is contingent on how played it is. In order to be at the level where you can expect any deck with this color to have it, it has to be super powerful. Otherwise...
Jun 16, 2020 ā€¢ 23 tweets ā€¢ 9 min read
Before I had a Twitch stream,

Before I had a Twitter account,

Before I had a YouTube channel,

I made resources. For a long time, they were abandoned and out of date... but now, I would like to present to you all, my "Lists of Commander Staple Effects" which is LOCSE for short. List #1:ā€¦

This is my list of steady draw effects, in other words, cards that give you a card (or 2) more on each of your turns than you'd have otherwise.

If you have any suggestions for additions that fit the parameters in the description, let me know!
May 20, 2020 ā€¢ 55 tweets ā€¢ 20 min read
"The 50 most forgettable MTG mechanics of all time from the perspective of Commander, why they are so forgettable, AND what could be done to fix them."

A thread for your entertainment. Before I jump into it all though, I wanna explain the inspiration behind this thread and how I made this list. @SaffronOlive did a video about Companion potentially being a "bad" mechanic, but clarified that "bad" did NOT mean "forgettable" for his video. When I watched it,...