Magnus Flatus Profile picture
Sometimes, majestic things happen up high.
Still Learning Profile picture Frodrick Williams Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jul 17 20 tweets 3 min read
I see everything now

How many ridiculous mistakes do we need before realizing that the intended goal was probably completely different. How many impossibilities does it take.

Imagine if you had the NSA on your side (already deswamped), even better, Mil-Int.

Imagine you had everything.

And that one day you discover a plan to assassinate you.
Jul 15 9 tweets 2 min read
@joey34955757 @LoveWins734 It's unavoidable I think. This is a kind of cultural revolution I guess, of which we were early adopters and even instigators I guess

As this grows in popularity, people that "like the idea of being part of what we brought to mind" will start trying to act the part (miserably) @joey34955757 @LoveWins734 So it's a conundrum that has a couple of implications

On one hand you do want things to change culturally, in this case, with the discipline of sharing truth and instilling curiosity and the investigative approach
Feb 1 28 tweets 4 min read
I'm gonna repeat this, maybe some people didn't realize this yet. Look at this picture, this was Trump's inauguration in 2017 Image The first thing that jumps at you is

"Oh wow, he's actually handsome and presidential, not too shabby for a businessman" 🤣
Sep 21, 2023 24 tweets 4 min read
See, people want the EBS. I do as well, mostly to rip the band-aid off; to end this movie once and for all.

But if you think about it, the White-hats have it ALL, they also have the power to force a broadcast on all devices in the world. In other words, they can END the cabal in 10 second, on the push of a button.

This is a very powerful card to have in your deck.

In this light, every day that passes without an EBS
is a day where the cabal PANICS.
Sep 14, 2023 19 tweets 3 min read
@AwakenedOutlaw To appear strong when you are weak or weak when you are strong necessitates this mediatic control.

Right now, we appear weak but maybe we are strong.

There is no way do know. @AwakenedOutlaw What we can reasonably assume is that any decent military should have means and methods to deal with infiltration.
Sep 10, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
I see everything now

They will use the "migrant crisis in schools" to further their agenda when it comes to kids.

Let me expand... They will claim that it's submerged and too costly

Then, they will push (again) for remote-distance schooling under the argument that this will cut down costs.

What they will never tell you is why...
Aug 16, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
@PunishDem1776 @ElizaPearce16 The Casino was the Tropicana, here is the source video of this image. There's a reason why Trump was honored to do the sword dance (although there is much more to this, it's certainly a contributing factor). @PunishDem1776 @ElizaPearce16 You wouldn't imagine how evil his predecessor was. While the MSM describes the fall of CIA-Backed Muhammad bin Nayef as a coup in 2017, a careful analysis free from the MSM propaganda would show that this was a liberation from evil and the triumph of good
Aug 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Ivermectin inhibits nanotech self-replication since this relies on trained microphages that are killed by Ivermectin.

NAC and Bromelaine will destroy or incapacitate most nanotech since they rely on graphere oxide that is destroyed by the glutathione these pills help you produce The Slovakians have discovered that the crystaline nano antennas that grow out of DARPA hydrogel can be eliminated within minutes by Ivermectin.

The more you think it's "horse paste" the faster you are running to your doom.
Feb 6, 2023 33 tweets 6 min read
1/ Allow me to share a simple spiel with my economist friends about digital currency.

I'll preface this very carefully. A lot of economists love numbers and systems, naturally. Sadly, most of the economists I met analyse things through the lense of the current system.
#economics 2/ Meaning that they will analyse things under the assumption that the underlying framework and mechanisms are the same.

That's fine 99.9% of the time and over time, specialization will do this.

Alas, we are in a time where the framework will be radically changed.
Nov 5, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
1/ Marvin Minsky
- believes humans do not have conscience
- he mentions 2030 casually, odd coincidence
- can't wait to "be transfered" into a machine

2/ Appears twice in the epstein flight logs
Aug 24, 2022 27 tweets 10 min read
@WakeUpWorld1502 1. She's 95% correct, the quantum dot tattoo was a parallel attempt. These approaches share the same goal though and could be made to be compatible I guess.

The individualization is already partly done, the signals emitted by the vaxxed are already unique ID - so a unique number @WakeUpWorld1502 2. The problem they have is to associate these numbers with actual civilian identity data. In other words what number corresponds to which person we have on file.

The UID is generated by passing a function over the DNA that the nanotech reads from your body, a hash function.