I teach Anthropology&Asian studies @Cornell; fmr Director, Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm; Cultural Attaché, Swedish Embassy Beijing. Views my own
Feb 2, 2024 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Hallå svenska media: Efter skandalen med Volkswagens fejkade kontroll av slavarbete vid deras fabriker i Xinjiang, kommer idag långt mer chockerande uppgifter, om tyska företaget BASF direkta medverkan i massförtrycket av uigiurerna, inkl. nattliga räder mot uiguriska hem.
Tyska TV, ZDF publicerar idag, om hur BASFs joint venture-bolag Markor på plats i Kina deltog i masskampanjerna av olagliga gripanden av uigurer som skickas till kinesiska statens koncentrationsläger i Xinjiang:
Today's announcement that @mbachelet of @UNHumanRights will visit the region of the Chinese genocide, Xinjiang (East Turkestan), in May, suggests that the UN has folded in the face of Chinese dictates for a #Theresienstadt-style pretend visit.
The Chinese authorities has consistently denied and obfuscated all the facts about their genocide, staging and controlling every visit by outsiders. It's who they are -- and there is no chance they will halt this behavior for @MBachelet.
Today Apr 23 @NatCounterPunch published one of the absolute worst, dishonest examples of genocide denialism I've seen so far. It's by @Alfreddezayas and @rfalk13 and it's worse even than Sachs & Schabas. Despite mountains of evidence, including from Zayas' own UN colleagues,
they call the genocide charge against China "evidence-free": Zayas & Falk knowingly insult the wide range of in-office UN experts who've repeatedly expressed deep concern about the evidence, news.un.org/en/story/2021/… - alongside the High Commissioner for Human Rights herself,