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Builders of Dai, a digital currency that can be used by anyone, anywhere, anytime. Do not send money to accounts impersonating Maker.
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May 14 8 tweets 4 min read
Spark, the first SubDAO set to launch.

Spark emerges as the pioneer among Maker SubDAOs, shaping the future of MakerDAO’s Endgame roadmap.

It fosters a dedicated and independent community that leverages the power of MakerDAO to develop innovative DeFi products that address proven market demands.

The highly anticipated Launch Season reaches its peak with the arrival of SparkDAO, along with its native token SPK and a variety of SPK token farming programs

Learn more about what SparkDAO has to offer. ↓Image Spark App: The Powerhouse of DeFi

Spark's main offerings include SparkLend and Cash & Savings, available on .

• SparkLend enables users to borrow DAI at large scales using high-liquidity assets, with a best-in-class user experience.

• Spark Cash & Savings introduces a decentralized, on-chain banking-like product that connects cash and savings accounts’ features with the Dai Savings Rate (DSR). It is accessible with DAI, USDT, and
May 3 6 tweets 3 min read
As the launch season approaches, MakerDAO is preparing to introduce two new tokens - NewStable and NewGovToken.

Explore the details below ↓Image After the upcoming brand reveal, the new tokens will be introduced into the ecosystem.

NewStable (NST) is the codename for the upgraded version of Dai, tailored for broader adoption and designed with enhanced stability features. The official name will be unveiled through the brand reveal.

NewGovToken (NGT) represents a refined approach to governance within our ecosystem. It’s designed to encourage wider participation and more dynamic decision-making. The final name will also be shared through the brand reveal.

The conversion process for token holders is straightforward:

• For NewStable (NST): Dai holders can seamlessly upgrade to NewStable, enjoying the flexibility to revert back to Dai as desired.

• For NewGovToken (NGT): Each Maker token (MKR) can be converted into 24,000 NGT. This redenomination aims to encourage wider participation in governance activities.

These additions represent an expansion and will not replace the existing Dai (DAI) and Maker (MKR) tokens. Users will have the option to transition to NewStable and NewGovToken.

Now, let’s talk about key functionalities:
Jul 24, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
What a blast #ETHGlobalParis 🇫🇷 was!

The Spark team loved working with such brilliant minds who created amazing projects on Maker, Spark, and sDAI.

Among all the great participants, we've awarded our prizes totaling 12,000 DAI to the selected projects:

🥇 Claiming the top spot for the best use of Conduits:

DustConduit — 2,000 DAI

Implemented the IAllocatorConduit to mediate between SubDAOs and external protocols, thus facilitating the standardized flow of DAI between SubDAOs and yield opportunities.…
Jul 3, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
.@phoenixlabsdev has proposed a multi-chain future for Spark!

Together, we will strive for the integration of Layer 2 solutions and the exploration of other blockchain networks.

Success lies in being where the users are.

This is a recap of Spark's multi-chain roadmap.

Image Firstly, @phoenixlabsdev's proposal outlined key considerations for prioritizing Spark deployments on different chains:
Jun 21, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Currently, @LidoFinance's stETH is one of the largest assets in crypto — there are over 7 million stETH with over 200k holders.

Similarly, its wrapped version, known as wstETH, has gained immense popularity in DeFi, particularly among the Maker Protocol's users.

↓ wstETH represents right now ~30% of stETH total supply, amounting to ~2 million wstETH tokens.

These wstETH tokens primarily find utility within lending protocols — over 60% of all wstETH is sitting in top-tier DeFi lending apps.…
Jun 20, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
sDAI (Savings DAI) is the new tokenized version of DSR-enabled DAI.

Fully powered by the DSR, it is an ERC-4626 token that offers enhanced integrations and gas efficiency for a better user experience.

How does it work? ↓ Recently the DSR went from 1% to 3.49%, enabling a higher yield natively streamed to all DAI holders that opt in.

sDAI implements a tokenized EIP-4626 compliant wrapper for DAI deposited into the DSR, converting the DSR-deposited position into a token you can hold and use.
Jun 17, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
A new out-of-schedule Executive Vote is live on the Maker Governance portal.


The proposal titled RWA014-A (Coinbase Custody) DAO Resolution, suggests the following changes to the Maker Protocol: As per the latest forum post by the Stability Scope Responsible Facilitators, the approval of this executive proposal will signal Maker Governance's agreement to the following DAO Resolution to James Asset Trust 3 (JAT3).…
Jun 16, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Announcing the Dai Savings Rate (DSR) increase to 3.49%

Prepare for a new baseline yield that will redefine the landscape of decentralized finance.

The DSR is raised from 1% to 3.49%, effective June 19th, at 14:00 UTC. Image By opting in, DAI holders earn a consistent yield regardless of the size of their deposits, constantly streamed by the Maker Protocol’s surplus.
May 12, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
5 phases of Endgame.

Endgame has been defined as an update that employs AI tools and open processes to enhance efficiency, resilience, and participation.

A new publication on the Maker Forum outlines its roadmap, which includes the introduction of 5 major launch phases. Image Phase 1: Beta Launch.

This first phase will establish a new unified brand for the ecosystem with a full rebrand and new website.

It also introduces two new tokens to the revamped ecosystem under the codenames “NewStable” and “NewGovToken”. Image
May 11, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
How is Maker involved in Spark Protocol? ⚡️

Maker is striving to achieve maximum operational efficiency through Endgame, with the objective of enabling the Maker Protocol to concentrate entirely on the essential functions of minting DAI and sustaining its stability. Ecosystem Actors have been given the responsibility of driving further innovation in the Maker ecosystem, with plans for them to become SubDAOs in the future.
May 8, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Announcing the Spark Protocol launch ⚡️

Starting May 9, 2023, Spark Protocol will be available to all DeFi users.

An end-user, DAI-centered DeFi product deployed on Ethereum with supply and borrow features for ETH, stETH, DAI, and sDAI. Image Spark Protocol's first version, Spark Lend, is a lending marketplace specifically designed for supplying and borrowing crypto with a focus on DAI.

Its users will be able to interact with Spark's front-end directly, connecting Maker's liquidity with a complete DeFi solution.
Apr 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
DAI on L2s.

This is the current Canonical DAI supply distribution across Layer 2 networks: Arbitrum.

157.7 million DAI

• -1% from its all-time high
• +146% year-to-date growth.… Image
Apr 18, 2023 14 tweets 2 min read
What is the role of each of these Maker Protocol modules and how do they work together?

Let's find out.


• Core Module (in gray 👽): Contains the entire state of the Maker Protocol and controls the central system mechanism while it is in the normal state of operation. One of its primary components is the Vat contract. The core Vault, Dai, and collateral state is kept in the Vat.
Mar 31, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
The first batch of Incubating Ecosystem Actors has been onboarded by Maker Governance under the new Maker Constitution parameters:

• dewiz
• Sidestream
• Viridian Protector Advisory Company

What does this mean? ↓ Image Incubating Ecosystem Actors are parties with approved project-based funding proposals that are being prepared for future SubDAO launches.

These actors are managed by the Ecosystem Scope and assigned useful projects by Maker Governance.…
Mar 16, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Maker Governance approved an extension from $500 million to $1.25 billion for its US Treasury investments


In this process, MakerDAO would use $750 million of USDC in the PSM to acquire more US Treasury bonds, thus diversifying DAI's liquid backing. MIP65: Monetalis Clydesdale is the name of the US Treasury bonds investment implementation, deployed by MakerDAO in October 2022 with an initial allocation of $500 million.

Mar 15, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
We would like to update our community on the recent market situation that temporarily affected the DAI price.

1/ 1) A summary of the recent events:

On March 10, regulators took over Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) due to a liquidity crisis.

Circle disclosed that $3.3 billion of USDC reserves were deposited in the bank and couldn't be accessed due to weekend closure.

Mar 14, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The PSM circuit breaker Executive Vote has been enabled to be voted on.


We encourage MKR holders and delegates to review and support this proposal with the purpose of implementing a PSM circuit breaker as soon as possible.

Approval of the aforementioned Executive Vote will result in the deployment of a new contract to enable Maker Governance to disable PSMs through a circuit breaker mechanism without any governance delay.

Mar 13, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Following the emergency Executive Vote approved last Saturday, Maker Governance has deployed a set of parameter changes to the PSMs with the purpose of limiting Maker’s exposure to volatile centralized stablecoins and reinforcing the DAI peg.


The deployed changes to the Maker Protocol are the following:

• Increase the USDC PSM USDC→DAI swap fee (tin) from 0% to 1%.

• Reduce the USDP PSM USDP→DAI swap fee (tin) from 0.2% to 0%.

• Increase the USDP PSM DAI→USDP swap fee (tout) from 0% to 1%.

Mar 13, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
MakerDAO’s Risk Core Unit has submitted an emergency proposal for Executive Vote to implement a circuit breaker as a means to disable PSMs without a Maker Governance deployment delay.

1/ In light of the recent instability surrounding the centralized stablecoin market, the Risk Core Unit proposes a new implementation to limit Maker's exposure to PSMs in a much faster manner than the Maker Governance Delay.

Mar 7, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
MakerDAO is reviewing a proposal to extend its existing US treasury bond investments from $500 million to $1.25 billion. Image Under MIP65, MakerDAO deployed ~$500 million in short-term US treasury bond ETFs.

As of January 2023, this investment strategy has brought ~2.1 million in lifetime fees to the Maker Protocol.… Image
Mar 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
A new 15,000 DAI reward pool for @argentHQ users who buy DAI is launching today! 💸

• Buy DAI for a chance to win up to 1,000 DAI.

• The more DAI you buy, the more you could win.

• No fees on the first 100,000 DAI purchased. Image • Buy at least 10 DAI via Ramp in your Argent zkSync Lite to enter the 25 DAI draw

• Buy at least 50 DAI via Ramp in your Argent zkSync Lite to enter the 50 DAI draw

• Buy at least 100 DAI via Ramp in your Argent zkSync Lite to enter the 1000 DAI draw