Malcolm FleX - Chaotic Neutral Mercenary Profile picture
Gaming, Guns, and Gains; Heavyweight Mixed Martial Artist {6'5, 255}. Striking Specialist & Verbal Pugilist. Scientist by Trade.
3 subscribers
Feb 14, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Recent preliminary reports suggest an urgent national security threat from Russia, likely in response to the recent use of the 3M22 Zircon (Tsirkon) missile in Ukraine, which struck a target in Kiev.

The hypersonic missile, capable of reaching speeds of Mach 9, seems to have overwhelmed the Patriot missile defense systems provided to Ukraine, indicating a significant leap in hypersonic missile technology. This advancement echoes concerns raised during Oliver Stone's interview with Vladimir Putin.

National defense officials are now realizing the potential neglect of missile interception technology development, having focused extensively on regime change operations in desert regions. Although this information comes from a trusted source, it remains speculative at this stage.Image Could also be that these would be able to shoot down targets in space as well, but this missile hitting Kiev reflects a SIGNIFICANT threat.

It's capable of having miniaturized nuclear warheads and is maneuverable.

But the real threat is that our systems can't take it down. Image
Nov 22, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Here we go again guys.

Mysterious illness being called a "Mystery Pneumonia without the cough" is currently tearing through schools in China.

Hospitals in Beijing currently overwhelmed.

Alert comes via Promed.
---------------------- Promed is the same system that gave the initial December alerts for the Covid-19 outbreak back when we were calling it "The Coronavirus"

Follow @Zerosum24 for all of these global updates.
Oct 8, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
I just can't help but feel a little bit of trepidation as I see a post 9/11 style clamoring for war and military action in Israel.

We're not talking about just any sort of foreign proxy war, we're talking about a massive war that's going to have Iran a prominent ally of Russia possibly involved. I see all of these senators like Lindsey Graham, Tom Cotton, and representatives like Dan Crenshaw clamoring to continue the will of John McCain where no doubt they believe they'll be celebrating in Tehran. But then I look and I see former allies on the right cheering for this and propagating footage and propaganda which only serve to embolden the cries for a military operation of which the largest casualty will be children and women. Yes we can talk about the fact that Gaza has been given advanced warning to evacuate, but the issue is that there isn't anywhere to go in this situation. Also as Raheem Kassam pointed out, If we're really talking about a precision strike then The Israelis would be planning to strike on Doha, not Gaza.

All that aside, I know that the war and the attack is inevitable. I'm not worried about that because what will happen will happen. But why on earth do we need ships in the Mediterranean to get close to the action? People will say symbolism but our government doesn't just operate based off of symbolism. Many times where there is smoke, there is fire and probably boots on the ground.

Whether or not this is the precursor to World War III or just more lives thrown into the shoot of the war machine, I'm not sure. But the civilians that are going to be caught in the crossfire are not Hamas. The Israelis that are going to be a casualty of the reprisal are not the IDF. I understand the challenges of a two-state solution to these issues but emboldening our clumsy leadership to throw money onto the fire and make it a massive conflagration is not the answer.

Sadly, when it comes to Israel and funding lives right-wingers will gladly empower the same machinations used to manufacture the chains that will bind them in the gulag.

Such as life.
Have fun marching into war behind your commander in chief Nikki Haley.

This is what most of you guys sound.
Jun 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Here is a bold thought for people lamenting affirmative action's demise.

How about instead of relaxing admissions standards, we work on building back up the families that were torn apart by LBJ and his incentives. Then let's make schools in pred. Black districts appealing again. And while I'm requesting big brain line items on this daring wish list, think that we could possibly alter local economic policy to not stymie businesses from popping up in these underserved communities and either relax legal gun ownership laws or improved policing to help them?
Jun 25, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
I'm not a leader, nor have I ever wanted to be. I don't claim to be some influencer and don't let the tag on the account fool you. My only purpose is to accrue influence for the use of increasing the odds of survivability when shit goes pear-shaped by spending that influence. I am being honest with you here because I believe if a lot more people who had platforms were honest about their true intentions, we could reduce a lot of the infighting which has ruined segments of the movement as well as subsequent momentum.
Mar 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I've been talking about the inept foreign policy this admin in allowing Russia and China to supplant the US and the Petro-Dollar for months now.

We are seeing the results and they aren't pretty. If the US loses reserve currency status, it will be the end for us as we know it. Years ago.
Mar 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
"Audrey Hale" is not an isolated incident.

You have millions of young people in this country steeped in mental illness and psychosis which has been stirred up by the media, social and legacy.

Ticking time bombs.

You can ban guns, but then they'll use knives and look overseas…… We glorify serial killers in media, make people quick-tempered and righteously indignant at anything that doesn't fit within their ideological framework, and excuse faults so long as the person is in the right tribe.

Are you shocked this happened? I'm not. It will get worse.
Mar 27, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
My, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just put on a masterful show in the Mental Gymnastics category of the Clownworld Olympics in what can only be the culmination of years of dedicated training in, Jumping to conclusions, Absurdly stretching arguments, and ironing one's lobes.

Aside…… By the way, I would have tagged you @AOC but you have disabled being tagged in videos.

Also unblocked the homie @alexstein99, how dare you treat your biggest fan this way. Image
Feb 25, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I'm a very simple man, I train, I work, I take care of my kids, and I fix the house.

Too many people in my generation this seems like hell, yet their heaven consists of reckless spending, intoxication, and venereal diseases. Admittedly, I work a job where I travel a lot and can expense just about anything.

Though I could hit the bars, go downtown in different cities, and be completely degenerate my schedule remains largely the same. So it's not about a lack of ability to do so but rather discipline
Feb 13, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
So we're going to officially chalk the Eastern Palestine Ohio derailment and subsequent explosion as a slow burn disaster that may rival the ground zero first responder health casualties of 9-11. The release of Vinyl Chloride into the atmosphere is a horrible event in part due to…… Sure can't wait to be called a dirty conspiracy theorist when the new mega sickness called rustlung happens and people are dropping dead "inexplicably" and all of the conversation on this has been memory-holed.

Should be a fun time had by all. [Extreme Sarcasm Font]
Feb 12, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Clearly China is now suddenly feeling emboldened to send Spy Balloons over the US as well as ramp up their antagonistic rhetoric. As another UFO is shot down over Canada, we're seeing that the initial response to the 1st Spy Balloon was in fact a lie.

The US was not jamming it. That's the only thing that explains the change in response in immediately shooting down the balloon. We're realizing now that this wasn't a one-off and whatever China is doing, they're not messing around now.

Otherwise we'd have let this one and the last one cruise through.
Dec 29, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
In life you have two different types of paths to power, many assume the more powerful of these two is simply overwhelming strength.

I reckon that it comes from fluidity and ease of movement equating to greater speed and agility.

This equals greater net force. This translates into all blocks of life as there are people who will constantly try to swim against the grain and force their way into success.

This is called the Vegeta path. It's more direct, easy to give into, but the type of person who can sustain this is extremely rare.
Dec 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The decline of civilizations is almost always precipitated by a select "few" vocal leaders with despotic ideas and a large mass of people "Just following orders, boss." The greatest threat that we face in life as a people is the death of individualism in thought and action.

People willing to be cogs in the machine rather than actively troubleshoot and scrutinize the process of the machine lead to cascade failures.
Dec 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Short thought here on the sudden spree of suspensions for criticizing the Slava Ukrainis in Congress' slobbing of Zelensky's knob ahead of the $1.7 Trillion Omnibus.

And would you lookie here, $40+ Billion to Ukraine in this bill that's a glorified woke wishlist.

Who knew. In case you can't read between the lines on this one I'm thinking that the bot farm NAFO activity verifiably has roots in government and is being ran by govt actors in Congress with motive to fund Ukraine.

This never happened until the bills existence was revealed.
Dec 19, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This may be an unpopular take for a lot, but I don't believe trying to argue the merits or demerits of the vaccine and its usage are a wise choice.

We don't have adequate data of survivorship without the vaccine vs survivorship w/ the vaccine because that's an unforseen. Instead, the true argument lies within pushing against how so many businesses colluded with the government in the mandate process requisite for work and military.

This coercion as well as the lie of transmission prevention despite early data on immunoglobulin production wins.
Dec 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I will never understand how dudes spend upwards of hundreds of dollars on outfits just for female attention when I walk around daily looking like I'm either about the repair something or kick in a dangerous door and still get looks galore. The boots
Dec 5, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
Think about how good society would be if we started treating mainstream journalists, pundits, and executives like the pariahs they really were.

I mean, they have no problem doing it to us. Imagine how much power they'd have if their traffic plummeted. We clean their homes, we cook their food, we provide crucial services.

What do they do? Write non-essential articles and pieces that do nothing but sew more propaganda and dissent amongst people. Have you not forgotten what their role in helping propagate covid misinfo was?