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Prayer Warrior⚔️California MAMA BEAR🙋🏼‍♀️Jesus follower💚Prophetic dreamer🌈 Voted BO in ‘08💊WOKE UP in ‘16🙌🏽Q Drop 2430=BestDayEver! SAVE THE CHILDREN👫👫
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Nov 23, 2020 52 tweets 9 min read
THREAD: "US Special Ops Change of Command: 5D Chess Moves"
by Becky H. (aka @mamadidntraise)
A few days ago, some very interesting developments have happened. The spirit of Truth within me was jumping w/joy as I watched the new Sec of Defense, Christopher Miller,


and his second in command Under Secretary of Defense, Ezra Cohen-Watnick speaking publicly about the U.S. Special Operation Forces.

I really want to break this down and talk about how significant it is.