Maureen Murphy Profile picture
PRO "small d" democrat. ANTI Fascist. Слава Україні! Slava Ukraini!
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Mar 21 6 tweets 2 min read
SO, several weeks ahead my time estimate:

Tronald Dump latest social media threatens ANYONE (no alien/citizen distinction) caught vandalizing a precious Tesla... labeling them a "terrorist" and threatening lengthy El Salvador hellhole prison term. #ItCanHappenHere This is OLD HAT for him. of his. At Jan 2017 Inauguration, his DOJ "netted" big group of protestors within proximity of someone vandalizing Starbucks.deployed hyper-aggressive prosecutor to charge them with felony (20 yr. potential sentences). I followed closely: (cont.)
Feb 15 7 tweets 2 min read
THREAD. Well, now that the worst has happened at the FBI, I guess it is time to go to the back Forever Twitter files for my numerous Kash Patel tweets


What happened to that other guy that Patel used to run with. They were a regular Mutt and Jeff.

Jan 12 19 tweets 5 min read
1. Reupping of a story to my imaginative friend in Gemany about a character of mine...a half-chicken, half-fish ex-WWI fighter pilot, living in imaginary 1920's Paris. Behind his cynical facade is a very tender meaty/fishy heart. : ) 2.

Dec 17, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
1. A short thread in prosecution as intimidation (and what happened to other compliant prosecutors). 2.

Sep 15, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
a.) My fantasy of how Covid was eradicated in a few months on "Earth B." Sigh. #RIPKevin b.)

Maureen Murphy (12/31/2020) "I think everybody (not on front line) should be issued silk pajamas to live in until full vaccination of the herd is reached. Call it 'The Great Silk War Against The Viral Invader.'"
Sep 11, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
A Cautionary Tale. Moscow is HOURS ahead of us and in the wee hours tonight it will be bright and early THURSDAY morning while most of Washington DC sleeps.

Let me tell you about Primary Debate Season - 2019

1. How many of you recall waking up the morning after the Dem primary debate in 2019 to a flood of tweets and Daily Mail (among others) commentary that "Tulsi smashed/beat/bulldozed, etc. Kamala Harris"?
Aug 11, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
The FIRST tweet referring to the superhero I would call "Death Mother" as she starts picking off TrumperThugs. 2.

"In her lair above the Lincoln Memorial, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, AKA Death Mother, Tearer of Organs and Bane of the Oppressor filed her nails and scanned the horizon. It was quiet. Too quiet. The Tangerine Menace was still cowering in his Mar A Lago hidey hole."
May 14, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Arrgggg, Mags Haberman (whose Dad Clyde still blocks me here) is trending. I may go find some very old Maggie tweets of mine.

1. No one could flounce off of Twitter in a huff like Maggie Haberman!

Aug 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
1. The bad old days before safe and available abortion. 2. (For anyone not alive and sentient in the pre-1973 era.)

Aug 19, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Good Saturday!

Given the conviction and sentencing process going on re Tarrio (party Shane Lamond was in touch with) seems like it is time to RE-UP this comment thread.


Aug 18, 2023 14 tweets 2 min read
@susanl_author As promise, some farmer's market special broth and soup, both primarily re-dos of recipes from a great cookbook by U.S. author Barbara Kafa called "SOUP - A Way of Life."

1. Preliminary: This is for when you have a little extra time and budget and access to fresh chicken bones and odds and ends and FRESH produce.

It requires one "trimmed and washed leek" which is a bit "extra, but maybe you can buy a bunch and use rest in a stir fry"?

Aug 15, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Report on Summer Cabbage:

I have always found cabbage a bit "much" particularly when boiled. But just made a quick stir fry that was cabbage perfection. A slight crunch and some sweeness with just a slight "brassica" undertone.

1. Had a big bad cabbage to make a large pot of minestrone to freeze (and use up a bunch of tomatoes). I took a 1/4 head, chopped as for coleslaw, and plunged into saltedice water for 15 minute.

Then dry but keep damp.

Aug 14, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Aargh. Another day, another "Trending" David Brooks. WHEN will this annoyance ever ride off into the sunset?

Oh well, guess it is time for "The Best of Moe Murph's 'David Brooks Is My Minor Nemesis' Tweets."

1. I sometimes find Ms. JCO rather quick on the Blocking Hand Trigger, but for today: "You Go, Authoress of Enormous Output"!

Aug 11, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Just a note. I am blessed to have pension/savings and while I work to supplement them, have leeway to be discerning.

I believe a GIANT corp. who would throw this into a "minion" contractor's employment agreement is a BAD ACTOR.

1/2 2/2 What is IMPLIED here to me is that a behemoth who financially COULD take on role of doing their best to MITIGATE danger of an airborne virus in their workplace has chosen to offload risk to workers who in many cases face work in viral soup or not pay their bills. VILE.
Aug 11, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Nice post from Joyce Vance featuring newly terse tone of prosecutors when it comes to Drumphus/speedy trial. A Thread. 2.

“It is difficult to imagine a public interest stronger than the one in this case, in which the defendant—the former President of the United States—is clearly a matter of public importance, which merits in favor of a prompt resolution.”
Aug 7, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
@colehaddon Hello Cole Haddon, it is Maureen Murphy ("Moe"). Thank you so much for participating in the new "Strikegeist" piece on conditions now for writers. I was tremendously moved by it!

1. I first got to know you back in the ancient (to the younglings) era "MySpace" days when I got to know you through your writing on film. I know of of your great love for film, writing, and writers.

Jul 31, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
In which Barbie and Elie Roth's Hostel (1 and 2) engage in a complex court dance of "Who's The Bitch?"

1. 🙃😏🤔🤓😎🤑👠👑👠✊

Jul 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
"The pliable" prosper, while many who took stand (climate scientists, counterintelligence specialists, diplomats) lose careers and even security clearances useful in private sector.

And people wonder why so many either kept quiet or became craven cheerleaders. "Strzok"


Jul 24, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Hostility to Civil Service - A thread of my past tweetage.

The overweening goal of "dismantling" structure of civil service was firmly in place well before Trump came on the scene. DECEMBER 2016:
