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Jun 14 4 tweets 1 min read
The most important statistic of the decade is here

During the pandemic, 523 women with the first name of Shaniqua took out PPP loans

The amount loaned to Shaniqua small business owners in 2020 and 2021 totals approximately 8.4 million dollars 176 Shaniquas listed their business as Beauty Salon, Cosmetics, or Nail Salon
Jan 31 46 tweets 26 min read
If you haven't been following me for a while I'm going to let you in on the biggest secret that white people aren't supposed to know about the pandemic relief programs

You can pick any name that you think might fit the profile and find hundreds of businesses with a single employee

Dec 12, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
A thread of the Steve Sailer Jaws meme, solely from today's posts about traffic fatalities

Starting off with perhaps the best one ever on some rando lib: Image Image
Oct 1, 2022 57 tweets 18 min read
Gonna start maintaining a thread of some of the insane things from 2020 that we're supposed to forget

We'll get to the riots, but let's start with a covid classic: filling skateparks with sand
Remember when a leftist riot apologist journo hired a trigger happy bodyguard and then he went and killed a guy?

Update: the DA dropped all charges, said it was obvious self-defense in the video (no national trial and comment from the president first?)
Dec 28, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
RW Twitter: Hmm there's a virus in China we should keep an eye on. Maybe we should ban travel from that area.
Dems then: That's racist!
Dems now: This is the worst disease ever and also we should do travel bans. RW Twitter: Ok well locking down all of society seems like a bad idea, especially the schools.
Dems then: You must want grandma to die!
Dems now: Wow what happened to our kids and also who could have seen this supply chain crisis and inflation coming?
Jan 5, 2021 26 tweets 6 min read
The lockdowns are genuinely driving me crazy. I've stopped and realized how much my thinking has been affected since they started and it's dramatic. The absolute destruction of our ordinary routines in favor of these isolated, work-from-home routines has been unbelievably cruel The simple act of seeing other people around throughout the day, even those you aren't super close to, has a profound impact on your mental health that you don't grasp until it's gone. And the difference between driving to work and rolling out of bed and starting up Zoom is huge
Jan 2, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Doing home workouts is being Sisyphus but not being happy

I fell off a lot in my frequency by fall of this year, but my resolution now is to recover my gains to spite Gavin Newsom and Eric Garcetti. I want to mog them IRL in a Governors to Gitmo shirt Image The absolute worst part of home workouts is their length. I actually loved long workouts in the gym but there's nothing good about long home workouts, and working over Zoom makes routine harder

I may settle into just 5 or so compound lifts with high frequency