Mandela SH Dixon Profile picture
Startup Exec | Board Member | Investor | Frm. CEO of @AllRaise and @FounderGym | Entrepreneur's 100 Most Powerful Women | #10 Futbolista & Day 1 Messi Fan ⚽️
Robert Bauerle Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 18, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
For those who may not understand the upset over Adam's $350M funding news, lemme break it down... 1/7 When one group can engage in unethical, irresponsible, and harmful activities that are well documented and widely publicized... 2/7
Aug 11, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
I’m one of the most:

🔹 Experienced Black women investors

🔹 Well-networked leaders in Silicon Valley

🔹Pioneering curriculum designer, program builder, and community catalyzer

Yet I still get overlooked and underestimated ALL 👏🏽 THE 👏🏽 TIME 👏🏽

Here’s my advice: Don’t wait for others to believe in you. No matter what you do, achieve, say… some people are never going to see beyond the box they put you in. You can’t and won’t win over everyone. So don’t waste your energy trying to convert those committed to remaining non-believers.
Mar 17, 2020 14 tweets 4 min read
1/ I don't come from tech. But I am here now. And everyday as I open Twitter and your tweets fill up on my newsfeed, I feel increasingly like I don't belong here. What I am feeling right now and what I am concerned about seems to be so different from what others are focused on. 2/ The closest thing I can relate this to is 2014. I was the only Black person working at an org, and Michael Brown and many other unarmed Black children were being killed by White police. Everyday I went to work and no one said anything. Not a peep. It was business as usual.
Mar 14, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ There’s someone I know who was starting their business at the same time I was starting mine. Almost a year and a half has passed since that time. That person still hasn’t launched their company. As for @foundergym, you know what’s happened... 2/ When I think about why our outcomes were so different, I realize...

• I’m no smarter than them
• I definitely didn’t do more prep than them before starting
• I certainly don’t have as much time or resources as them