LIBERAL commie Profile picture
@charsim1096978 in disguise Liberal Anti Sanghi Anti Hindutva Dravidian Stock♥️🖤 Aunty's Commie
May 13, 2021 15 tweets 10 min read
guys im here just to share some thoughts if covid was not then boards are over by now we would be seen happy with a bit nostalgic leaving our schools which was and ever the best place in our life! #CancelExamsSaveStudents #cancelclass12thboardexams2021 (2)
our seniors enjoyed it but fate fell on us i sit infront of laptop nearly 14 hrs/day! im mentally stressed! you me all are affected by this study schedule1dont lie me i read all! i know most of my friends+ #CancelExamsSaveStudents #cancelclass12thboardexams2021