Merrill Anovick Profile picture
Building healthcare companies at 25madison
Jul 14, 2021 22 tweets 4 min read
Today’s inflation numbers were the most severe we’ve seen in 30 years. Why is that concerning?

Thread: In 1979 when the annual inflation rate hit 11.3% the National Debt stood at $827b, about 31% of US 1979 GDP.
Jun 28, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
The biggest idealogical evolution I’ve experienced over the last 10 yrs is realizing that children from the bottom 50% of US earners using Ivy League schools to advance their station in life is a bug and not a primary feature of the higher education system that... is allowed to exist so the 1% can use the stories of these plucky up and comers as political cover to distract from the fact that they use Ivy League schools to shroud their children in ‘merit’ so they can effectively pass on wealth and power.