Stay humble and vigilant. Stock/Options daytrader. I am not a Financial Advisor. All posts are my opinions. CBC Creator
8 subscribers
Feb 16 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
This one strategy tells me when to buy and sell.
All I have to do is wait for the red or green arrows to pop up.
Learn how to make life changing money trading the stock market 🧵 👇
Candle by Candle method is a strategy I created that focuses on market sentiment and momentum.
You will be able to identify high quality entries and hold on to your winners longer.
Feb 7 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
How to pass an eval and get funded.
Let’s start making money 🧵 👇
Whatever firm you use, remember that they make money off traders who gamble and blow evals/funded accounts. Capitalistically, they want you to lose for their gain.
How can you beat their game?
Jan 17 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
My trading turned profitable after this one realization 💡
Learn how below🧵 👇
I was the world’s worst breakout trader. The euphoria I experienced when I got lucky led me to believe that breakout trading was consistent. One good win does not make out 10 big losses.
Jan 14 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Learn how to earn money trading $SPY options.
Let’s break it down 🧵 👇
When trading $SPY options, it’s important to have a consistent strategy. Focus on premium price, how far out the money, and where you will sell for profit.
This is just one of many successful setups, but the risk:reward is too great to ignore.
Jan 11 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
This one strategy is the reason I will never work another day in my life.
Learn how to extract profit from the market daily 🧵 👇
Candle by Candle method is a momentum based strategy I created that tells me when to buy and which direction price will likely push.
It’s as simple as trading alongside the red or green arrows.
Jan 8, 2022 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
🧵My 5m/10m Doji bar Strategy🧵
This is how I use my Doji bar strat to gauge price action during moments of indecision. High win % rate. #ChartHashira1. For myself, I identify stages intraday into 2 phases: consolidation and trend.
When coming off of a large trend, we expect momentum to slow as traders need to lock in profit and decide if they will continue the rally. The opposing traders have an opportunity to reverse.
Dec 18, 2021 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
🧵 How to trade with a Stop Loss🧵
This thread will help you identify and execute a proper Stop Loss in order to minimize losses, every trader’s biggest problem. #ChartHashira1. Before entering any trade, you must have a level to base risk off of. This will allow you to manage how much you are willing to risk as well as staying in the trade based on a support level. (Trading with the larger participant in the market) Without a SL you are just gambling
Dec 12, 2021 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
🧵 How to Trade Market Open 🧵
This thread will detail how I play the open on LC Options, but can be applied to anything. This strategy will provide a clear risk to reward parameter that you need in order to give yourself and edge. #ChartHashira 🍁
1. Each morning I will set alerts on VIX, SPY, and NQ at key resistance/support levels to give myself awareness throughout the day without taking my eyes off my execution screen. I then go to the ticker(s) I plan on trading that day.
Dec 11, 2021 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
🧵 How to grow a small account🧵
This thread will detail a simple method on how to grow your small account from a psychological standpoint. These are my self realizations. #ChartHashira1. If you are trying to grow a small portfolio, you must establish that focusing on “home run” trades develops unrealistic and unhealthy habits for newer traders. Small wins compound not only gains, but also skill.
Dec 4, 2021 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Setups and Formations you need to know!
These are some of my most profitable and consistent setups that I use on a daily basis. Learn them and profit! #ChartHashira1. Technical analysis is the embodiment of displaying the dialogue that price action tells between bears and bulls. Setups/formations are all based on probability, meaning the outcome may give you an edge when taking entry.
Nov 28, 2021 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
How I review charts to improve my trading! The key to my success.
I will simply explain my process when reviewing my trades/charts each day. This is how you will acclimate yourself for quick analyzation and execution during your trading session. #ChartHashira1. I review each of my trades each night to identify what I executed incorrectly and what I traded well that day. This has been my biggest influence in trading that led me to the consistency and success I have today. Screen time is green time. Study yourself.
Nov 27, 2021 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
How to trade weekly 0DTE options!
This is my approach on trading very volatile and profitable options contracts with 0 days to expire.
1. 0DTE contracts are risky, but with increased risk comes greater reward. The truth of the matter is that you do not need to risk a large % of portfolio to make insane gains. Always watching first 3 OTM contracts closest to being ITM.
Nov 21, 2021 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
How I trade Options at market open!
Simple and detailed explanation on how I approach my executions each morning.
1. Each morning I will chart out the channel that is presented in ext hours. This provides me clear levels to take Calls/Puts off of if price were to reject/base. I gather my contracts I am interested in and have them ready to execute for open.
Nov 20, 2021 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
How to identify and trade Supply and Demand zones!
This will be a simple explanation of my use of Supply and Demand zones.
1. Supply and Demand is similar to resistance and support, but S/D allow you to recognize where buyers and sellers are present. This gives me confidence when placing my orders.
Nov 6, 2021 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
Trading plan for newer traders!
Account builder.
Here is a simple trading strategy for traders who currently lack a plan. This strategy provides a proper thesis on how to make base hits and build your account!
1. Scale into a position 1/4 at a time near a support level with a clear level to base risk off of. This will provide patience in planning and prevent trades taken with haste. Putting the ball in your court gives you the advantage in the trade, you control what you lose.
Oct 30, 2021 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
Biggest trading mistakes to avoid!
(A Thread)
We all know 90% of traders fail their first year, accepting and working on your faults is the first step to be apart of the 10% who succeed.
1. Oversizing- The yearning for profit should never overtake your defined risk parameters. You have to EARN the right to size up. Trade good setups with minimal risk and the money will follow. Greed will kill you.
Oct 17, 2021 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
How to understand and learn from your emotions experienced through a losing trade!
(A Thread)
Learn all the Technical Analysis you want, but it is all futile if you cannot maintain emotional composure.
1. How many times have you taken a trade a trade with planned thesis only for you to get stopped out, then the trade rip to the upside right after? Always ask questions to get to the root of the problem:
Oct 9, 2021 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
How to become profitable and grow your account!
(A thread)
When I was struggling through my breakeven phase, I found these key tips helpful to push myself to become a profitable trader.
1. One of the most common reasons a trader is not profitable is due to poor risk management. You must have a max loss per trade, align this max loss with a TA supported risk level. Prevent unnecessary losses.
Oct 3, 2021 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
How I became profitable by focusing on the 3 E’s. Entries, exits, and emotions.
(A Thread)
I was consistently losing on a day to day basis with dwindling hope. After reviewing thousands of charts, I realized I needed to review myself.
1. ENTRIES- A very difficult concept to stand behind as it deals with TA and supporting your analysis with confidence. How many times have you charted out a play and not executed and it went as planned? Missed opportunities.
Sep 19, 2021 • 14 tweets • 6 min read
My Trading Journey
1)Two years ago I was selling cars and making good money, but was desperately wanting a change in life. I worked 12hr shifts 6 days a week. I always wanted to invest/day trade, but felt I wasnt “qualified” enough. As most other’s began, I downloaded Robinhood.
2)I began taking trades off of Reddit and discords at the time, always buying alerts and losing off of them. This was for about 6 months and I didn’t think I would ever be profitable, nor did I understand the basic technicals of trading; Charts, Mental Strength, and Risk/Reward.