Maqsood Profile picture
May 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Indian Supreme Court:

1) Handed over the land on which Babri stood to people who blew up the mosque.

2) Held that religion / caste shouldn't figure in polls but made an exception for Hindutva, claiming it was not a religion but "a way of life of the people of the subcontinent." This essentially imposed restrictions on marginal groups to assert their identity while enabling fascism.

3) Ordered the death of Yakub Menon, falsely holding him guilty of participating in the 93 blasts.

4) Sentenced Afzal Guru to death in a bogus case, justifying it with the
May 25, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Here's why Indian Muslims don't trust all "good guy / gal" secularists.

They're horribly islamophobic in their own right. They'll peddle the worst anti-Muslim tropes, including "love jihad."

We aren't the problem for shunning hatemongers who identify as liberal or left. India is among the most islamophobic countries in the world. Most self-declared "progressives" are upper caste Hindus, the oppressor class. Enlightenment values haven't made us human in their eyes.

Here's Barkha Dutt admitting she covered up Indian army's crimes in Kashmir:
May 24, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Dwijas are a sick people. They'll lynch you, bulldoze your houses and then they'll mock you for your religiosity.

Maybe you should tell your kind to not be genocidal extremists rather than police the beliefs of the minorities you brutalise. @Duneemperorpaul . The belief that for a Muslim to be favoured by Allah (swt), his amaal (deeds) have to be good, is a deeply personal belief.

Otherwise, oppression can be interpreted as fitna (tribulations). Don't tell me you were going after a few Muslim accounts on here. You
Dec 3, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
I wish she would just stop talking about India.

Blaming creation of a Muslim state for Hindu fanaticism in India is a cop out that secularists on either side of the Indus deploy. It does great harm to Indian Muslims.

Even *Hindu* extremism is the fault of Muslims apparently. Hindus across ideological lines have also blamed Muslim social ills for the rise of Hindu fanaticism. Their brutalisation of Muslims is the fault of the victims, they say.

Also, Nehru oversaw blood curdling massacres of Muslims in Hyderabad and Jammu.