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Maratha History Enthusiast | Trolls & Illiterates Will Be Blocked
Feb 11 22 tweets 8 min read
📌 Did you know? Chatrasal Bundela took inspiration from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja to revolt against the Mughals.

✍🏻 Let us explore how a Bundela, a product of Mughal servitude, drew inspiration from the Marathas.

Thread 🧵— Image Who are the Bundelas? If we ignore their fabricated genealogies, they were generations of loyal servants to the Mughals, starting from the time of Jahangir. Image
Feb 7 4 tweets 2 min read
"When the emperor himself goes to the mosque for prayers, he first establishes checkpoints due to Shivaji's fear, and then proceeds."

- Parkaldas Letter to Kalyandas on 7th June, 1666. Image "Shivaji could jump 14-15 feet from the ground and walk 40-50 kos in one breath. Shivaji is a great warrior. If the Badshah fails to kill him, I will leave my mansab and become a fakir."

- Jaswant Singh Rathore Image
Feb 4 20 tweets 10 min read
👑 Reign of Fire - Key Facts of Dharamveer Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaja and his Holy War against Mughals.

🔸All narrated from primary sources hostile to him.

Maratha Inferno Shambhurajavarman waged a Holy War against the Mughals to fulfill his Father's vision. 🌞

Thread 🧵— Image Mughals had destroyed 172 temples in Udaipur alone, 63 in Chittor fort alone, 66 in Amber area alone.

Immediately after this in January to February Maratha Chattrapati Sambhaji Maharaja ravaged Mughal Jaziya base Burhanpur's suburbs Bahadurpura & 17 other suburbs like Hasanpura! Image
Jan 19 18 tweets 6 min read
📌 Total Destruction of False Propaganda Against Dharmaveer Chhatrapati Shambhuji Maharaja !

Feel free to quote this post to shut the mouths of those pathetic Anti-Marathas.

Thread 🧵— Image You must have heard rumors and so-called contemporary sources that tell us that Chhatrapati Shambhuji Maharaja violated a Brahmin girl, or that he was a drunkard and womanizer. Image
Jan 9 17 tweets 9 min read
🧩 Last Piece of the Puzzle!

Dr. Kedar Phalke, in his book Samardhurandhar, also discusses the prejudice of Jadunath Sarkar, who has presented an imaginary revenue for Maharaja Shahji Raje Bhonsle, and the problems begin from there. Image
For proof, refer to 'Shivaji and His Times' by Jadunath Sarkar, 6th edition. Jadunath Sarkar made no effort to calculate where these 20 lakh Hons are coming from. Image
Dec 4, 2024 18 tweets 6 min read
📌 Dark Side of Avarṇa History

📜Let's delve into the woeful and despicable actions committed by the Mysore Zamindars during their reign.

🪞This thread will serve as a mirror, reflecting the dismal history of Mysore chauvinists who rants against The Marathas.

Short Thread🧵— Image Since @shetty_rishab released the poster for his upcoming film about Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, a certain group in the Mysore region has suddenly become upset.

⭐ This is a complete retaliation against the false narrative spread by the Anti-Maratha lobby in Mysore. Image
Dec 3, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
📌 Do you know?
The Maharaja of Indore, Yashwantrao Holkar, was hailed as the savior of Mewad from the Britishers' onslaught in their own Rajasthani contemporary poem.

✍️ Let us examine another excellent example of how the Rajputs were saved by the Marathas.

Short Thread 🧵— Image Yashwantrao Holkar was well-known for his resistance against the British colonialists.

Mewad's contemporary poet, Kavi Jasji Meria, even composed praising verses for him. Image
Nov 20, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
📌 Nobility Under Aurangzib

Jadunath Sarkar provides a comprehensive explanation of Maratha nobility under Aurangzib. It is worth noting that the Marathas were not particularly serious about their Mansabdari under Aurangzib's rule.Image
History of Aurangzib Vol 5 By Jadunath Sarkar
M. Athar Ali, the author of "Mughal Nobility Under Aurangzib," highlights the differences between Rajput and Maratha nobility. While Rajputs were generally loyal and submissive to the Mughals, Marathas did not exhibit the same level of loyalty. The entire Rajput clan typically submitted to the Mughals, which was not the case for the Marathas.Nobility Under Aurangzib by M. Athar Ali
Nov 17, 2024 12 tweets 8 min read
📌 Protector of God & Brāhmaṇa 🕉️

Glimpses of Dhārmik Deeds and Administrative Measures Taken by Chhatrapati Shambhuji Maharaja in his Reign.

Thread 🧵—Image Dānapatra written by Dharmaveer Chhatrapati Shambhuji Maharaja, is a piece of literature so beautiful that every proud Hindu will experience goosebumps upon reading it.

KṣatriyaKuḷāVatamsa HindūPatPātaŚāha Dharmavīr Chatrapatī Śambhuji Mahārāja was well aware of his ancestors' deeds for Hindu Dharma. From Mahārāja Mālōjī Rājē Bhōsalē to his father, he knew what they had sacrificed for their motherland. As the protector of gods, he guarded the temples, and as the protector of Brahmins, this was also mentioned. European reports that Chatrapatī Śambhuji Mahārāja was cruel towards Brahmins are completely unfounded conspiracy theories spread by Anti-Shambhuji elements who wanted to portray Chatrapatī Śambhuji Mahārāja as a weak heir and place Prince Rājārāma Mahārāja as a puppet to rule the government.Image
Nov 14, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
📌 Did you know ? The Rajputs have proclaimed Marathas as the primary protectors of Hinduism 🕉️

Let's see how Sawai Madho Singh of Jaipur hailed the Marathas as saviors of Hindus through the lens of contemporary sources.

Short Thread 🧵—Image When Ahmad Shah Abdali was constantly raiding India and capturing territories, including Delhi, the Rajputs had to call upon the real Kṣatriyas to help and save Hinduism. In this context, Sawai Madho Singh of Jaipur sent a letter to Subhedar Malhar Rao Holkar on 18th March 1757. In this letter, he did not merely beg for help but also hailed the Marathas as the only saviors of Hinduism.Image
Nov 7, 2024 9 tweets 6 min read
📌 A Glimpse of Cruelty and Oppression Within the Mughal Empire

Tearing apart the absurd and dishonest claims of those so-called historians who blindly idolize the Mughal Empire as great and good, shamelessly ignoring its dark and oppressive legacy.

Short Thread 🧵—Image Some contemporary Europeans have exposed the vile oppression suffered by the ordinary people under the Mughal Empire's tyranny. In the service of the East India Company, there was an officer named Francisco Pelsaert, who worked in a warehouse near Agra from 1621 to 1627, he documented the appalling and deplorable conditions that the oppressed masses endured in the Mughal Empire's ruthless grasp.

⁍ Those inhabitants and farmers who were unable to pay their taxes often faced the unfortunate consequence of their wives and children being abducted by the Mughals.Image
Nov 5, 2024 29 tweets 18 min read
📌 Honoring Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja : A Timeless Legacy Celebrated by Global Admirers and Contemporary Writers

Let Us Know Why Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja is the Greatest Hindu Emperor & Role Model of India 🇮🇳

Mega Thread 🧵—Image Contemporary French traveler Abbé Carré documented in his diary that Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj intended to extend Hindu boundaries beyond the Sindh River.

This highlights the ambitious nature of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja.Image
Source :- Foreign Biographies of Shivaji
Nov 3, 2024 12 tweets 9 min read
📌 Did you know? Udaipur still has descendants of Maharana Pratap because of Maharaja Mahadji Shinde !

Story of the Restoration of Chittorgarh and the Suppression of the Chundawut Rebellion by the Marathas.

Thread 🧵—Image Maharana Ari Singh II, much like the other Rajput rulers of his time, was a weak leader whose ruthless policies and behavior resulted in perpetual mismanagement within his domain. Image
Oct 30, 2024 15 tweets 9 min read
⚔️ Unveiling the Legend:

⚡ Rataji Narsimharao Mane Rashtrakut - Conqueror of Mirza Jai SinghImage Rajputs always portray Mirza Jai Singh as an undefeated general, but there is no truth to it.

I am bringing up 3 contemporary farmans for the first time on Twitter about Mirza Jai Singh's defeat at the hands of the Mard Mahratta Ratajirao Mane. Image
Oct 28, 2024 14 tweets 7 min read
Did You Know? Rajputs Considered Mughal Emperor Akbar as an Avatar of Bhagwan Vishnu!

Some amazing facts of Rajputs forefather Mughal Emperor Abu'l-Fath Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Akbar.

Thread 🧵—Image 1/

In the given context, it is crucial to understand that Mughal Emperor Akbar, as portrayed by Leftist Historians and some Rajputs, is not an accurate representation of historical events. We can comprehend the reasons behind the defense of the Mughals by Leftist Historians. However, we must also explore why Akbar continues to be celebrated among certain Unionist Rajputs on social media, and delve into how they have built their admiration for him.
Oct 23, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
Recently discovered inscription of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in Tamil Nadu.

Short Thread 🧵➔ Image This inscription is located in the first hall outside the main sanctum of the famous Abhirameshwara temple in Thiruvamattur village on the banks of the Pamba river in the Villupuram Tamil Nadu state in South India. Essentially, these two pieces are parts of the same stone. Image
Dec 25, 2023 25 tweets 14 min read
Raksha-Bhuwan 1663

The Resounding Triumph Of Madhavrao Peshwa Over Nizam Ali Marks A Decisive Chapter In The Annals Of The Maratha Rebellion, A Testament To Strategic Brilliance & Unwavering Leadership.

Mega Thread 🧵— Image 1) Background:-

Amidst misunderstandings between Raghoba Dada and Maratha Sardars—Bhavanrao Pratinidhi, Gopalrao Patwardhan, Gamaji Baba—aligned with Nizam. Earlier, Janojirao Bhosle of Nagpur strategically joined Nizam Ali. Image
Oct 29, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
How The 'Treaty Of Purandar' Was More Favourable To Hindavi Swarajya Than To The Mughals.

Mega Thread 🧵— Image 1. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja Already Knew The Low Self-esteem Of Mirza Jaisingh When Shivaji Maharaja Directly Told Him That

'If You Have Any Brain Left Then Hold Your Sword High To Take Revenge Of Your Motherland'

Directly Questions His Loyalty, Masculinity & Intelligence.
Shivaji Souvenir Pg. 166
Sep 7, 2023 46 tweets 19 min read
♛ 𝗨𝗻𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗞𝗶𝗻𝗴 ♛

Debunking All Allegations Of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja Being Vassal Or Servant To Mughals

Mega Thread 🧵➝ Image 1) All Thanks To Loyal Mughal Slave Mirza Jai Singh
Because He Is The One Who Wrote The Farman In Treaty Of Purandar.

In That Farman He Calls Shivaji Maharaja As Servant Of Mughals.

I'll Show You Orginal Farman Used In Treaty Of Purandar In This Thread. Image
Sep 6, 2023 15 tweets 11 min read

This Low-Born Can't Stop Me From Debunking His Cope By Blocking Me.

Image 1) In Battle Of Balapur The Army Was Led By Kanhoji Bhosale.

There's Contemporary Source Attached In My Snippet

मराठी रियासत - गो. स. सरदेसाई
Aug 14, 2023 25 tweets 13 min read

Debunking This Low IQ ‘More Sources=We Wuz’ Mulla Sources Claiming Victory Against “Bajirao Pandit Pradhan”.
Image 1/9
Siyar-Ul-Mutakherin 👇🏻

It's Non-Contemporary Memoir By Nobelman In Court Of Nawab Of Bengal.

He Was Not Eyewitness Of The Battle.

His Memoirs Started From 1707 To 1781.

Date Of The Beginning Of The Work Is Unknown.
