From @Columbia, to The @IDF Paratroopers, to Wall Street - Books, Music, Art, & Classic Cars - פעם צנחן תמיד צנחן
Jul 4, 2021 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
My 18-year-old was at a party last night in a nearby town. Another kid started in with him, called him a kike, asked if he wanted his pocket change, etc.
A scuffle ensued and the boys were given martial arts sparring gloves and asked to take it outside.
Long story short, my kid got a bruise on his face, but beat the shit out of the other kid.
Jul 2, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Now playing
Mashina ( משינה )
Mashina ( משינה )
Picking up where I left off:
Now playing
Mashina ( משינה )
Mashina ( משינה )
Jul 2, 2021 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
You'd think that @Yale students know that words have meanings.
These kids could have looked up "genocide" in the dictionary if they valued intellectual integrity.
On Memorial Day I honor the memory of my Great Uncle Ely Berenson, Killed In Action on September 18, 1944.
Thanks to @MStefanski1 for telling his story.