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General Partner @ElectricCapital👩🏻‍💻 Developer Report. 🇨🇳 born, 💬s about NFTs & data. Co-producer @ZoomBachelor 🦇🔊 Views my own.
☀️ Leon-Gerard Vandenberg 🇳🇱🇨🇦🇦🇺 Math+e/acc Profile picture Hakan Profile picture David Profile picture 3 subscribed
Apr 15 33 tweets 8 min read
I always save new crypto social experiments that break the mold.

Here are 20 of the most innovative on-chain experiments I've seen in the last 3 years. Some are well-known, some are not, some are no longer active.

First, let's start with elegant human coordination mechanisms: 1 - Coordinate humans to deploy millions of dollars: @nounsdao

Innovative mechanism: 1 Noun is auctioned a day. Proceeds go to a treasury. Nouns holders vote on use of funds. Using simple rules, Nouns grew into one of the most complex ecosystems on the internet w/ $50M at peak
Jan 17 42 tweets 23 min read
0/ We are delighted to release the 5th annual @ElectricCapital Developer Report

We analyzed a record 485 million code commits across 818k repositories—20x more code than our first report from 2019!

356+ people across the community contributed to making this report.

Long, data-filled thread below! 👇

Read it here:…Image
1/ The high level summary:

Overall developers are down 24% but losses stem mostly from Newcomer developers. Long-term committed developers continue to steadily grow.

Crypto developers have clearly shifted to multi-chain development.

Crypto has clearly become a global phenomenon. US continues to lose developer share.…Image
Mar 24, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
The U.S. has lost its lead in blockchain developers & has gone from 40% to 29% market share of open source devs.

We analyzed 200+ million code commits & 11k+ developer profiles to capture geography data.

Full analysis here:…

Let's break it down 👇🏽 Summary:
- 23,343 open source devs create a market worth $1 trillion+

- U.S. lost 2% market share/yr for the last 5 yrs, primarily to emerging mkts such as India, Ukraine, SE Asia

- 1 million new eng jobs may be created by 2030. It may be difficult for US to recapture dev share
Jan 17, 2023 23 tweets 23 min read
1/ Time for the 4th annual @ElectricCapital Developer Report!

This year we are also proud to launch -- showcasing the data behind the report.

We analyzed 250m code commits and 300+ people contributed to this year's report.

Let's dig in👇 2/ TLDR:
* Monthly devs grew 5% y/y while prices are down 70%+
* 23k+ monthly devs
* 471k monthly code commits
* 3.9k monthly devs in DeFi
* 61k NEW devs touched crypto code in 2022
* Several ecosystems outside of @ethereum have 500+ devs and are growing through this bear market
Jun 7, 2022 19 tweets 11 min read
NFTs are more than art or PFPs.

Most NFTs will *not* derive value from how they look visually.

Let's look at 4 categories of NFTs beyond art or PFPs.

a 🧵 Non-visual NFTs fall broadly into 4 categories:

1/ NFTs that redeem $
2/ NFTs that express reputation & social relationships
3/ NFTs that provide access
4/ NFTs as objects
Nov 2, 2021 18 tweets 6 min read
NFTs are the first truly viral assets.

The future is all about borderless, digital communities connected by the NFTs they own.


A. NFTs signal common interests, identity, & values
B. Large communities can form quickly on the Internet
C. NFT actions are broadcast on-chain. This creates real-time, internet-wide data streams - like an open newsfeed.

Each in more detail 👇🏽

May 25, 2021 30 tweets 13 min read
We're in an NFT renaissance! I'm blow away by the new uses for NFTs I see every day.

Here are 5 new frontiers for NFTs & predictions for the future:…

Monster Thread of 5 new NFT frontiers👇🏽 (1/28) 👩🏻‍💻 1. Proof of Patronage - Creators use NFTs to reward their early supporters w/ exclusive opportunities

- @jackbutcher's new NFT shares revenue w/ those who supported his prev NFTs
- @3LAU and @AkuDreams drop new NFTs that are exclusive to existing patrons (2/28)
Aug 19, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
China is starting to test the Digital RMB and educate its citizens. 🇨🇳

This video is circulating WeChat: China's digital currency in action w/ the Agricultural Bank of China

The woman takes out 50RMB from her bank card & converts it into China's new digital RMB While China runs trials of its digital currency, it's also normalizing the currency in media

Here's a video from CCTV 1 (top channel in China) in May, 2020: "What is Central Bank Digital Currency and How Do We Use It?"