Marilyn Marks Profile picture
Election integrity activist. Political opinions solely my own. Now for most posts.
12 subscribers
Jan 20 7 tweets 3 min read
How did votes for MICKEY MOUSE magically 🪄 get converted to official votes for candidate J. Clements in Sumter County, GA?
@CoalitionGoodGv letter to lawmakers here--
2/ Over 1,600 bogus votes were altered and officially counted for the only candidate in a local election. Why?? Image
Nov 19, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
Thanks, @cklaus1 for focus on this! Perhaps now it will get attention it has needed. The press has repeatedly declined to cover this, and written it off as nothing new or important. There was opportunity to mitigate, and GA SOS just laughed it off and made jokes about it. 1/ 2/ This extreme democracy-threatening vulnerability could have been easily mitigated by using hand marked paper ballots, counted by scanners with robust post-election audits. But states with this vulnerability are certifying the Nov election w/o even checking, ignoring the risk.
Oct 31, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
"No concerns" about the "consistent" ballot secrecy problems that the St. Elec. Bd. Chair is finally acknowledging after refusing for years to deal with this violation of voters' constitutional rights and violating GA and federal law. 🧵1/ 2/ Image
Sep 20, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Hey, @bluestein, @markniesse , can you explain why Dems and officials are against this rule to account for the NUMBER of ballots (not votes!) before sending the ballots and memory cards to HQ?
It is standard requirement in most states, including bluest of states. 1/ 2/ Ballots are often found in scanner write-in bins, emergency bins, scanner crevices long after the election. Test ballots are found in scanners. The right time to collect and RECONCILE and account for all ballots is before workers and watchers leave the polls.
Jul 4, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Coffee County again! It appears that the Bd. of Commissioners is trying to block the Bd. of Elections from initiating an independent investigation of the massive voting system breaches.

We wrote the community:

🗳️ 1/
Image 2/ The theft of the voting system software that Trump's allies arranged and paid for has never been meaningfully investigated.
Sec. Raffensperger and St. Elec. Bd told the federal court in 2022 that there was "active and ongoing" investigation, but that was false!
Jun 27, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
The debate about the Fulton Co. lawsuit on certification continues to lack context of how GA elections work. The progressive groups opposing the fundamentals of this lawsuit may be find it backfires on them. They really don't want what they seem to be asking for here. 1/ 2/ Yes, while certification is SUPPOSED to be "ministerial" and required if there is an accurate canvass of votes, the opponents don't understand that GA doesn't have meaningful canvassing. An election board should NOT just blindly sign whatever pops out of the machines!
Jun 8, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
GA Runoff Voters--Head's Up! 🔔🚨

GA voters are getting alerts in top right corner of their MVP's like below. For many voters, the message is NOT TRUE. ✖️ Ineligible voters are getting this message too.

Why did SOS do this? 🤷‍♀️ Ask him.
1/ Image 2/ You can vote in a runoff contest in the same party you voted in during the May primary. You cannot switch parties for the runoff. If you voted only nonpartisan ballot or did not vote, you can vote in either party's runoff. For example....
May 22, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Coffee County has uploaded no results as of 10:45.
And Bibb County has not uploaded Mail ballots or early voting.

Is this is any way related to the recent cyberattacks?
2/ Also both Coffee and Bibb have had highly restricted voting system software put in the hands of unauthorized actors. But no one has really investigated to figure out if there was damage to the system.

Maybe it is just coincidence, but they shouldn't have to guess!
May 9, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Many damning documents re: Coffee voting system software theft have still not been extracted from Coffee Bd. and their attorneys, Hall Booth Smith. We've made massive efforts to get the Court to force production and sanction them.

Latest brief 1/ ⬇️
Image 2/ Everyone has seen the infamous videos of the intruders starting the first breach:…
May 9, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
2020 election vote counts should be behind us. But Raffensperger & St Elec Bd continue to conceal facts unnecessarily escalating the controversy.

They create more suspicion and doubt. They claim they don’t know what ballots were counted in the Fulton.1/… 2/ It’s very likely that Biden still wins handily if the Fulton votes were accurately counted. However, SOS and SEB are too embarrassed and timid to find out and prove it. It only serves to undermine confidence.

SEB should have insisted on independent review of this complaint.
Apr 17, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
GA Recounts should not be counted using QR codes!

We filed formal request with St. Elec. Bd. today to require manual recounts as GA Law requires.

See our press release explaining the proposal. 1/
Image 2/ GA law requires hand counts for recounts, and the law should be followed, particularly as some 2024 contests could be close and need scrutiny.

Touchscreen-generated ballots will still NOT BE TRUSTWORTHY, but at least the "official" vote--the printed text-- will be counted.
Mar 28, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Today, @CoalitionGoodGv and @FSFP filed a complaint urging the GA St. Elec. Bd. to immediately investigate a potential voting system breach in Bibb County, GA.
We don't have many details, but with the equipment being prepared now for the upcoming primary, this merits attention! 2/ We asked SEB to immediately investigate computer scientist's claims that he had forensically examined "voting system components" in Bibb County. (He provably did so in Coffee County.)

Here is the complaint.

Page 1 below:…
Jan 2, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Sec. of St. Raffensperger is pulling out all stops to fight a court order to testify in our upcoming Curling v Raffensperger trial. Why would that be?

You can read more here, and preview the upcoming trial overview.

⬆️ 1/
Image 2/ The link above is our news update and links to plaintiffs' response to Raffensperger's appeal of the court order to testify.
It is a good read. (Not a dry legal brief.) Here is the brief itself--
Nov 4, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
The disappointing GA. Bureau of Investigation report on Coffee County breaches wouldn't pass muster in jr. college Criminal Justice 101.

The intrepid @AnnaBower of @lawfare obtained a copy & published today.

Here's our take:

Image 2/ The breaches occurred in Jan 2021. Raffensperger says that they were alerted shortly afterward and his investigators were "digging and digging." But he says they were lied to.
Is that why SOS has no files showing any investigation?…
Sep 14, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
This "letter of invitation" from Coffee will be interesting. I hope it surfaces soon.
🧵here on what we @CoalitionGoodGv know and don't know about that.
(Learned through discovery in our Curling case.) 1/ 2/ We first l learned that "written invitation" existed when we obtained text messages from SullivanStrickler, the forensics folks that Powell paid $26K to go copy the state's software in Coffee. Image
Aug 13, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
In stories today by @CNN and @11AliveNews , (linked below) and many stories they spawned, text messages among the Sidney Powell/Trump team are featured.
If you want to see those messages and how we @CoalitionGoodGv unearthed them, see 🧵below. 1/ 2/ Here's the CNN story:…
Apr 25, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵The news that GA voting system compromise was likely planned at the Oval Office w/Trump advisors is finally being reported. (See below.) But the ongoing extreme danger to future elections that this breach entails is not being reported.

See @jhalderm declaration: Image 2/ The full declaration of @jhalderm re: Coffee is here.
Apr 23, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
🧵This Coffee County video posted/explained by @dufort_jeanne raises so many unanswered questions!

SOS investigator (bald guy) walks in on Lenberg who tampered with the election server to change the time/date, etc. but investigator does not investigate. Nothing to see here! 1/ 2/ We @CoalitionGoodGv began requesting video tape in March 2022, and after many denials of its existence, it is miraculously "found" in Aug. & Sept. 2022. (SOS never requested it at all!)
Even after news reports aired it, SOS/ St. Bd didn't request video. "Let GBI handle!" 😡
Apr 18, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
🧵2+ years after nation's largest voting system breach in history, copying GA statewide software that will run the 2024 elections, no one has been held to account, by local, state or federal officials. The details were exposed in our @CoalitionGoodGv lawsuit and by press. 1/ 2/ Even more important than punishing perpetrators, --need to mitigate the dangers of escaped software as we approach 2024 elections. Sec. Raffy and St. Elec. Bd. have doing NOTHING to address the high risk. They have full control and there are easy solutions, but instead... Image
Mar 3, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Exciting news! Our @CoalitionGoodGv recent mountain of evidence filed w/ fed. court in Curling v Raffensperger case will become the initial foundation of documents for GA Tech's Cybersecurity School's Election Security Research Facility.

Press release > 2/ The mountain of evidence collected proves why the GA voting system operates at a high risk of exploitation and election subversion. We are pleased that the evidence will be available to so many professionals across the nation to further research, and inform public policy.
Mar 1, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ GA Election Nerds--
GOP Senate SB221 sponsors and "Ethics" Comm. pretend to increase election audits, while proposing a meaningless audit statute.
They want political credit but not accountable elections.

Audit portion of the bill: ImageImage 2/ SOS Raffensperger was legally required to perform actual pilot RLAs (but he didn't), and was required to give the General Assembly a plan for conducting RLAs, (but he didn't). So they struck that from the law. (See strike out above.)
Can't do your legal duty? Delete the law!