Marion Holman Profile picture
The TRUTH about Statins, formerly @holmanm Info is provided for educational purposes only & should not be considered as medical advice. (NO DM's please)
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Feb 2 6 tweets 1 min read
1/6 Statins can Induce the Accumulation of Regulatory T Cells in Atherosclerotic Plaque. I’ve seen studies where Globally depleting all CD8+ T cells (Tregs) reduces atherosclerotic lesion formation, which uncovers a function of CD8+ T cells in monocyte production in the bone /2 2/6 marrow, subsequently controlling plaque macrophage accumulation. The other issue is that Statins promote apoptosis in vascular smooth muscle cells causing dysfunction and erosion of endothelial cell integrity, resulting in thrombus formation and myocardial infarction /3
Jan 31 5 tweets 1 min read
1/4 There are hundreds if not thousands of risk factors for heart disease, and they all have a root mechanism in common. In general, these are things that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease by causing damage to the endothelium (blood vessel lining), induce clotting, /2 2/4 and reduce endothelial recovery.
Diabetes fits into this category.
Mild to moderate insulin resistance, even if blood sugar levels are not consistently raised, is not benign. It is associated with a whole series of other metabolic abnormalities such as: /3
Jan 29 4 tweets 1 min read
1/4 Before teasing someone for still believing in the Government Nutritional Guidelines, remember that there are still people who believe in the “Lipid Hypothesis” that links high levels of cholesterol in the blood to the development of cardiovascular disease. /2 2/4 A national study has shown that nearly 75% of patients hospitalized for a heart attack had cholesterol levels that indicated they were NOT at high risk for a cardiovascular event based on current national cholesterol guidelines. So what do the idiots suggest ?
Jan 27 6 tweets 1 min read
1/6 The 'statin story' began in 1987 when the first-generation, fungal HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor Lovastatin received FDA approval in the USA. Conveniently, Merck didn’t inform the FDA that Lovastatin blocks cells from obtaining Mevalonate. The FDA were merely told that /2 2/6 Lovastatin inhibits cholesterol synthesis. A lie by omission. If full disclosure had been given, Lovastatin would have never gained approval. Ten years later, the sixth compound of this class came onto the world market--the fully synthetic statin Cerivastatin (Baycol). /3
Jan 26 5 tweets 2 min read
1/5 The iconic 1960s advertising slogan “Go to work on an egg” yields spectacular health benefits by lowering your risk of heart attacks and strokes. Eggs also have a very favourable effect on your lipid profile. Instead of lowering cholesterol with Statins, eat eggs. /2 2/5 Eating eggs: The composition of LDL particles was significantly altered; the core became enriched in esterified cholesterol at the expense of Triglycerides. Esterification of cholesterol is a universal mechanism to store and transport large quantities of cholesterol /3
Jan 26 7 tweets 2 min read
1/7 After decades of demonizing natural saturated fat and cholesterol, it may be hard for some people to recognise what is becoming an irrefutable fact: That eliminating fat and cholesterol from your diet could be doing more harm than good: /2 2/7 “Fat is not the issue, and is never going to be an issue. Eating fat & cholesterol does not necessarily raise your cholesterol levels. Eating healthy fats from real whole food sources is fine. Eliminating seed oils, and artificial foods like sugar, white bread, and /3
Jan 25 4 tweets 1 min read
1/4 This is the 'Theory' of heart disease 2025: The basic idea is that an elevated level of LDL cholesterol, as estimated by the FriedWald equation, makes these nasty lipoprotein particles stick to your arterial walls, causing plaque to develop and eventually rupture. /2 2/4 Saturated fat is the main dietary cause of heart disease because it is purported to elevate the "bad" LDL cholesterol. The lowering of LDL with Statins is supposed to protect against, and even reverse Atherosclerosis. 🙄 (not) /3
Jan 24 8 tweets 2 min read
1/8 When your doctor recommends you take a statin does he tell you that statins “stabilize” plaque, as if this feature of the drug was somehow beneficial, or does he tell you the truth ? That statins lead to more extensive coronary artery calcification by triggering /2 2/8 an osteoblast-like differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells leading to more extensive plaque deposition. My guess is he tells you the former.
Statins are mitochondrial toxins. There are many ways in which statins increase coronary artery calcification. /3
Jan 22 7 tweets 2 min read
1/7 if you're a person who needs to see a double blind study proving that water is wet, this might not be for you.
In reality, each concept, once it is shown, is quite obvious. /2 2/7 Several mechanisms account for the neurological effects of statins on brain function, most of which focus on the important role lipids play in brain processes. Reductions in serum lipid levels negatively affect the formation of neuronal cell membranes, myelin sheath, and /3
Jan 21 5 tweets 1 min read
1/5 Statins block cell synthesis of BOTH Cholesterol and Isoprenoids from Mevalonate. This elevates Reductase This blockade eventually kills cells. Mevalonate REVERSES the killing effect of Statins on cells. Akira Endo - a Japanese biochemist whose research into /2 2/5 the relationship between fungi and cholesterol biosynthesis led to the development of Statin drugs reported: “Studies by investigators showed that in cultured fibroblasts high concentrations of Statin block passage through the cell cycle and alter cell morphology. /3
Jan 21 8 tweets 2 min read
1/8 Visiting ‘Statin damaged’ friends is incredibly depressing. In July 2023 I met up with a friend who was prescribed Statins for high LDL-C. Blind faith in his doctor, the pharma propaganda, and belief in the flawed "lipid hypothesis" decimated his health. /2 2/6 Prior to Statins he was healthy and active. A builder by profession. Now he can hardly walk. He is suffering from statin induced rheumatoid arthritis, cognitive decline and severe myopathy. /3
Jan 20 6 tweets 2 min read
1/6 I received a mail yesterday from @authearth regarding his use of Statins and Repatha. I’m posting the content of the mail so that others don’t fall into the cholesterol lowering trap. Max is now in a wheelchair as a result of using these drugs.
2/6 "Hi Marion, just wanted to say how much you and your posts have helped me. Since we last spoke, my Stroke doctor and my Neurologist have agreed that Repatha has permanently damaged me. My knowledge of what was going on was due to the information you gave me and others. /3
Jan 19 9 tweets 2 min read
1/9 Please don't kid yourself. There is no such thing as a statin “side effect”. Statin toxicity is a direct and very predictable effect of blocking MEVALONATE by inhibiting the enzyme REDUCTASE, that makes it. /2 2/9 Statin toxicity is a sign that certain cells cannot mutate by increasing Reductase and overcome the direct CELL TOXIC effect of the Mevalonate blockade of Statins. Pharmaceutical companies knew this back in 1980. /3
Jan 17 6 tweets 1 min read
1/6 I have much respect for Cardiologists. They perform intricate heart surgery which, without doubt, SAVES LIVES. My question is, why do Cardiologists undo all their good work by prescribing statin drugs post surgery? A drug which is known to elevate blood glucose leading /2 2/6 to new onset diabetes. A drug which increases coronary artery calcification, and via its mevalonate blockade oxidative stress and death to muscle cells. After all, the heart is a muscle. One of the hardest working muscles in the human body. /3
Jan 16 10 tweets 2 min read
1/10 For years people have been led to believe that cholesterol is some kind of nasty fatty substance that clogs the arteries causing heart disease. and to rid ourselves of evil killesterol we need a statin. Since everyone is being taught to fear cholesterol we should know /2 2/10 that cholesterol is actually a crystal of solid alcohol known as a steroid. The word cholesterol comes from Ancient Greek chole- 'bile' and stereos 'solid', followed by the chemical suffix -ol for an alcohol. Cholesterol is a vital component in the membranes of cells /3
Jan 15 4 tweets 1 min read
1/4 Diabetes and Atherosclerosis are connected and accelerate heart disease. The factors explaining such acceleration, are dyslipidemia, high Triglycerides/low HDL-C, with increased levels of atherogenic LDL-C, hyperglycemia, oxidative stress, & increased inflammation. /2 2/4 Statins are diabetogenic agents causing oxidative stress to cells. Attempting to artificially lower LDL with statin drugs will inevitably lead to increased plaque burden. Lowering insulin/inflammation via a Ketogenic, LCHF, or Carnivore diet will generally result in lower /3
Jan 13 6 tweets 2 min read
1/6 Unfortunately the "LDL is evil" mantra continues unabated. Thanks to the pharmaceutical research fog you will NOT see that LDL is an absolute necessity for synaptic remodelling (MEMORY). We read about memory loss with Statin use, much down played with /2 2/6 "benefits outweigh the risks” blah blah. However, myopathy is rampant in Statin users. Is it a neurogenic myopathy due to induced LDL deficiency ? Keep in mind that the myelin sheath is in huge part Lipids. The dry mass of both CNS and PNS myelin is characterized by a /3
Jan 13 6 tweets 2 min read
1/6 It's unsurprising that statin use is associated with higher coronary artery calcium scores. Statins are mitochondrial toxins. There are many ways in which statins increase calcification. Sufficient production of vital biochemicals such as Geranylgeraniol (GGPP) /2 2/6 are required to maintain endotoxin tolerance in macrophages. Macrophages are the hallmarks of atherosclerosis, contributing to plaque development, inflammation, and the promotion of thrombosis. GGPP is downstream of Mevalonate in the cholesterol synthesis pathway, /3
Jan 12 9 tweets 2 min read
1/9 What contributes to heart disease ? Hyperinsulinemia, Inflammation & Infection.
Chronic inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, infections such as periodontal disease & HIV, are all associated with an increased risk of heart disease. /2 2/9 Patients with these disorders also have an increase in coronary artery calcium. WHY ?? Because inflammation & infections induce a variety of alterations in lipid metabolism that may initially DAMPEN inflammation or fight infection, but if chronic, can contribute to the /3
Jan 11 9 tweets 2 min read
1/9 (Reuters) 2011- People who have had a type of stroke caused by bleeding in the brain should avoid taking cholesterol-lowering drugs known as Statins, U.S. researchers said on Monday. Although Statins are commonly used to prevent heart attacks and strokes, they said the /2 2/9 drugs could increase the risks of a second stroke in these patients, outweighing any other heart benefits from the drugs. "Our analysis indicates that in settings of high recurrent intracerebral hemorrhage risk, avoiding statin therapy may be preferred," /3
Jan 10 8 tweets 2 min read
1/8 When there is zero conflict of interest, no statistical shenanigans, and no ‘smoke & mirrors’ in a statin trial, strange things happen. The ALLHAT (Antihypertensive and Lipid Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial) lasted about eight years and the results were /2 2/8 announced in 2002. This trial presented the unique characteristic of being run - not by a pharmaceutical company but by independent pubic institutions. Despite a 17% reduction in cholesterol levels in the drug arm of the trial there was NO mortality benefit & slightly /3