Marion Koopmans, publications: Profile picture Head of Viroscience Department , WHO collaborating centre EID
15 subscribers
Jan 19 6 tweets 2 min read
Shooting the messenger. The person who developed a global network for collaborative surveillance is scapegoated in a political “ trial”. Discussing safety of biosurveillance and details of reporting is one thing. But singling out a single actor and organisation for “ the safety Of americans” is preposterous. I would suggest that this committee looks at the bovine H5 flu situation in the US, which is teaching material for universities and public health institutes across the globe on how to NOT do outbreak response…
Sep 4, 2024 23 tweets 5 min read
1. Een draad nav een belangrijk rapport: Oversterfte obv huisartsen informatie, 1 miljoen personen. Onderzocht in relatie tot vaccinatie (COVID19) , type vaccin, aantallen vaccinaties, en medische voorgeschiedenis. 2. Verschillende leeftijdsgroepen en de griepgroep onder de 60 jaar (de oudere griepgroep zit al in de leeftijdscategorien). Data 2021 in vergelijking met de periode 2015-1018. Oversterfte bekeken binnen drie en twaalf maanden
Aug 22, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
You only have to read the abstract to see how complex the mpox situation is in DRC. 1) Genetically diverse MPXV lineages co-circulate suggesting multiple zoonotic introductions from one or multiple reservoir species. 2) The Clade Ib expansion in South and North Kivu. 3) Recent identification of mpox cases in Kinshasa shows multiple virus lineages being present within a large urban center. That shows there is no simple " do this or that" measure to control this. International news has focussed on the increased human - to-…
May 12, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Stukken over de bv van ex wetenschapper Plasterk en . Stuk van maarten Keulemans legt de vinger op de zere plek: universiteiten worden ook gezien als verdienmodel, met de impliciete verwachting om " vindingen" te…… zodat bedrijven daar verder mee aan de slag kunnen. Dat levert soms lastige discussies op, inclusief de vraag: hoe onafhankelijk is een wetenschapper nog die probeert data te genereren die een patent interessant maken voor investeerders. Ik heb daar al mijn hele carrière .....
Jan 17, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
This article is making the rounds. Since I suspect most people seeing this have not read the publication cited here, some information: 1/… As far as i can tell, The authors studied a pangolin virus, in mice that have been changed genetically: with this change they have the receptor for SARS COV 2 on their cells. Without that, ACE 2 binding viruses would not infect.
Nov 14, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
This paper should nominated as " paper of the year" if it were up to me. Why? It is a beautiful example of studying the relationship between anthropogenic change and spillover risk, based on 25 years of data collected in Australia. their basis was data from spillovers of Hendra virus. They then focussed on locations of bat roosts. Fruit bats are the reservoir of Hendra viruses. Historically, the bats were nomadic, moving among roost sites to track pulses of flowering by Eucalyptus trees Image
Oct 22, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Interesting paper this week in cell press that studied a possible pathway that is disrupted in patients with long COVID (LC). An comination of studies involving patients and mechanismtic research in mice builds the case for a gut-brain axis involovement… An interesting finding that did not get too much attention (in my view) was that they grouped the patients based on symptoms. They then analysed metabolites and found significant differences in the levels of amino acids and particularly 5HT, in the serotonin pathway (reduced) Image
Sep 24, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Great paper by PhD student Louella Kasbergen. Massive piece of work, looking into the quality of studies using serology for arbovirus exposure testing. This is often done, but quite challenging due to cross reactive antibodies 1/.. Image She did a systematic review of current knowledge and knowledge gaps in differential arbovirus serology, based on 102 papers. Using a quality scoring system she shows that the majority of papers provides insufficient detail to support conclusions on outcomes 2/.. Image
Sep 10, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
Veel heisa over “mijn bewuste acties om zaken onder de pet te houden”, volgens @mauricedehond. Bronnen: mails, een dia, en een shot uit een interview. Voor hem HET bewijs dat ik me het recht toe eigende om de wereld voor te liegen. Dat is nogal wat. Laten we ff echt kijken. Voorafgaand aan de meeting met Dr Fauci was er een publicatie die concludeerde: komt uit vleermuizen, kijk maar naar de fylogenie. Daarvan zei Kristian A: dat kun je met fylogenie niet bewijzen (wat klopt). Is makkelijker om daar even overleg over te hebben (mail 1 februari 2020)
Aug 24, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
evidence review "Stay-at-home orders, physical distancing measures, and restrictions on gathering sizes were repeatedly found to be associated with significant community-wide reductions in SARS-CoV-2 transmission"… "Within care home settings, strict cohorting of staff alongside residents and restrictions on visitors were frequently found
to be associated with reduced SARS-CoV-2 transmission among residents and reduced outbreaks within care homes".
Jun 10, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
NIH to intensify scrutiny of foreign grant recipients in wake of COVID origins debate……i guess that means an admin top-up as well? The argument that data should flow freely: well, lets evaluate how common that is between US institutes…..… It will all depend on how this is done. Sharing labbooks and all data every few months also sounds line a awfull lot of work. The data is there, of course, archiving is part of lab routine. And for genomic data and derived data, we have data repositories in the INSDC, see fi ..
Jun 2, 2023 10 tweets 6 min read
@KatherineEban @VanityFair Interesting read, with some surprising observations. Reading it, i cannot help but mentioning an omission: the initial draft paper on the market by Gao et al found an association with human DNA, not mentioning animal DNA presence. @KatherineEban @VanityFair I think the biggest issue with the new information was: there was DNA present from a range of wild animals that had NOT been mentioned in the data on market analyses produced by china authorities. This already had been clear since a survey was published on live animals
Jun 1, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
"One of the points is how different aspects of our health care system performance and readiness will impinge on how well we are able to respond to a pandemic" Some lessons from a debate, but I do think they oversimplify the testing issue. @NEJM @JeremyFarrar particularly: Not all solutions come from private sector. Or SHOULD come from the private sector for that matter. I think it is unfortunate to see that narrative going around. We need strengthening of public health labs, reference labs, people that do this for a living, ....
May 30, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
"it is likely that PASC immunopathology is quite distinct and heterogeneous, thus requiring large-scale longitudinal analyses in patients with and without PASC after an acute SARS-CoV-2 infection." Could not agree more (which is tragic)! An excellent overview of the current ... knowledge of innate and adaptive immune responses in acute and long COVID-19, with a listing of observations. A key challenge (imho): there is no large cohort that allows testing all of this. As a consequence, there is a staggering list of outstanding questions, listed here and .
May 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
A bleak report on a hugely challenging problem: the need for change in academic work culture to reduce mental health issues. A staggeringly high percentage of people experience excess pressure, bullying, discrimination. Now this seems to be happening in all of society.. But does mean “we” need to act. With “we”, i mean us, academic leaders, but also everyone involved. The discrepancy between anonymous reports and formal complaints shows there are barriers to reporting. …
May 27, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Gezien/gehoord deze week: 1. collegetour fimpje over Sigrid Kaag 2. Bijeenkomst Spinoza club oa over de machteloosheid van werkgevers 3. Verhaal van jurist die aangeeft dat aangifte doen als target tot verergering leidt 4. Een golf van media aandacht, .1/ Over o hoe erg dit is 5. Commentaren van collega politici , die het ook erg vinden maar natuurlijk niet zwichten. Wat ik er van vind? 1. Herkenbaar, pijnlijk, woestmakend 2. Gebruikt het programma dit nu als reklame? Letterlijk: ga dat zien, zondag! Dubieus 3. 2/
May 25, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Volgende spreker vanuit landsadvocaat met terugblik. Meer dan 50 kort gedingen over allerlei onderwerpen. Vooral bij versoepelingen kwamen er procedures. Daarbij leerden alle advocaten de “ medisch epidemiologische adviezen” te lezen. Eerste geding bij “ de speech van Rutte” : “Overheid, u doet te weinig”. Boeiend verhaal over behoefte aan informatie over bestrijding vanuit de advocatuur en hoe bij de eerste rechtszaak de rechter een toetsingskader ontwikkelde dat sindsdien gehanteerd kon worden
May 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Tweede spreker bij afscheid George Haringhuizen: kerckhaert, burgemeester Hengelo en voorzitter integriteitscommissie J&V en betrokken bij de oprichting van het Centrum Infectieziektenbestrijding . Maar ook betrokken bij het project “ versterking infrastructuur bestrijding”. Toenmalige inzet: bouw aan vertrouwen , ga terug naar 25 GGDen, markeer wanneer iets een landelijke aanpak vergt. Advies toen: capaciteit is te beperkt voor een nationale crisis. Interessant om vanuit de toenmalige adviezen de pandemie te bezien. Volgens Kerckhart met name ..
May 25, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
@RinkevdBrink advies: onvermoeibaar kennis delen, belangrijk om te blijven doen. Voorbeelden oa @mkeulemans die daarvoor terecht journalist van het jaar werd. Ook de 2-wekelijkse update door Jaap van Dissel en Jacco Wallinga bij de @NOS als goed voorbeeld Met wekelijkse meer dan een miljoen lezers, wat aangaf hoe groot de honger naar kennis was. Daar stonden kritische geluiden tegenover: het red team, maar ook artsen die corona als probleem ontkenden
Apr 30, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
thread on this new paper: New study from large group of authors, almost all from China (including Hongkong), focusing on virus discovery. Group reflect veterinary/agriculture and wildlife expertise.… Focus on virus diversity in pangolin and zoo animals, given examples of zoonotic spillovers, including SARS COV 2. The authors comment that the bioprospecting approach (metagenomic testing) is insufficient: it discovers many “ new” viruses but does not say if they are a problem.
Apr 29, 2023 23 tweets 8 min read
Ok, thread on wastewater, flagging paper. We've been interested in exploring wastewater for some time, starting with a collaboration with @DTUtweet where Frank Aarestrup has been pushing this for some years for surveillance of antimicrobial resistance. When we teamed up with @Compare and @veo (thanks, @H2020 program!) we included it in our plans. General concept: catch all surveillance could make surveillance of unusual diseases, pathogens, resistance genes more accessible, independent from human sampling,