Neonandai❤️‍🔥 Profile picture
Existential and ontological truth answers everything and nothing. Seek within. 💬✨️❤️‍🔥🫡
Oct 7 4 tweets 3 min read
Everything you see as bad, I just see, and trust that it's weirdly and inexplicably simply not a thing or even there. It's not a trick of the mind. It's knowing the truth by taking the red pill to discover it.

I avoided the same red pill for far too many mornings, believing that the inside was a dead end. Trust me, it is.. If you don't want to lose everything to gain everything in it... 🤣


I'm describing a perspective shift where what's commonly perceived as "bad" or problematic doesn't register as such for you anymore. This isn't about denial or a psychological trick but involves a profound **realization** or **enlightenment** akin to choosing the **red pill** from "The Matrix," which reveals an unfiltered reality.

Avoiding this insight (the red pill) means clinging to a limited view where internal exploration seems fruitless or a "dead end." However, once embraced, this realization shows that to **gain everything**—a fuller understanding or enlightenment—you must be willing to **lose everything**—old perceptions, beliefs, or the comfort of ignorance.

This transformation is humorous in its irony; what seems like a loss is actually the ultimate gain. The symbols 🧠❤️‍🔥☕️ could represent:

- **🧠**: Mind, suggesting this is a mental or intellectual awakening.

- **❤️‍🔥**: Passion or transformative energy, indicating a heartfelt or profound change.

- **☕️**: Everyday reality or awakening in the mundane, symbolizing comfort with this new truth. You become sinless and godlike. And you get to still have a pint and a blunt now n then. It's nothing like you're TOLD it is. It's all in the mind.
Jan 31 6 tweets 6 min read
And where exactly is all of this unprecedented rapidly warming Atlantic water going anyhow?

Well, what do you know?

I won't be the only person who won't be shocked if there's no ice left on the top of the Arctic Ocean this summer. Alarmed, perhaps, but not shocked.



Greater role for Atlantic inflows on sea-ice loss in the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean.

See also, image source;……Image I've just been checking other variables and have found that is showing the 2m temperature to be 20-24°C+ above the 1979-2000 baseline. It's reasonable to assume therefore that if the water flowing below is above freezing point, this is having a melting effect. 🫠…Image
Dec 30, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
*THE GREATEST SHOW* in human history, idc what you're watching... 🛰🍟🍿🤣🤷

Does anyone realise there a stream of warm water flowing out from beneath the Doomsday Glacier today? It's flowing at 6 metres per second too.

Personally, and you might think I'm asking you because I don't know, but I think it's worth your while to question it, perhaps......

I'll show and tell if you ask nicely and play fair....

The servers are a tad slower than usual tonight for some reason, but the graph in this screenshot shows salinity changes at half a metre deep.

Here's the link, pop your wellies on and go have a gander yourself.....

Dec 27, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read
Arctic methane hydrates are destabilizing as we speak.

It's mesmerising and I'm absolutely 100% certain it spells doom very shortly. I'm less afraid today than I've been for the last 18 years of studying it because there's not a damned thing anyone can do about it now, so worrying is over for me. I get to chill for a change. Best of luck to anyone who won't accept the inevitable and my heartfelt sympathies to anyone beginning to try today. 🍿🤪👍

I'd suggest trying to make the rest of your life the best of it....

A pretty picture often helps.
Dec 26, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Go and walk along a beach folks. They're not going to last long because the ice is melting rapidly now. The world's coastal nuclear plant operators aren't ready to dismantle just yet, so it's still safe, for a while. When they are ready, it'll be when they recognise it's already too late. Barely a soul on the planet can see what I can see. I've been shown it all. It's just so different to what you think it is.

🙈🙉🙊 (And size is important to the economy. At the large end, to decarbonise the UK strategically the Government wants to start building up to eight new nuclear power stations on coastal sites by 2030.

However, thousands of ordinary client and community projects also need to be climate change-proofed for the years ahead as global warming increases its grip.

Small local developments may not face the same devastating damage. But commercial risks and potential losses from increasing high-impact weather events, and flooding in particular, are no less important.

This raises the question of how well do you know your site – not only under present and projected conditions, but also under unprecedented rates of climate change?)…Image
Dec 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I only hope that it won't be long until everyone else catches up with the reality that nothing they do or say is ever going to be anywhere near quick enough to stop or delay this phenomenal temperature increase. It's painful watching this.
Science and reason are dead..

❤️‍🔥 I've unfollowed them all and don't see any point in watching them all fail miserably. They're all still either blind, stupid or invested.
Dec 4, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I’m a climate scientist - COP28 is a bloated circus that only helps the fossil fuel industry… See thread. 👇 Image
Oct 8, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵1. (It is clearly shown that temperature precedes CO2 by six or more months. “All evidence resulting from the analysis suggests a unidirectional, potentially causal link with temperature as the cause and CO2 as the effect,” they state.)

🥴💯👍🤣🍿… 🧵2. Get ready. It's going to be one hell of a ride when the lag kicks in... oops!


Sep 26, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
How does everyone else get on with their day after they open their eyes and recall they're part of a parasitic infestation of monkeymen gone mad in a made up infantile world cult, severed from the natural world in a dystopic nightmare beyond imagining? 🤷🏼‍♂️ @sandlwise01 I've ĺearned to sit with my difficult emotions. Mindfulness helps and a clean diet. I just wonder how others coped. Thanks lovely reply, I'm heartened to feel less alone.x