Martha McSally Profile picture
Former fighter pilot helping people find their own Top-Gun courage. Keynote Speaker.
Sep 16 10 tweets 3 min read
The U.S. Air Force made a dangerous mistake on Friday.

They are getting rid of the A-10 attack plane for good, starting with deactivating the 354th Fighter Squadron, which I had the honor to command.

Lives will be lost from this reckless decision. Here’s why. 🧵

The A-10’s specialty is Close Air Support (CAS). When America’s sons & daughters are under fire on the ground and need urgent help, the A-10 shows up.

These missions are complex. Friendly & enemy are often close, & risk of friendly fire is real. The A-10, affectionately called the Warthog, was designed for this.👇
Jan 30, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
I have heard enough. It is time to vote. The House Democrats have repeatedly claimed their case has overwhelming evidence—the same House Democrats who could have handled this matter through a bipartisan oversight process.