Martin Thwaites Profile picture
Developer Advocate @honeycombio, #o11y activist, Microsoft MVP, Triager for #OpenTelemetry #dotnet #MVPBuzz
Sep 4, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
A previous company is 4 years into a 3 month migration to PHP from a .NET solution me and my team spent nearly 2 years writing.

They proudly announced it was "easily" and "the previous devs over complicated it". The thing is, we spent a tonne of time making it LOOK simple, and the fact that we spent so much time optimising it, making it fast, meant it felt like it was doing simple stuff.

They refused to accept the information from the experts that it was actually quite complex.
Feb 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Adding to the hills I will eventually die on... RUM is not a tool for engineers. (The tool, not the drink, we definitely need the drink)

Yes, you need to see what real users are doing in production. However, the way that the information is used, and by who, is very different. Giving engineers an idea that "this page is used a lot", or "the rendering on this page is slow" isn't good enough. We've been through this on the backend with coarse metrics that lack context. It's just not good enough. You're doing your users and operators a disservice.