Brad Slager - Scrubbing Down In a Bloodbath Profile picture
Bourbon-soaked Smoke-infused Statuesque Gadabout. Anti-18th Amendment Activist. Blackhat in media @Townhallcom @RedState @LieAbleSources @KLRNRadio Leaf/pupself
Jul 24, 2024 8 tweets 5 min read
The press is actively working on behalf of Kamala Harris. The effort is being made to repair her image on the border crisis, and to do so they not only need to give revisionist history - they need to contradict themselves.
A thread:
1/ Image What can be said of a "fact" checker like @AndreByik who cannot manage to check his own paper's archives?
Nov 16, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Not to imply that the @NYTImes is obsessed with Trump running once again and desperate to have him back on their pages -- Instead I'll just display it.
All of these are from THE PAST DAY
1/ Annnnnnd...there's more
Apr 7, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
This piece is woefully insufficient in assessing what @60Minutes let transpire and delivered as 'journalism'.
Describing what they did as ''missing the mark'', and describing it as a ''sloppy moment'' completely excuses the malpractice they committed in going after DeSantis.
1/ The 'Pay for Play' is a serious accusation, insinuating a company bribed a government leader.
Not only did the show fail to provide evidence, it did not even describe the benefit the company allegedly received. They implied criminal behavior in the absence of a crime
Oct 4, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
The press subsisted for years on President Trump allegedly involved with Russia. Deals with a foreign enemy, profiting while a threat to our nation, and tight with Putin while servicing a communist nation.
All said, the press should be very concerned about Joe Biden. A thread
- Biden's friend former Senator Chris Dodd was President of Motion Picture Assoc. of America. Dodd praised Biden for Hollywood getting sweetheart deals with China.
- Biden met with Chinese politicians in LA and got an agreement for more US films and a greater cut of profits.
Aug 17, 2020 17 tweets 11 min read
'Roight then -
Tonight we keep #ButlerFest moving along, our annual monthly tribute to master thespian @GerardButler.
This go 'round he places himself in the hands of Guy Ritchie, so Gerry is immersed in the mean streets of London for the ensemble crime romp ''Rocknrolla''. Image Guy Ritchie exploded on the scene following his stylish neo-noir crime movies “Lock, Stock, & Two Smoking Barrels”, and the very excellent “Snatch”. His career was to be stratospheric

Then he met Madonna.

Then he made “Swept Away”. No more need be said.
Aug 11, 2020 22 tweets 14 min read
It feels right for some Gerard Butler magic as we continue on our monthlong celebration of Scotland's master thespian.
I'm working without a net here, as I delve into a thriller of his I have never seen - SHATTERED.
The DVD-level poster speaks volumes.
#ShatteredMovie Image A couple in a wonderful marriage becomes threatened by an outsider - with nefarious intentions! (all drama is assumed, at this stage.)
This 2007 thriller was once called ''Butterfly On A Wheel''. They dropped that clunker for a wholly generic title.
Aug 4, 2020 26 tweets 10 min read
Okay Jerks -
The mean cyber gods kept me off of the intertubes for a few days, so I am kicking off our annual August #ButlerFest in proper fashion.
Allow me to walk you through the CLASSIC that is GEOSTORM. This is a film that demands to be seen, to be appreciated - to be loved. Image This is the one sheet from the release. Looks damned dramatic, eh? That wave is what, 50 feet tall, 100 feet? ? ?
Well, we'll never know.
The studio sold the film with an image that never takes place in the movie itself. Image
Apr 28, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
My recruiter never told me about the realities - of course he didn't. He made Wuhan sound like an exotic place. But before you knew it we were hunkered, but thankfully my roommate was a veteran of H1N1 - he saw the trouble coming.
1/ #CovidWarDiary

Early into the siege the supply line were cut off. We lost Charmin Hill first, then they blocked access to Cottonelle Valley. We heard from Dollar General there could be some needed rations. They were 1-ply, but we took what we could carry
Jun 26, 2019 14 tweets 4 min read
With Democrats stampeding in my area for their big debate tonight they are clamoring around for photo-ops. The Homestead Detention Center is the favorite stop, of course.
I'm going to do something here the Democrats are not interested in -- presenting FACTS about the location. 2/
The Homestead Immigration facility is a favorite stop because it is the second largest in the nation that houses immigrant youths.
It was exactly one year ago when I covered Bill Nelson and Debbie Wasserman making a "surprise" visit to the facility.
Mar 28, 2019 11 tweets 2 min read
There's a lot to untruck here in Schiff's comments. He continues to mislead on the actions and events regarding the Mueller probe's findings. He goes through a litany here, and most if not all of it hinges on prevarication, or at least biased interpretation. 2/
He says the GOP "might think it's okay" that the Russians offered dirt on the Democrat candidate for the election.
Note Schiff is unbothered that Hillary DID use dirt on Trump, from the Russians, for the election. She bought and paid for the Steele Dossier. That is proven.