Marty Bent Profile picture
Founder @TFTC21. Co-Founder @rabbitholerecap. Co-Founder @TheStandardBTC. Partner @ten31vc. Director @CathedraBitcoin. #bitcoin We're going to win.
2 subscribers
Jan 16, 2024 14 tweets 4 min read
Going to keep a thread of the insane totalitarianism coming out of Davos this week.

We’ll start with John Kerry stating that elected leaders won’t be able to stop insane climate hysteria policies if they want to.

Lord Ursula explaining how governments are going to unabashedly censor speech to make sure there’s no wrong think that leaks to the public.
May 23, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
I wrote a thread about our on-grid strategy at @TheStandardBTC.

Now let's talk about our off-grid strategy, which aims to tackle the stranded well problem in Appalachia with bitcoin mining data centers and generators produced by @upstreamdatainc. Appalachia is filled with shallow oil basins that were drilled years ago. At the time, it only made sense to extract and transport the oil out of the area. There were very few nat gas pipelines built to bring the associated gas to market because it wasn't economically viable.
May 22, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Had an epiphany on the mining stage during my panel with @thetrocro, @TheGuySwann and @hhornblower95 that I tried to articulate on the go and want to articulate it here.

It is very ironic that politicians and central bankers refer to bitcoin mining as wasteful. I understand this irony very deeply because of the work we're doing at @TheStandardBTC. Our strategy is to identify rural towns with falling populations that have excess capacity at substations because a large manufacturing facility left town due to globalization.
Mar 19, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Jan 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Three alarm bells signalling that we are in the midst of a recession in the US. 🧵 Consumer credit is hitting all time highs as savings rates are absolutely tanking. Consumers are extremely stressed right now and overextending by blowing through their savings and going into more debt.

This trend will lead to a world of hurt, especially as interest rates rise.
Dec 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Unfettered money printing by central banks fuels a high velocity trash economy filled with degenerates. It's pretty simple. It creates an environment of perfectly perverse incentives.

Forcing both parents into the workforce leads to more undisciplined children.

Decreased purchasing power and wage growth below real inflation rates leads people to crime to get ahead.
Nov 13, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
Hey @lexfridman why did you remove the episode you recorded with @willmacaskill? Worried people will find out you’re an Effective Altruism adherent? For those who are unaware, Will is one of the founders of EA and personally groomed SBF for years before he founded FTX and was heavily involved with the “exchange” post-launch.
Sep 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
With cloud seeding as a tactic of war going mainstream I think it's easy to make the case that transitioning to solar is a catastrophic error that would leave any grid dependent on solar a sitting duck. Also, on that same tip, wasn't Bill Gates pushing for blotting out the sun with metallic sprays last year? How can he push for a gReEn TrAnSiTiOn dependent on solar panels out of one side of his mouth while campaigning for the blotting out of the sun out of the other?
Sep 8, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Listening to @MacroVoices with @SantiagoAuFund and I can't help but think about how insane it is that global markets are so dependent on the whims of very few individuals out of billions of us. Also, bitcoin is the next reserve currency. Governments cannot compete with it. You two are naive to think an apolitical protocol that cannot be controlled by the insane people ruining the world right now won't become the dominant money.
Jul 9, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Unproductive central planners are ruining the world. If we're going to get ourselves out of this mess it's important that the productive class begins to ignore the unproductive class and get shit done, starting with the energy sector.

The energy sector could flip the script and right the ship in a relatively short period of time if those in charge of the companies that provide the world with energy demanded better money for their goods and services. Money that can't be manipulated by central planners. Bitcoin.
Jun 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Hyperinflation is part mechanical - driven by the overall number of monetary units - and part social - driven by confidence in the ability of central planners to control inflation.

We are getting very close to the collapse in confidence part of the equation. Buckle up. Hitting consistent 40-year high CPI prints (which severely underrepresent actual inflation) during one of the most aggressive rate hike regimes in recent history is driving people to ask, "Can the Fed and the Treasury actually control this?"
May 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This is a bad long-term strategy from a narrative perspective.

Setting the industry up to get called out for failing to reach self declared expectations as mining further integrates itself with the oil and gas industry.

The “renewable transition” meme is a trap. And it’s stupid in most cases. A transition to renewables outside of very specific localities is a terrible idea.

Just look at Germany.
Feb 17, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Well, yesterday’s TFTC rip with Doc Woods has been pulled from YouTube and our page got another strike.

Absolutely wild that one can’t discuss adverse reactions highlighted in the VAERS database openly without being censored. The vaccine is potentially killing people and you can’t even talk about it.
Feb 16, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Freaks, it's time to address something that is looming over the world; The Cuban Nipple Crisis.… Did you watch the video and look at the pictures?

Also, bitcoin*
Feb 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
In a world of real negative rates, rampant inflation and Orwellian governments who will freeze and seize the funds of those they do not like, Bitcoin becomes more and more obvious.

Satoshi gifted humanity the greatest exit mechanism in human history. 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐
Feb 9, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Being able to disrupt content paywalls with bitcoin has been a big goal of mine. Many have done it in the past with niche sites, but we’re close to bringing a fully integrated solution to @ghost users. No more need to force users to hand over their email addresses and connect their bank accounts via Stripe if they don’t want to. Users will have an out of the box solution that allows them to directly connect their non-custodial BTCPay Server node or a custodial Opennode account.
Feb 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Bitcoin mining provides the economic incentive for more grid capacity than is typically necessary, which allows for the potential for miners to shut down and sell electricity back to the grid when demand is unusually high. This is happening in Texas and Canada right now. A great example of capitalism increasing the quality of life for humanity. Miners pay low prices when demand is low and get to make a solid profit when the grid is desperate for electricity.
Jan 30, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
No one in the corporate press seemed to care about "disinformation" when it came to:

- The food pyramid
- WMDs in Iraq
- Russiagate
- Pharma pushing opiates for pain
- Ratings agencies rating trash AAA

There are many other examples. They care not about truth but about control. The corporate media is nothing more than a gaslighting mechanism used to instill fear so that public perception gets pushed in a direction that favors the sociopaths in power.

They tell you everyone else is a dangerous liar as they feed you falsehoods day in and day out.
Nov 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Holy shit. Take 20 minutes and listen to this podcast. People need to wake up to what’s going on rn. The government is using eminent domain to kick farmers off their land so they can build wind, solar and CO2 pipelines. Pure evil. Controlled demolition. h/t @nunya81524991
Sep 8, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Ep 271 of @TFTC21 is live! I sat down with @GeorgeGammon to discuss:

- The Great Reset
- Health safety v. control
- History rhyming
- Bitcoin as Freedom money
- How and who to wake up
- much more

Peep. Share. Subscribe. Engage.… The episode so spicy @YouTube took it down. We were pretty neutral about the vaccine in this one too. Image