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The official page of the "Marxian Dialogues," an educational resource promoting materialist sociological theory.
Sep 21, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
For most Leftists, politics is defined by a moralistic Culture War of "left vs. right." But for Marxists, politics is a class struggle btw the people and the elite. That is why #MAGACommunism is so important. It is a tool that allows us to break through the left/right divide. The "left/right" political spectrum is rooted in the superstructure of bourgeois society, emerging historically during the French Revolution. In this sense, the left and the right can be seen as two wings of capital. They exist to obscure the underlying class contradictions. 1/
Sep 20, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Marxists recognize many of the problems with policing, but we cannot simply "abolish the police" under capitalism, bc policing evolved to respond to specific contradictions that exist in capitalist society, such as crime, maintaining order, protecting property, etc. Bourgeois society creates competition btw workers over scarce resources. This competition and artificial scarcity leads to conflict, violence, and crime. Police serve a social function in maintaining order by responding to the interpersonal crime that is caused by capitalism. 1/
Sep 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Leftists love talking about "abolishing" this or that social institution. Marx never used the term "abolish." He instead used the German term "aufheben," which refers to something that is dialectically superseded, but with elements of the old continuing to exist within the new. This distinction is important. "Abolition" is an anarchist concept rooted in idealism. It assumes we can simply destroy a social institution (such as policing) and the problems associated with it will simply disappear. 1/