Investigative journalist, PhD, Researcher, TV presenter/producer, ex-@ABCTV. @Brownstoneinst Fellow. Subscribe to my Substack 👇🏼
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Feb 25 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
🔥Gardasil on Trial:
Did Merck Mislead the Public on Cervical Cancer Prevention?
Top expert delivers a damning report accusing Merck of misleading the public about Gardasil’s ability to prevent cervical cancer.
@eileeniorio @ChildrensHD @MdBreathe…
Dr Sin Hang Lee states: There is no conclusive evidence [no RCTs] that Gardasil has prevented a single case of cervical cancer in the past 18yrs.
@Merck relied on surrogate markers of pre-cancers, such as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2/3).
But most CIN2/3 lesions resolve naturally.
Feb 18 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
💥Court Documents Reveal “Undisclosed” Adjuvant in Gardasil vaccine
@Merck's Gardasil vaccine contains an unapproved immune booster—kept secret from the public. A lawsuit is exposing the cover-up.
@Jikkyleaks @Kevin_McKernan @MdBreathe @RealCandaceO @elonmusk…
Dr Sin Hang Lee notes the presence of HPV DNA in Gardasil makes the vaccine far more immunogenic. @Merck was aware of this, and failed to publicly disclose it.
High levels of HPV DNA fragments left over from the manufacturing process act as a second adjuvant—which has not been approved by any regulator worldwide.
Feb 10 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
📢Australian government branded a "national embarrassment" over Covid-19 vaccines
Federal MP @BroadbentMP slams the government’s repeated failure to engage with compelling scientific findings, instead offloading responsibility to officials lacking the necessary expertise.
@Kevin_McKernan @Jikkyleaks…
The government defers its responses to the @TGAgovau's Dr Lisa Kerr, who has consistently misrepresented safety thresholds, falsely claimed the contamination would degrade rapidly, and dismissed peer-reviewed studies without substantive critique.
Feb 9 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
💥EXCLUSIVE: Internal emails reveal Merck's negligence in Gardasil safety testing
@Merck knew its Gardasil vaccine was contaminated with HPV DNA fragments but failed to conduct proper tests and the regulators helped cover it up.
@Jikkyleaks @Kevin_McKernan @TheChiefNerd @RealCandaceO…
In 2011, Dr Sin Hang Lee discovered high levels of HPV DNA fragments in Gardasil that were tightly bound to the aluminium adjuvant (AAHS) - these aggregates are resistant to breakdown by enzymes…
Jan 31 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
📢CALL FOR ACTION: Citizen petition demands FDA revoke approval of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines…
New legal challenge - the petition alleges violations of regulatory processes, raises serious safety concerns & concludes the vaccines were “unlawfully approved.”
@Double_Christ @Kevin_McKernan @JesslovesMJK @CanningPharm @Jikkyleaks @MdBreathe @DowdEdward @TheChiefNerd
At the heart of the petition is the claim that the FDA “wrongfully and illegally” permitted @pfizer & @moderna_tx to bypass legally required Environmental Assessments (EAs) under 21 CFR Part 25—a crucial regulatory step for biologics.
Under Section 25.15(a), the absence of a proper EA alone is grounds to reject an application.…
Jan 17 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
PART II: Implications of plasmid DNA fragments in blood products
Blind spots in the oversight of blood products, leaves the public in a dangerous state of speculation.
Gene fragments encoding 'SV40' and 'Kanamycin,' which are specific to the plasmid DNA used in vaccine manufacturing of mRNA vaccines, have been identified in blood samples.
If these genetic sequences can persist in the bloodstream after vaccination, and potentially end up in blood products such as fresh frozen plasma, whole blood, or cryoprecipitate, what risks might they pose to recipients?"
Jan 15 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
PART 1: Blood samples contain foreign DNA sequences from COVID-19 mRNA vaccine
This 2-part series investigates synthetic DNA fragments unique to mRNA vaccines in blood samples, and the implications for the safety of blood products in Australia. @Kevin_McKernan @Jikkyleaks @P_J_Buckhaults
“The blood samples from people in South Australia contained large numbers of these foreign gene sequences which were not present before [mRNA] vaccination,” explained Professor Petrovsky.
Jan 6 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
🚨FDA responds to study on DNA contamination in Pfizer Vaccine
The regulator says the study "does not belong to the FDA," and refuses to address the data that emerged out of its own lab, conducted by students under the supervision of FDA staff, using FDA resources.
The @US_FDA doesn't address the involvement of three of its own scientists—Dr Shuliang Liu, Dr Tony Wang, and Dr Prabhuanand Selvaraj—who supervised the students conducting the study.
When questioned about potential regulatory actions, such as issuing a public alert, recalling affected vaccine batches, or notifying other agencies, the FDA stood firm in its defence of mRNA vaccine safety.
Jan 2 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
💥EXCLUSIVE: FDA lab uncovers excess DNA contamination in COVID-19 vaccines
Explosive revelations as a study conducted at FDA's own lab found residual DNA levels exceeded safety limits by 6 to 470 times. Experts say it's a 'smoking gun.'
Nikolai Petrovsky, a Professor of Immunology and director of Vaxine Pty Ltd, described the findings as a “smoking gun.”
“It clearly shows the FDA was aware of these data. Given that these studies were conducted in their own labs under the supervision of their own scientists, it would be hard to argue they were unaware,” he said.
Dec 16, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
🚨Too many vaccines on the childhood immunisation schedule?
"You don’t get popular by raising questions about vaccines,” said @PGtzsche1
@TracyBethHoeg @StabellBenn @RobertKennedyJr…
Vaccinologist Paul Offit once claimed there was no evidence that receiving “thousands” of vaccines could overwhelm or weaken a baby’s immune system.
He postulated that infants have “the theoretical capacity to respond to about 10,000 vaccines at any one time.”
🔥TGA ignored DNA fragments in Gardasil HPV vaccine
International drug regulators said there were DNA fragments in the Gardasil vaccine, but Australia’s regulator @TGAgovau sat on its hands and did nothing
@jikkyleaks @Kevin_McKernan @DrJulieSladden
@KLVeritas @SaiKate108 @MdBreathe…
It was known as early as 2003 that when DNA fragments bind to aluminium adjuvants (like AAHS), they undergo conformational change and can be introduced into the human cell via a process called “gene transfection.”…
Oct 28, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
🚨 TGA hides from questions about sudden infant deaths after vaccination.
The @TGAgovau refuses to confirm if it has investigated the sudden infant deaths reported following Infanrix-Hexa® vaccination.
@jikkyleaks @karrichapus…
Infanrix-Hexa® is a vaccine that lies at the heart of the Australian National immunisation program - administered to infants at 2, 4 & 6 months of age.
There are 43 reports of sudden infant deaths post-vaccination. @TGAgovau tries to kill the story by ignoring media enquiries.
Oct 23, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
🔥EXCLUSIVE: Stanley Plotkin on the lack of vaccine-safety science
At 92, Plotkin is still considered a giant in the vaccine industry, often referred to as the "godfather" of vaccines.
@TheChiefNerd @MdBreathe @BGatesIsaPyscho
A table in the editorial shows the ‘biological mechanism’ for most vaccine injuries is not understood, despite decades of use.
Understanding the biological mechanism of vaccine injuries not only enables the development of safer vaccines, but it also informs which injuries meet the requirements for compensation on the US Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).
Oct 16, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
🚨FDA ignored residual DNA fragments in the Gardasil HPV vaccine
“I was shocked to find DNA fragments in the HPV vaccine because DNA is not supposed to be there,” recalls Sin Hang Lee, an internationally renowned genomics expert.
Link 👇
@Kevin_McKernan @Jikkyleaks @TheChiefNerd @zerohedge
In 2006, when Gardasil was first approved, Merck assured @US_FDA there was no HPV DNA in the vaccine. But this was challenged in 2011 when Sin Hang Lee found HPV DNA in a young, sexually naive girl who had never been exposed to the virus, but had received Gardasil.
Sep 29, 2024 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
🧵Thousands injured by covid-19 shots abandoned by government
Today, the Australian government’s Vaccine Claims Scheme stops accepting new compensation claims, despite thousands of people continuing to suffer with covid-19 vaccine injuries.
@SaiKate108 @jikkyleaks @drmelissamccann…
One of the primary criticisms of the scheme has been the overly stringent criteria for eligibility.
Many injuries following covid-19 vaccination are not officially recognised - even if a doctor has confirmed the injury was "caused by" the vaccine.
Jul 28, 2024 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
🧵Does the new study on face masks show they prevent respiratory illnesses?
Here's an analysis on the new randomised trial, which some claim is proof that surgical masks prevent respiratory illnesses.
@DineshDSouza @VPrasadMDMPH @davidemccune @doc_gero @andrewbostom…
Wearing a face mask to prevent respiratory illnesses has been one of the most divisive debates of the pandemic.
Tom Jefferson, lead author of the Cochrane review, told me “There is just no evidence that they make any difference. Full stop.” The interview was picked up by media such as the New York Times and CNN, sparking an international furore.…
Jul 9, 2024 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
🧵The unravelling of AstraZeneca's covid-19 vaccine.
It went from being hailed as a lifesaver to getting pulled from the market. I take a look back at what happened.
@jikkyleaks @BrianneDressen @P_McCulloughMD @drmelissamccann @ianmcdermottLSO @SaiKate108 @newstart_2024 @rustyrockets @TonyNikolic10 @james_freeman__ @JamesMelville @RefugeOfSinner5 @ClownWorld_ @KimDotcom @jeffreyatucker @ClareCraigPath @robinmonotti @EricClapton @tonynickolic…
Science by press release: AstraZeneca boasted in a press release that early results of its phase III clinical trial found the vaccine could provide 100% protection against severe disease, hospitalisation and death.
From tabloid newspapers to medical journals, everyone was keen to report this extraordinary finding from the drug company’s press release.
Jul 2, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
🧵Merck misled participants in Gardasil HPV vaccine trial
Women were told the PLACEBO in the trial was inactive and that the vaccine's adjuvant had been safety tested - both were untrue.
@jikkyleaks @stkirsch @SaiKate108 @KrugAlli @eileeniorio @woodymatters @MidwesternDoc @newstart_2024 @ClownWorld_ @ProfTimNoakes @WisnerBaum @RobertKennedyJr @CHDPennsylvania…
Researchers found the recruitment materials and informed consent forms given to volunteers in the trial contained misleading information, leading them to believe the study’s placebo was ‘saline’ or an ‘inactive’ substance, when it wasn’t.
Jun 25, 2024 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
🔥 FDA claims it only took 22 days to fully analyse the trove of trial data underpinning the EUA of Pfizer's covid-19 vaccine.
But experts say it's impossible. The FDA must've cut corners
@Jikkyleaks @IamBrookJackson @P_McCulloughMD @justin_hart @DrJBhattacharya @jeffreyatucker @JanJekielek @elonmusk @RobertKennedyJr…
In 2020, governments imposed brutal lockdowns with a promise that a "safe & effective" vaccine was close to being authorised.
FDA chief Stephen Hahn was summoned to the WH to explain why the FDA still hadn't authorised Pfizer's covid-19 vaccine yet.
Jun 11, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Is Pfizer cleaning up its mRNA covid-19 vaccine?
Exclusive interview with @P_J_Buckhaults - Tests found less DNA contamination in batches manufactured in 2023
@Kevin_McKernan @DJSpeicher @Jikkyleaks @DrJBhattacharya @P_McCulloughMD @TracyBethHoeg
@TexasLindsay_ @newstart_2024…
In 2023, critics claimed DNA fragments in vials must've been a "false positive" because Buckhaults analysed 'used' vials & his reagents were "deliberately" contaminated with DNA - So, he started from scratch.
Buckhaults made his own controls, PCR primers & sourced new, unopened vaccine vials.
May 23, 2024 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
🛑The great FOIA dodge
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests are plagued with long delays, obfuscation and secret back channels.
Public health agencies have forgotten they work for the public
@elonmusk @RWMaloneMD
@AaronSiriSG @ProfTimNoakes
@Bryce_Nickels @KimDotcom…
Subpoenaed emails of David Morens, a former top advisor to Anthony Fauci, suggested he destroyed public documents and boasted to colleagues that he would communicate with Fauci on personal Gmail accounts to circumvent FOIA requests - he called them 'secret' back channels.