Maryanne Demasi, PhD Profile picture
Investigative journalist, PhD, Researcher, TV presenter/producer, ex-@ABCTV. @Brownstoneinst Fellow. Subscribe to my Substack 👇🏼
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Jul 2 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵Merck misled participants in Gardasil HPV vaccine trial

Women were told the PLACEBO in the trial was inactive and that the vaccine's adjuvant had been safety tested - both were untrue.

@jikkyleaks @stkirsch @SaiKate108 @KrugAlli @eileeniorio @woodymatters @MidwesternDoc @newstart_2024 @ClownWorld_ @ProfTimNoakes @WisnerBaum @RobertKennedyJr @CHDPennsylvania…Image Researchers found the recruitment materials and informed consent forms given to volunteers in the trial contained misleading information, leading them to believe the study’s placebo was ‘saline’ or an ‘inactive’ substance, when it wasn’t.
Jun 25 9 tweets 3 min read
🔥 FDA claims it only took 22 days to fully analyse the trove of trial data underpinning the EUA of Pfizer's covid-19 vaccine.

But experts say it's impossible. The FDA must've cut corners

@Jikkyleaks @IamBrookJackson @P_McCulloughMD @justin_hart @DrJBhattacharya @jeffreyatucker @JanJekielek @elonmusk @RobertKennedyJr…Image In 2020, governments imposed brutal lockdowns with a promise that a "safe & effective" vaccine was close to being authorised.

FDA chief Stephen Hahn was summoned to the WH to explain why the FDA still hadn't authorised Pfizer's covid-19 vaccine yet. Image
Jun 11 6 tweets 2 min read
Is Pfizer cleaning up its mRNA covid-19 vaccine?

Exclusive interview with @P_J_Buckhaults - Tests found less DNA contamination in batches manufactured in 2023

@Kevin_McKernan @DJSpeicher @Jikkyleaks @DrJBhattacharya @P_McCulloughMD @TracyBethHoeg
@TexasLindsay_ @newstart_2024…Image In 2023, critics claimed DNA fragments in vials must've been a "false positive" because Buckhaults analysed 'used' vials & his reagents were "deliberately" contaminated with DNA - So, he started from scratch.

Buckhaults made his own controls, PCR primers & sourced new, unopened vaccine vials.
May 23 8 tweets 4 min read
🛑The great FOIA dodge
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests are plagued with long delays, obfuscation and secret back channels.

Public health agencies have forgotten they work for the public

@elonmusk @RWMaloneMD
@AaronSiriSG @ProfTimNoakes
@Bryce_Nickels @KimDotcom…Image Subpoenaed emails of David Morens, a former top advisor to Anthony Fauci, suggested he destroyed public documents and boasted to colleagues that he would communicate with Fauci on personal Gmail accounts to circumvent FOIA requests - he called them 'secret' back channels. Image
May 6 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨New peer-reviewed study finds spike protein from SARS-Cov-2 virus blunts a vital pathway in tumour suppression.

“What we found was pretty clear,” explained @weldeiry “Spike protein inhibited important activities of p53."

Thanks to @AdhesionsOrg and @DowdEdward for data analyses on cancer mortality rates.

@Jikkyleaks @Kevin_McKernan @RobertKennedyJr @robinmonotti @DrEliDavid…Image As a world leader in cancer research, @weldeiry's work has focused on a cellular pathway that plays a pivotal role in the development of cancer, called the p53 pathway.

p53 suppresses tumour growth, and any perturbation of this pathway can cause unregulated cell division, leading to cancer.

Peer-reviewed publication May 2024 in Oncotarget…
Apr 23 12 tweets 5 min read
🚨 New investigation
ABC fact checking is a 'black box'

Australian public broadcaster @ABCTV joined the Trusted News Initiative during the pandemic to stop "fake news" and denies any impact on its editorial independence. Meanwhile, its fact checkers control the dissemination of public info by censoring content that diverges from government narratives. See LINK 👇👇

@elonmusk @shellenberger @DrJBhattacharya @glennbeck @ggreenwald @Jikkyleaks @mtaibbi @NAffects @RobertKennedyJr @NicoleShanahan @jeffreyatucker @JanJekielek @SenatorRennick @ClareCraigPath @CraigKellyPHON @SenPaterson @toadmeister @jordanbpeterson @P_McCulloughMD @KLVeritas @TexasLindsay_ @TomFitton…Image In 2022, Australia's public broadcaster @ABCTV joined the Trusted News Initiative (TNI), an international alliance of major news corporations and Big Tech firms, to counter the growing threat of “fake news.”

@abcnews Director said, “We’re pleased to join the Trusted News Initiative and, in the process, provide Australian audiences with a deeper and better-informed view of our region and the world.”Image
Apr 2 4 tweets 2 min read
🔥EXCLUSIVE: Buckhaults begins first study on human samples to see if mRNA vaccines cause cancer.

.@P_J_Buckhaults answers questions about why he hypothesises there's a cancer risk with mRNA vaccines, the type of study he's conducting & when he expects results.

Must see interview - link below👇

@RobertKennedyJr @DrJBhattacharya @jordanbpeterson @FiveTimesAugust @FLSurgeonGen @KLVeritas @Jikkyleaks @JanJekielek @jeffreyatucker @jchilders98 @ProfTimNoakes @IamBrookJackson
@TheChiefNerdImage International drug regulators - @US_FDA, @GovCanHealth & @EMA_News - have confirmed the presence of DNA fragments contaminating the mRNA vaccines, but deny the amounts exceed the allowed limit, or that it poses a risk to human health.

Fed up with the FDA turning a blind eye to the problem, @FLSurgeonGen called for the halt in the use of the vaccines earlier this year.
Mar 13 7 tweets 3 min read
🚨🧵Academics call for urgent action to address the shortcomings of UK Covid-19 Inquiry.

The #Hallett Inquiry suffers from bias, false assumptions & a lack of impartiality, say over 50 leading academics in an open letter.

@KevinBardosh @collateralglbl @ProfKarolSikora @DrJBhattacharya @MartinKulldorff @SunetraGupta @gbdeclaration @uksciencechief @toadmeister… Prof @KevinBardosh, Director @collateralglbl says Hallett Inquiry has focused too much on “who said what and when,” rather than homing in on key scientific questions about the evidence (or lack thereof) underpinning policy decisions.…
Jan 16 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵mRNA COVID-19 vaccines lead to 'off target' proteins - but what does it mean?

@AdhesionsOrg says "The mRNA vaccines are causing our bodies to produce uncharacterised proteins, with unknown toxicology, that produce an immune response of unknown clinical significance"

@Kevin_McKernan @Jikkyleaks @JanJekielek @DJSpeicher @JesslovesMJK @jeffreyatucker @StabellBenn @RxRegA @KLVeritas @TexasLindsay_ @DrEliDavid @FLSurgeonGen @ClareCraigPath @NassMeryl @SabinehazanMD @RobertKennedyJr… Ribosomes, which are responsible for decoding the mRNA in cells, can slip & misread the coded instructions about 8% of the time - known as “ribosomal frameshifting" - so your cells can make "off target" proteins that they're not supposed to make - but is this a safety concern?
Nov 13, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
🧵Part 2: Tackling the obesity crisis without drugs

At a time when #Ozempic & other weight loss drugs soar in popularity, @calleymeans talks about how a focus on food policy could tackle the obesity crisis.

@ProfTimNoakes @DoctorChrisVT @RobertKennedyJr…
Image .@RobertKennedyJr said “If I have not significantly dropped the level of chronic disease in our children by the end of my first term, I do not want you to re-elect me.”

What's the solution? Fix the 'toxic food' environment which is the root cause of chronic diseases.
Nov 8, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Part 1: Weighing up the value of weight loss drugs
[A two-part series on weight loss drugs & food policy]

Drug makers are testing the drugs in kids as young as 6yrs. Do the benefits of weight loss drugs outweigh the harms?

@ProfTimNoakes @richardursomd @zoeharcombe @RWMaloneMD Image “I began seeing patients who were metabolically healthy and wanting to take the drug just to lose a few pounds,” says Prof Cucuzzella. “People need to understand that the drug comes with significant downsides and therefore, should only be used in the highest risk patients.” Image
Oct 4, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
FDA ties with Gates Foundation

A collaboration between @US_FDA and the @gatesfoundation has raised concerns about undue influence over the regulation of pandemic countermeasures.

@RobertKennedyJr @JamesMelville @TheChiefNerd @DowdEdward @RWMaloneMD
Image Under the MOU between FDA and Gates foundation, the two entities agreed to share information to “facilitate the development of innovative products, including medical countermeasures,” such as diagnostics, vaccines, & therapeutics to combat disease transmission during a pandemic.
Sep 21, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Remember when @CDCgov kept saying that mRNA vaccination during pregnancy & breastfeeding was not an issue?

“Get vaccinated while you're thinking about having a baby, before you're thinking about having a baby, while you're pregnant with your baby or after you've delivered your baby,” said Walensky in Sept 2021
Then, in 2022, a study in @JAMA_current found trace amounts of mRNA in the breast milk of mothers who’d received the Pfizer or Moderna covid-19 vaccine.…
Sep 18, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
🚨Researchers alarmed to find DNA contamination in Pfizer mRNA vaccine

Cancer genomic expert @P_J_Buckhaults said “there is a very real hazard” that fragments of foreign DNA can insert into a person’s genome & become a “permanent fixture of the cell”
Image .@P_J_Buckhaults is not an alarmist & has been reluctant to go public with his findings - he says the mRNA platform is "revolutionary" and has saved many lives, but the problem of DNA contamination must be fixed.
Sep 5, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵EXCLUSIVE: Lead author of Cochrane mask review responds to Fauci's dismissal of evidence

When asked about Cochrane's review that showed masks did not stop viral spread, Fauci said "Yeah, but there are other studies."

Tom Jefferson, first author on Cochrane study responds👇👇 Image Link to FULL story:…
Aug 25, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Pfizer drip feeds data from its pregnancy trial of covid-19 vaccine

It took over 1 year to publish.

An analysis of the results so far shows the trial was underpowered, poorly designed & incomplete

See comments from Profs @RetsefL & Angela Spelsber
Image “Pfizer took a year to publish the data. When they finally did, it is incomplete. And we are expected to wait until July 2024 for the next batch of results, while authorities continue to recommend the vaccine in pregnant women,” said @RetsefL
Jul 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
What's in the placebo?

Drug companies will often manufacture their own placebo for clinical trials - the exact formulation is rarely disclosed in medical journals. Authors/drug manufacturers are not required to disclose the contents of a "matched" placebo
Image Placebos can be "active" or "inactive".

Sometimes even "inactive" or inert placebos contain excipients such as chemicals, dyes or allergens, which might unintentionally cause side effects, raising concerns about the reliability of trial
Jul 13, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Australia's own 'Ministry of Truth'

A new ‘disinformation bill’ has been introduced to censor Australians online if public posts are deemed to contain 'misinformation or disinformation'

@elonmusk @DrJBhattacharya @SenatorAntic @MartinKulldorff @akheriaty
Late 2022, @elonmusk opened Twitter’s internal communications to investigative journalists only to find the US government colluded with tech companies to censor Americans online.

Australian @SenatorAntic watched in disbelief & wondered if the same thing was happening back home.
Jun 27, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Serious adverse events from Pfizer's mRNA vaccine are not "rare."

Despite repeatedly claiming that serious harms of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine are RARE, an investigation found no drug regulator could quantify the rate.

The best evidence we have so far is the Fraiman analysis.

Serious adverse events (SAEs) were elevated in the vaccine arm by an alarming rate – 1 additional SAE for every 556 people vaccinated with Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine.…
May 22, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
Mammograms for women 40 & over?

New US guidelines propose all women should start screening for breast cancer at age 40 instead of 50, but what does the evidence show?

@PGtzsche1 @VPrasadMDMPH @dockaurG @KLVeritas @TracyBethHoeg @ShannonBrownlee Image A Cochrane review in 2013 (and an unpublished update in Jan 2023) also found mammography screening had no impact on the most important outcome, i.e. overall (all-cause) mortality.
May 16, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
For years, the @US_FDA allowed a drug to be injected into pregnant women that was neither safe, nor effective. Finally, it has been withdrawn.

It’s estimated that hundreds of thousands of pregnant mothers & babies were exposed. Image “I cannot believe we’ve been injecting this hormone into pregnant women for 20 years, all the leading medical organisations recommended it, the FDA approved it - and it took this long to finally acknowledge the drug did not work,” said @AdamUrato1 Image