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Sep 23 21 tweets 5 min read
I'm 38.

When I was young I worshipped politics, went woke (broke) & believed in the myth of equality.

Then I discovered Thomas Sowell, and he changed my life forever.

12 lessons from America's most controversial & unknown philosopher: Image Thomas Sowell is a 93 year old badass.

• Studied at Harvard
• Political commentator
• Written for 150 newspapers
• Declined the role of Federal Trade Commissioner

He says F U to politicians and the system. His views are radical. Some good, some bad

But he'll make you think
Sep 22 14 tweets 7 min read
Queen Elizabeth ruled Britain for more than 70 years, becoming the longest-serving monarch in British history due to her diplomatic skills.

Her life was full of scandals, from secret affairs & meetings with spies to internal family drama till her death at 97.

Let's uncover unknown facts of her life tales that make her reign one of the most debated in history.Image
1. She never went to school but had various talents.

- Like many royals of her time and before, Elizabeth never went to a public school and was never exposed to other students. Instead, she was educated at home with Margaret, her younger sister.

- Her schooling included learning to ride, swim, dance and the study of fine art and music. She was taught by her father, along with a senior teacher at Eton College, several French and Belgian governesses who taught her French, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, who taught her religion.
Sep 19 19 tweets 4 min read
Heart disease is the #1 killer.

But it’s insulin resistance that causes it, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's.

Since your doctor won’t help you reverse it, here are 7 simple steps that can: Do you deal with hunger pangs even if you just ate?

Are you battling an expanding waistline no matter what you try?

Do you experience brain fog so bad it feels like you can’t even think?

Are you fighting constant fatigue daily, even if you slept well the night before?
Sep 18 13 tweets 7 min read
"Steve Jobs" founded Apple and changed the tech industry forever with his creative principle of 'Stay hungry, stay foolish!'

He's also known for his ruthless leadership and personal scandals from explosive clashes with company to messy family drama.

Let’s dive into his life's journey and how he made his remarkable Legacy.Image 1. He was adopted and it shaped his path to greatness.

- Steve's biological Syrian parents abandoned him due to poverty and left him up for adoption. They decided to only let college educated couple adopt him.

- Steve was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs shortly after birth on a promise to his biological father that Steve Jobs would receive a university education and raised Steve as their own.

- Steve grew up deeply influenced by his adoptive father’s craftsmanship and values which played a significant role in shaping his innovative mindset and drive for perfection in his later career.
Sep 13 13 tweets 5 min read
The Man Who Cracked the Mind Code

Meet Jose Silva.

Whose secrets empowered thousands to access their mind's dormant potential (& some even developing psychic abilities).

Many testified of massive wealth and improved health

Here are 7 secrets to achieve extraordinary results: Image 1. The Relaxation Technique:

• Allows you to start accessing your subconscious.
Sep 12 21 tweets 5 min read
I'm 38.

When I was young I worshipped politics, went woke (broke) & believed in the myth of equality.

Then I discovered Thomas Sowell, and he changed my life forever.

12 lessons from America's most controversial & unknown philosopher: Image Thomas Sowell is a 93 year old badass.

• Studied at Harvard
• Political commentator
• Written for 150 newspapers
• Declined the role of Federal Trade Commissioner

He says F U to politicians and the system. His views are radical. Some good, some bad

But he'll make you think
Sep 11 12 tweets 4 min read
8 years ago, Jensen Huang hand delivered to OpenAI, the first AI-focussed GPU made by Nvidia.

This moment marks the end of Intel's dominance.
It wasn't luck, it was deeper.

Jensen has said publicly that Nvidia 'did it' by religiously following 4 core values 👇🏻 Image Value 1. Have low expectations (but high standards)

Jensen believes that people with very high expectations have very low resilience.

But resilience - forged from the experience of pain & suffering - is required to achieve meaningful success.
Sep 4 14 tweets 4 min read
How the Navy Seal fall asleep within 2 minutes.

• No pills.
• No cold shower.
• No bluelight blocking glasses.

The 4-7-8 Method (backed by science): Image The 4-7-8 breathing method is a powerful relaxation technique designed by Dr. Andrew Weil.

There has been references to Navy Seals soldiers using this while under stress.

It's free, simple, can be done anywhere, and helps you fall asleep.

Here's how it works: Image
Sep 1 15 tweets 4 min read
This is Jocko Willink.

He teaches people to harden the f*ck up.

He was a Navy Seal, then sold 500,000+ copies of his book "Extreme Ownership."

Here are 11 of his insights that rewired my brain to do hard things (and will do the same for you): Image “Discipline equals freedom.”

• Craving the easy life is how you get a hard life

• Discipline leads to hard mode

• Hard mode leads to consistency

• Consistency leads to results

• Results lead to wisdom

Wisdom = Freedom
Aug 31 15 tweets 4 min read
10 Best ways to lose belly fat in 90 days

(Backed by science)

//Thread// Image 1. Eat Nutrient Dense food


•High energy
•Helps metabolism burn fat
•Prevents disease and obesity
•Vitamins, minerals, amino acids. Image
Aug 23 18 tweets 5 min read
This is Zig Ziglar.

The man Tony Robbins worshipped like a god.

He taught Tony a philosophy that made him one of the wealthiest humans alive...

Here's the philosophy: Image Zig Ziglar helped invent self-help.

• Millionaire in his 40s
• 10M+ books sold
• 5000+ worldwide events
• Powerful friends like John C. Maxwell
• Real name: Hilary Hinton (not Hilary Clinton)
Aug 20 22 tweets 6 min read
Carl Jung once said:

"Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge."

Here are 11 things I learned from him: Image 1. “Where your fear is, there is your task”

This is why the work-life balance & self-care movements help people become losers.

Discomfort is where the opportunity is

Find what you fear & look it in the eyes

...otherwise you become mediocre and the rewards are terrible.
Aug 16 12 tweets 4 min read
This is Robert Greene.

A Philosopher, who sold more than 5M copies of his book "48 Laws of Power"

Here are Robert Greene's 8 Rules:

1. The less you say, the more powerful you will be.
Aug 15 20 tweets 6 min read
I'm 38.

When I was young I thought capitalism was evil, greed was bad & equality was real.

Then I discovered Milton Friedman, and he changed my life forever.

12 lessons from America's most controversial & influential economist ever known:
"A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither.

A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both."

• Equality can be harmful. Who gets to decide what is equal?

• Always choose freedom. Let incentives drive what is fair.
Aug 14 14 tweets 4 min read
This is Josh Waitzkin

He figured out the science of becoming a top performer in any field.

CEOs, billionaires & elite athletes pay him millions to learn his techniques.

Here's his superhuman performance protocol: Image At 16 he was an international chess master

Popular film "Searching for Bobby Fischer" is about him

He quit chess forever right at the top & became national champion in Tai Chi & Jiu-Jitsu

Tim Ferriss' podcast featured him 3 times.

His book: “The Art of Learning”

Aug 13 18 tweets 3 min read
Nutrition 101 in 25 sentences.

Trust me, they didn't teach you this in school: Image 1. The nutrient density of red meats and eggs is unmatched. Anyone telling you otherwise isn't interested in your health.

2. The best time to eat carbs is around workouts, and the best source is from whole foods like fruit and raw honey.
Aug 12 12 tweets 3 min read
The biggest improvement in my life came when I realized happiness is just a product of good habits.

9 habits I used to unf*ck myself: Say No by Default

Your time's precious: don't give it to people who don't deserve it.

Especially to Energy Vampires who drain your energy.

Conquer FOMO and put yourself first - my rule of thumb is if it's not a f*ck yes, it's a no.
Aug 11 20 tweets 5 min read
I'm 38.

When I was young I worshipped politics, went woke (broke) & believed in the myth of equality.

Then I discovered Thomas Sowell, and he changed my life forever.

12 lessons from America's most controversial & unknown philosopher: Image Thomas Sowell is a 93 year old badass.

• Studied at Harvard
• Political commentator
• Written for 150 newspapers
• Declined the role of Federal Trade Commissioner

He says F U to politicians and the system. His views are radical. Some good, some bad

But he'll make you think
Aug 8 17 tweets 5 min read
I’ve spent over 120 hours studying one of the most controversial authors.

Nassim Taleb.

Here are 11 of his best lessons ↓ Image Nassim started life as a Wall Street derivatives trader.

He eventually quit & became a hedge fund manager while writing these best-selling books:

• Antifragile
• The Black Swan
• Fooled by Randomness

Now he's also a university professor.
Aug 5 15 tweets 5 min read
This is Jim Carrey.

The funniest philosopher in the world.

Net worth = $180M. But he's dealt with depression for years. Spirituality saved his life.

Here are his unthinkable life lessons (that'll make you feel superhuman): Image At 13, my friend showed me a story

It said Jim Carrey had mental illness & was su!c!dal. I was confused.

How could someone so funny/successful be su!c!dal?

It was the first window I had into the false reality I was living in.

The image is still clear in my mind of that day.
Aug 4 16 tweets 5 min read
This is Tim Ferriss.

He taught me how to be unf*ckwithable.

His podcast has 1B downloads & he hates fame.

Here are 11 of his insights that made me unf*ckwithable (and will do the same for you):
Definition of unf*ckwithable:

“When you’re truly at peace and in touch with yourself.

Nothing anyone says or does bothers you and no negativity can touch you.”