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MatPat is an information addict and producer of Game Theory: The Smartest Show in Gaming ( For fun, he consults on branding and SEO.
Aug 8, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
You are not a number: A THREAD

Last year at VidCon, I was stopped on the street to sign an autograph for a fan. A group driving by in a car stopped and rolled down their window.

They didn't recognize me and then shouted: "How many subscribers do you have?" I yelled back "Does it matter?" and finished signing the autograph.

It's a moment that's stuck with me for the last year because it's a toxic mentality...the idea that you're only worth the number of likes, views, or subscribers you get.
Jan 3, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
@PirateSoftware I'm sorry to hear you're disappointed in our recent playthrough of Heartbound, but what you see as disrespectful, I would argue is the opposite. Let me explain... @PirateSoftware - First, I don't review the thumbnail, tags, description, etc. prior to livestreams going up any more. That's handled by two members of our team. However, I trained them, so their decisions are on me.