Canada Bureau Chief @NYTimes. Previously NYT Brussels. Past lives East Africa, Europe @WSJ. Greek-Greek 💌
Mar 1 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
I visited the Alberta-Montana border after an RCMP release caught my eye: a group of 9 people, 5 of them children, had crossed on foot early Feb from the US. Grainy images showed 2 little girls in pink winter gear & more kids walking w adults trudging suitcases thru snow #cdnpoli
I'd been looking for a good time to visit the border to report on Canada's efforts to reinforce operations there as part of its response to Trump's demands to curb irregular migration & stave off tariffs. RCMP agreed to give me & @photobracken good access to the border & staff.
Jan 17 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
So, I spent a little time diving into the ownership of the underlying websites promoting these glaringly fake tweets on Canadians' timelines.
On April 13th I got an email from a stranger, @FayadMulla
He was on Lesbos & had footage from 2 days prior showing migrants getting rounded up on land & ditched in the Aegean by the coast guard
Did I want to see it?
If you think the answer was an easy "yes," you're wrong.
@FayadMulla I am a Greek of Eastern Aegean heritage who has spent a decade writing about migration from the E.U. & Africa.
I know how many people have tried to get compelling evidence of these widely known practice. The bar is very high, and invariably you get abused for trying.