Matthew Gertz Profile picture
Senior Fellow at @mmfa. Views expressed here my own. Husband of @alyssarosenberg. Dad. Not the GOP congressman, didn't pay for the blue check.
Bill Jackson III (Taylor’s Version🧣🕛💃🏼💜) 🖥 Profile picture Antone Johnson • @antonej or @antone everywhere 👋 Profile picture Mitch Chase Profile picture AreWeStillinAmerica?💙💛💜 Profile picture eDo Profile picture 74 subscribed
Jun 25 8 tweets 3 min read
Fox News is flooding its airwaves with incendiary coverage blaming President Joe Biden for a handful of abhorrent crimes allegedly committed by migrants.…

The network’s coverage relentlessly dehumanizes migrants with constant suggestions that the entire group is composed of dangerous criminals and lacks anything resembling subtext. Image
Jun 17 4 tweets 2 min read
Major news outlets provided dramatically more coverage of Hunter Biden’s federal gun trial than former President Donald Trump’s repeated declarations this month that, if reelected as president, he may direct prosecutions of his political enemies.
The Big Three broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) collectively produced 18 times more coverage of the trial than of Trump’s calls for politicized prosecutions, while the A-sections of five major newspapers featured six times more articles about the trial, according to a Media Matters review.…
Jun 11 11 tweets 3 min read
Hunter Biden's guilty verdict on federal gun charges comes amid a years-long right-wing media effort to delegitimize the federal justice system as a weaponized arm of the Democratic Party.… But MAGA propagandists, rather than abandoning their conspiracy theories, are coalescing around a new twist: The conviction is an “op” in which Hunter Biden is being deliberately sacrificed to protect the rigged system. Image
Apr 30 14 tweets 5 min read
Personally I think this sounds very bad.…
Image Trump says he'd use the National Guard and even (illegally) the military to arrest and deport millions of migrants. His "plan" is notably light on details, which seems like a guarantee for child-separation-style cruelty.…
Mar 12 5 tweets 2 min read
FLASHBACK: A Trump-appointed prosecutor dropped an unfalsifiable partisan bomb on President Joe Biden Thursday, playing into a years-long right-wing media campaign — and U.S. political journalists decided to treat it as a valid and impartial charge.… The New York Times ran 30 stories about Biden's mental fitness in the four days following the Hur report, per @JuddLegum.

After reviewing the transcript, the paper concludes that Biden "fumbled with dates and the sequence of events, while otherwise appearing clearheaded." Image
Feb 15 5 tweets 3 min read
Sean Hannity's Fox News show ran with this informant's claims in at least 85 separate segments last year, including 28 monologues. He said they proved Joe Biden engaged in "public corruption on a scale this country has never seen before.”…
Of course the benefit of building wild conspiracy theories premised on the bogus idea that the DOJ under Biden is in the tank for Democrats is you can move directly to claiming this prosecution is part of the conspiracy.…
Feb 6 6 tweets 1 min read
1. Russia invaded Ukraine. A broad U.S. and E.U. coalition funded Ukraine's defense.

But MAGA Republicans started arguing that supporting Ukraine was taking resources away from border security, so.... 2. Biden proposed a supplemental which included both funding for Ukraine and additional funds for border security.

But MAGA Republicans started arguing that border funds weren't enough without policy changes, so...
Jan 19 5 tweets 2 min read
TheBlaze’s Jason Whitlock hosts notorious antisemite to denounce supposed Jewish control of US government, Black people… JONES: "The Jews... have spent their entire time here in the United States of America undermining the moral fabric of the American people."

WHITLOCK: "“I get it, and I can’t say that I disagree."…
Dec 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Seems very, very bad.…
Image Trump is threatening to use the government to “come down hard” on the free press. Believe him.…
Nov 28, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Probably a little dicey to marry someone who disagrees with you politically if one of the things he disagrees with you about politically might be whether women should be able to get a no-fault divorce...
On the broader point, "women find your hobby off-putting so you should probably find a new one if you want to date" seems like a pretty normal state of affairs.
Nov 28, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
NEW STUDY: Broadcast, cable, and print outlets have given Donald Trump calling his enemies "vermin" a tiny fraction of the coverage they gave Hillary Clinton's 2016 remark calling some Trump supporters "deplorables"…
According to a Media Matters review:  The Big Three broadcast TV networks provided 18 times more coverage of Clinton’s 2016 “deplorables” comment than Trump’s “vermin” remark on their combined nationally syndicated morning news, evening news, and Sunday morning political talk shows. CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC mentioned Clinton’s “deplorables” comment nearly 9 times more than Trump’s “vermin” comment. Print reports that mentioned Trump’s statement outnumbered those that mentioned Clinton’s 29-to-1 across the five highest-circulating U.S. newspapers. ABC/CBS/NBC news programs provided *18 times* more coverage of "deplorables" than "vermin" Graph
Nov 5, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
“From the river to the sea, Palestinians will be free” seems like a chant that would have the vibe activists say they want, avoid the problem of literally calling for Israel’s elimination while raising questions about what happens to the Jews, and, crucially, still rhyme. Of course, the real problem with a vision for a secular, binational state with robust civil rights for all isn’t the chant, it’s that the actual existing Israeli and Palestinian populations don’t want that.
Oct 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
French journalist confirms Hamas terrorists beheaded babies at Kfar Aza, sourcing includes "courageous journalists from the foreign press who were able to see / agreed to see with their own eyes the bodies."
Image Personally I don't find a lot of distinction between "Hamas murdered babies but only beheaded adults" and "Hamas murdered and beheaded babies, as well as adults" but some people in my feed thought it was worth trying to debunk the latter, so there it is.
Oct 10, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Charlotte's thread crystalizes where I'm at after a few days toggling between videos of Hamas terrorists murdering civilians and videos of avowed leftists cheering the murders on this website. I expect to see depraved right-wingers doing "fuck around find out" shit over images of destruction in Gaza. But cheering the murderers of hundreds of Israelis at a concert in the name of peace, justice, and decolonization is some depraved shit.
Sep 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Trumpists are becoming unusually explicit in acknowledging they want to regain power so they can engineer political prosecutions of people they disagree with.…
The modern Republican Party is the sort of place where you can carve out a lucrative, powerful position for yourself by being more explicitly fascist than your peers.
Sep 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The "bombshells" the Oversight Committee is pumping out before tomorrow's impeachment hearing range from "total non sequiter" to "actively undermines their case." Threaded below...
Sep 25, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Merrick Garland’s DOJ indicted a Democratic senator. MAGA pundits responded with wild conspiracy theories.… Anyone who thought the charges against Robert Menendez would lead pundits on the right to reconsider their assertions of a “two tiered” system of justice was making a category error.
Sep 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
~9 hours from "senior Democratic senator was indicted" to "the state's Democratic governor and Democratic heads of both houses of the state legislature call for him to step down."… Reps coming along too...
Sep 18, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
John Solomon inadvertently detonated the House impeachment case. Last month, he published a State Dept. briefing memo which irrefutably proves that it was U.S. policy to seek Viktor Shokin's removal at the time Biden was pushing for it as VP.…
The memo states: There is wide agreement that anti-corruption must be at the top of this list, and that reforms must include an overhaul of the Prosecutor General’s Office including removal of Prosecutor General Shokin, who is widely regarded as an obstacle to fighting corruption, if not a source of the problem. The right has claimed for years that when Biden told Ukraine’s leaders in December 2015 that the U.S. would not release $1 billion in loan guarantees unless they fired Shokin, the country’s prosecutor general, he was acting to benefit Hunter by halting his purported Burisma probe
Sep 5, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
1. Here’s a thread about a grotesque and cynical bid by The Daily Caller, Breitbart, and The Daily Wire to farm traffic and engagement from anti-vaxxers by churning out posts about celebs and young athletes suffering heart attacks.… 2. If you spend any time online, you know that anti-vaxxers inevitably but dubiously attribute heart attacks to the rare (and usually mild) COVID-19 vaccine side effect of myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle.
Aug 28, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
From Friday through Monday at noon, Fox spent almost 3 hours on an interview Brian Kilmeade conducted with Ukraine’s former prosecutor general Viktor Shokin.

They're rerunning what the network previously admitted was a disinformation campaign.… Shokin was fired in 2016 amid criticism from Western governments including the U.S. that he was not prosecuting corruption.

But on Fox, he maintained that he was actually so successful at it that Joe Biden forced him out to benefit Hunter's business interests.