Chasing lawmakers since 2006 for @WIRED @RawStory @NPR @VICENews @Playboy @RollingStone @TheDailyBeast / /@JHUGovStudies
Feb 9, 2023 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
My latest political feature is on top of @WIRED's Business section today.
Reminds me of the swarms of lobbyists Silicon Valley now deploys in Washington who have successfully derailed all congressional efforts to protect your private data.
Read and share if you dig it--or if you just want to annoy Big Tech (who is👀watching ...)
Feb 8, 2023 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
NEW: The Political Theater Behind the Bipartisan Data Privacy Push
Biden’s #sotu2023 call for better data protections got a bipartisan standing ovation. So, where’s a federal privacy law?
Reps. Bowman, Wilson, et. finished a press conference calling for pay raises for teachers.
Reps. McBath, Thompson, et. are waiting to start a gun control hearing.
Out of nowhere Sheila Jackson Lee appears at the podium. They retape an ‘American Teacher Act’ sign. And 🎤 hers
👏 this was an amazing pulling of congressional rank 🏆
Jan 11, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Sean Hannity broadcasting from your United States House of Representatives
Hannity noted *to the lawmakers* (who are obediently sitting and saying nothing which is WILD) that many of the lawmakers in attendance might not make it on TV tonight but they gave up an hour to support the Speaker
Jul 10, 2022 • 15 tweets • 28 min read
It’s fascinating – even bizarre – watching Democratic donors flock to @Liz_Cheney. I've covered her - one of the most conservative members of Congress - for @WYPublicRadio since her first failed Senate bid in 2013.
Liz Cheney’s a Cheney. And Cheney’s are unapologetic. 1/15 @Liz_Cheney@WYPublicRadio After becoming a @FoxNews star for defending dad and torture, Cheney became a loyal foot soldier for Donald Trump and Paul Ryan who tapped her for Rules Committee.
It controls House proceeding so is stacked with ‘team’ players. 2/15
Jan 18, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Most depressing purchase ever: Accidentally bought a roll of postcard stamps - in the midst of a global pandemic.
Anyway, hope I helped out the reefs (that I won’t be seeing anytime kind to them!)
i also don’t have any postcards. i have stationary though...
Jan 6, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
The view of the protestors from inside the Capitol, right next to McConnell’s suite actually
Part of Vice President Pence’s Secret Service detail keeps nervously whispering to each other, while some others keep looking outside the Capitol’s windows to catch a glimpse of the growing crowd of protestors on the West Lawn