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Theocratic fascist, bestselling children’s author, America’s highest legal authority
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Jun 27 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ NEW: The Biden admin just told the Supreme Court that the American Medical Association recognizes WPATH’s “Standards of Care” as the “consensus” in so-called trans medicine. But in a now unsealed 2022 email, the AMA doesn’t endorse, or seem eager to “support,” those standards. Image 2/ Here’s the Biden DOJ telling the Supreme Court that the AMA “recognize[s] those guidelines as reflecting the consensus of the medical communities on the appropriate treatment for gender dysphoria.” This is part of the DOJ’s attack on Tennessee's law banning child mutilation.
Jun 12 21 tweets 6 min read
1/ EXCLUSIVE: The Daily Wire has obtained materials written by the trans shooter who killed six people at a Christian school in Nashville. The writings — concealed for over a year — reveal the shooter’s anti-Christian, pro-trans, and perverse ideas in the weeks before the attack. 2/ In one passage, the shooter rails against “Christian friends” that her parents have encouraged her to make. She writes, “Parents actually believe religion can change nature. That could explain why I don’t practice religion anymore. Let kids think for themselves.” Image
Jun 3 15 tweets 5 min read
1/ A day after Ms. Rachel told her audience she didn’t care if they opposed her “Pride” post, her sidekick — a “they/them” named Jules — performed at the “Queer Fam Pride Jam.” The event was advertised as family friendly.

It wasn’t.

@SpencerLndqst captured for @realDailyWire Image 2/ On Sunday, the city of Chicago — along with several corporate partners including @Lululemon — partnered with the event, which put out these marketing materials to encourage kids to come.
May 1 7 tweets 2 min read
You need to understand how crazy this antisemitism bill is that just passed the House with wide bipartisan approval. The law requires the Department of Education to adopt the definition of antisemitism provided by something called the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. The legislation itself never says what the definition is. All it says is that the definition is whatever this other group says it is. Which is batshit bonkers already because it grants the force of law to whatever the IHRA happens to decree on the subject. But it gets worse.
Apr 23 11 tweets 4 min read
EXCLUSIVE: A lengthy congressional investigation led by @SenTedCruz just exposed the deranged lies of several online services that deplatformed @libsoftiktok, @Riley_Gaines_, and me. 🧵 2/ Eventbrite, which controls 50% of the event management market, canceled seven events themed around my film “What is a Woman?”, claiming the events violated their Hateful Events Policy. But the committee found that no one at Eventbrite had even seen my film.
Mar 6 12 tweets 4 min read
1/🧵WPATH — the organization that creates the widely accepted Standards of Care for “trans medicine” — was a radical cult from the very beginning. Watch my full exposé into their sordid & untold history: 2/ WPATH’s origin story traces back to a gender-confused, new-age, drug-addicted, lesbian rich kid named Rita Erickson, her prolific nudist friend, Zelda Suplee, and their Erickson Educational Foundation (EEF). Image
Feb 23 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ In Sept 2022, I broke the story that Vanderbilt doctors were chemically castrating minors in the name of "gender-affirming care." This week, 19 state attorneys general cited my reporting in a brief to the Supreme Court in a case that has nationwide implications for children. 🧵 2/ The case concerns a law in Idaho which bans the castration & mutilation of children. A judge has temporarily halted the enforcement of the law because Idaho "allows the same treatments for cisgender minors that are deemed unsafe and thus banned for transgender minors."
Feb 22 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ Google’s Gemini AI project doesn’t want to display images of white men – even historical figures. I think I may have figured out why. 🧵 2/ Here’s the founder of Google's "AI Responsibility" initiative, Jen Gennai, speaking in a keynote address in 2021. She openly suggests that she treats “Black, Hispanic and Latinx” employees differently than white employees.
Feb 7 11 tweets 4 min read
BREAKING: I've obtained internal footage of senior officials at the FAA's Flight Program Operations division — which is responsible for all aspects of aircraft operations — workshopping a plan to reduce the number of white males in aviation. 🧵 2/ The footage begins with FAA acting deputy chief operating officer Angela McCullough saying more workers need to go from "ramp to cockpit," meaning she wants to see more baggage handlers become airline pilots.
Sep 29, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
🧵Last night, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals delivered a devastating ruling for the trans cult. No other court decision has so thoroughly dismantled, point-by-point, every disingenuous argument from trans activists. 2/ The case arose because of laws in TN & KY banning the use of puberty blockers & sterilizing cross-sex hormones on kids. The laws were passed after my reporting on Vanderbilt’s gender clinic, and how they see some gender “treatments” as big money makers.…
Sep 12, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
🧵A few months ago, the Left was celebrating the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence." The LA Dodgers gave them an award. Public elementary schools invited them to read to children. Anyone who suggested this depraved group shouldn't be applauded was labeled a hateful bigot.

2/ Yet it’s been radio silence since the August 12 arrest of a "Sister" for indecent exposure after witnesses say he masturbated in public. Meet Clinton Monroe Ellis-Gilmore, who, according to social media posts, goes by “Novice Sister Bethe Cockhim,” & “Novice Sister Man Romeo.”
Sep 1, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This is insane. Every adult oriented product has age verification requirements. But if the same basic standard is applied to internet porn suddenly it’s a First Amendment violation? Image Check ID for alcohol: okay

Check ID for tobacco: okay

Check ID for R rated movie: okay

Check ID for cough syrup: okay

Check ID for hardcore internet porn: OMG THE FIRST AMENDMENT IS BEING DESTROYED!!!!
Aug 10, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
This would be hilarious if it wasn’t so grotesque and evil. Another bogus “study,” this one claiming that ZERO patients regret chopping their breasts off. How could they possibly arrive at this conclusion? Well let’s do what the media never does and actually read the study First of all, this was a survey relying on self-reported data from 139 patients at one single hospital. Some of the patients were only 2 or 3 years out from surgery. They all would have of course known why they were being asked the questions and what the political implications……
Jul 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I’m not saying that all therapy is a waste of time but I am saying that many of the worst and most dysfunctional people I’ve ever met have been going to therapy for years and there is no indication that it’s done them any actual good whatsoever Part of the problem is that many therapists and psychologists have a fundamentally flawed view of humanity and what constitutes good and healthy thinking and behavior. They end up making every problem worse because they don’t understand what the real problems even are.
Jun 30, 2023 20 tweets 7 min read
1/ This week, federal Judge Eli Richardson declined to halt Tennessee’s ban on child mutilation surgeries. But he issued an injunction against the state’s ban on chemically castrating & sterilizing minors. The opinion is astonishingly bad & the state AG has already appealed. 2/ Judge Richardson cites the Supreme Court case, Troxel v. Granville, to support the idea that parents have a "fundamental right" to make decisions about their kids' "medical care." This case, from 2000, was about visitation rights. It had nothing to do with transgenderism.

Jun 23, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The trans agenda was invented by pedophilic psychologists, degenerate quacks, lunatic sexologists, literal Nazi scientists, and other assorted deviants. A collection of the most despicable monsters imaginable came up with all of this stuff. Here are five names you should know. John Money pioneered the concept of "gender identity." He tried out his theory on twin boys, who he abused and experimented on throughout their childhood. They both went on to kill themselves.
Jun 15, 2023 25 tweets 10 min read
🧵1/ BREAKING: We've obtained internal docs from @FoxNews employees. Fox Corp is celebrating Pride by encouraging employees to read about “glory holes,” supporting a group that gives sterilizing hormones to homeless youth, & deployed woke AI to monitor everyone. EXPLICIT CONTENT: 2/ The documents we’re about to show you were produced by Fox Corp, which is the parent company of Fox News. These materials are presented to Fox News employees when they log into their employee portal. Let’s start at the top.
Jun 7, 2023 20 tweets 9 min read
🧵1/ BREAKING: The largest “trans healthcare” providers in the U.S. are rubber-stamping letters approving gruesome, life-altering surgeries. It’s such a racket that my producer was approved for testicle removal in #22minutes. The tape is disturbing. 2/ First, some background. Ari Groner is a licensed clinical social worker who educates doctors on “trans healthcare.” At a recent training session for the Juniper Center, Groner explained that she writes whatever letters her patients want, because she’s not a “gatekeeper.”
May 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
There are "conservatives" actually defending Canada's euthanasia program. You people are hopeless. You will never learn. You're useless. Five years from now when euthanasia is the hot new TikTok trend for teens, you'll finally speak out. But it will be too late. You never learn. If I have to explain to you why it's bad for doctors to put down human beings like dogs then there's no point. We aren't on the same side. You're a patsy for the left. You're too stupid to bother with. I'm tired of always having to wait for the dumbest conservatives to catch on.
May 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
As @MaryMargOlohan reports for the Daily Signal, Fox News is fully woke on trans ideology. I‘ve been personally blacklisted from appearing on the network because of my stance on the issue. This is confirmed by DS and I’ve heard it off the record from Fox producers. It gets worse Fox’s handbook codifies trans ideology into official company policy. Trans-identified employees can use the bathroom of their choice and their coworkers are required to respect their pronouns. Read more here:…
Apr 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Anheuser Busch has finally released a statement, and it’s just as clumsy and stupid as the marketing stunt that got them into this mess in the first place. ImageImage The statement won’t satisfy their conservative customers because there is no apology or acknowledgment of wrong. And it won’t satisfy the Left because it doesn’t affirm transgenderism and admits at least (without using the word) that the trans issue “divides people.”