Matthew 'Call Me Swishmale' Greenfield Profile picture
Homosexual. Reads and has a long memory. "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit"
dniklasd Profile picture JoClarke Profile picture Women_R_Born_Not_Worn Profile picture Yesenia Profile picture 4 subscribed
Feb 2, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read… "A three-person medical panel will now determine whether "prior physical development of the athlete as a male" gives transgender swimmers an unfair advantage" "USA Swimming cited data showing that the top-ranked female athlete in 2021 would on average be ranked below 536th on male events that year.

The new policy "relies on science and medical evidence-based methods to provide a level-playing field for elite cisgender women","
Jan 20, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read… "this disgust with the body, this anti-corporeal campaign, is a part of the daily lives of most of us, and it is deeply embedded in Western culture and intellectual life." "the obvious theoretical position was in the vicinity of Aristotle’s: we are animate bodies, and the soul is the living organization of our matter..yet what amazing contortions others..even Aristotle himself, have gone through to deny the idea that we are essentially enmattered."
Jan 17, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
“I remain concerned that so many women are prosecuted for TV licence evasion. It’s an unnecessary conviction serving only to criminalise poverty and disproportionately punish poorer families and women.”… "Almost a third of women’s convictions are for not paying the TV licence fee, figures have revealed..In 2017, the offence constituted 30 per cent of all prosecutions against women – meaning it was the most common offence women were prosecuted for."
Jan 16, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
"Cancel culture is not about people being mean to you online; it is often about potentially losing your job for violating a taboo you didn’t even know existed... ... Many of the columnists who write about cancel culture know they have a privileged voice. They are using that privilege to defend people who can’t speak out."
Jun 17, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
"A couple of years ago I had a similar, but much lower-status, brush with insane overreaction to stating simple biological reality..So I’ve put together this guide for the cancelled, and those contemplating it." "1. Total unwavering public support. I had plenty of this on social media and in the physical world from readers and viewers who liked my work, but nobody in the ‘industry’ did this."
Jun 17, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read… "Forstater’s solicitor, Peter Daly, observed:“Social media platforms ought urgently to take advice on whether they are impermissibly suppressing European speech and thought with a Californian scold’s bridle".” "Underscoring Forstater’s case is a wider cultural phenomenon: the export of US values to the UK...
Jun 17, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
"Cashman had another funny turn..felt it was terrible that ‘in order to find your identity, your place within our movement, that you have to be scarred and hurt’. Unfortunate words when so many young women, mostly lesbian, literally have mastectomy scars." "The new Stonewall strategy thus far has included tweeting broadsheet newspapers ‘U ok hun?’ in response to valid criticism, updating their branding to more closely match the ECHR and Mermaids and, being the all-round shit bags they are, started mass blocking accounts on Twitter"
Jun 16, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read… . “I just got my haircut — a very feminine cut — and in one week already, my life has changed. I’m able to come off stage and take my makeup off and still see a beautiful woman in the mirror. It’s powerful.” #ThePowerOfAHaircut #CoiffeurChameleon "Without a prompt, she volunteers information about her physical transformation, stressing that it's important for her to highlight this part of her story - which involves deliberately coming out before beginning hormone therapy"
Jun 16, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
"Well-connected people who would once have found their natural home in public relations are now hacks, whereas bright working-class kids, as I was in the 1970s, cannot afford to work as unpaid interns... ...Nepotism - which interesting often goes hand in hand with Wokery, probably because of the fear that hoi polloi are Deplorables who will sully one’s antimacassars given the chance - has fouled the nest...
Jun 16, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
"they were about as committed to a robust exchange of ideas as North Korean secret policemen; like the spooks of Pyongyang, these aging professors were dedicated solely to protecting their own Hermit Kingdom from outsiders and preserving their rigid and uninterrupted way of life" "Academic journals were set up to ensure that the anointed speak only to the anointed. Tenure committees sprang up to hire more like-minded folks—and squelch dissenters. Real diversity—not of the color of one’s skin but of the content of one’s character—was snuffed out"
Jun 16, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
"the discipline of academic Philosophy, and the university system more generally, has become little more than an indoctrination center for ‘woke’ leftist ideology and the antithesis of its original aim and purpose." "academics on the left now make their arguments primarily by means of social pressure and stigmatization, intimidation, group struggle sessions, virtue signaling, and online reputational assassination in the form of labelling their opponents as ‘extremists’, ‘racists’, ‘phobes’"
Jun 15, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Coming up on GB News next "Whats gone wrong at Stonewall" @SimonFanshawe is the guest!
Jun 15, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
"It turned out that a handful of strangers’ opinions was worth more than my friendship and professional reputation. I am sure the Trustees searched for courage, but were ultimately disappointed." "We need a louder voice to hold woke businesses to account and I intend to do exactly that. @GoWokeGoBrokeUK will be an online voice to highlight the actions, statements and ideology of the businesses we give our hard-earned money to"
May 7, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
"Biological sex is not a social construct – male and female are distinct material realities which have significant implications for medical and surgical treatment of many different conditions... ...These physiological differences are relevant on the levels of clinical practice, research, and policy, and absolutely must be acknowledged in order for physicians to best treat their patients."
May 6, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
"Conflicting results contributed to the difficulty of identifying specific brain features which consistently differ between cisgender and transgender or between heterosexual and homosexual groups" "before hormonal treatment, in transgenders the most important brain parameters..tend to be congruent with the gender assigned at birth—after hormone treatment they partly adjust to the characteristics of the desired gender"
May 5, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
"The intended readership was ‘amongst the classes to whom, more especially, advertisements are generally addressed’. Such people would value ‘the commercial connections and knowledge of the conductors of the Guardian’." Hasn't changed much in 200 years. #YeOldeChatteringClasses "Thanks to its anti-democratic campaigning, the working-class Manchester and Salford Advertiser dubbed the Manchester Guardian ‘the foul prostitute and dirty parasite of the worst portion of the mill-owners’."
May 4, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
"The society has for years..buried its head in the sand seemingly hoping that the debate would go away,and you would not have to jump on one side or the other..a cowardly position which ignores the long history of your organisation in campaigning for women"… "I do not believe that it is bigoted or transphobic to say ..that transitioning children, performing mastectomies on healthy young girls is wrong. That erasing the same-sex attraction of lesbians, labelling them bigots if they will not date men who define as lesbians, is wrong"
May 4, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
"Watching male students on campus scream and attack my supporters, made it visceral how much the harassment of women academics has become socially acceptable under the guise of gender identity activism." "If I complain that this sort of defamation impedes me from doing my teaching job and threatens my own safety on campus,’ says Stock, ‘they reply that since I am a free speech warrior, shouldn’t I just put up with it? They are utterly toxic and my mental health has..suffered."
Jan 28, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
"the demographic make-up of these marchers reveals something that is routinely swept under the carpet by Clinton feminism: social class. According to one survey, 43% of marchers earned above $75,000 per year–despite only 16% of Americans of either sex earning that amount or more" "It’s one thing to demand an equal right to earn hundreds of thousands a year as a lawyer, but there’s no feminist campaign for an equal right to become bin men. And everyone knows why."
Jan 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
"the Big Tech oligarchy, which clearly has no respect whatsoever for borders, territory or democratically made national laws and feels that it can reach into any nation state it chooses and switch off the oxygen of publicity to any party, group or individual it disapproves of" "surely our friends in the SWP have read some Trotsky..he ridiculed leftists in Mexico who were seeking to ‘curb’ reactionary right-wing voices..'Any leftist who ‘arms the bourgeois state with special means to control public opinion’ is a fool'"
Dec 17, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
"You know you are in the Upside Down when a famous human-rights organisation petitions your government to disenfranchise you and members of your group, to stop you from engaging in peaceful actions and voicing your concerns and opinions." "If any man can fill out a form, as is the case in Ireland, and legally become a woman ‘for all purposes’, that is not a legal fiction. That is an access-all-areas pass for predators...