Matthew Russell Lee Profile picture
Matthew Russell Lee covers the SDNY & UN daily, IMF, banks behaving badly, Books: Patreon
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Mar 6 25 tweets 5 min read
OK - now in Honduras ex-Prez JOH trial, defense closing argument then US rebuttal, Inner City Press will live tweet, thread below / JOH argumentos finales y luego refutación por USA- hilo a continuación Image Jury entering!
Judge Castel: Mr. Stabile?
JOH's lawyer Stabile: Ladies and gentlemen, New York City is where I grew up. I asked you to use your NY street smarts - it's no easy to fool New Yorkers. So many things in this case make you scratch your head.
Mar 4 24 tweets 5 min read
OK - now in Honduras ex-Prez JOH trial, defense case with Army Brigadier Romero Palacio and AF Brigadier Xavier Rene Barrientos. Inner City Press will live tweet, thread below / testigos de la defensa- hilo a continuación…
Image They've back.
Judge Castel: We will talk about the defense [proposed] experts. But for now, bring the jury in.
Jury entering!
JOH's lawyer Stabile: We call Tulio Armando Romero Palacios. Where do you work?
Romero: I am adviser to the chief of staff of the Army
Mar 1 26 tweets 5 min read
OK - now in Honduras ex-Prez JOH trial, cross examination of Fabio Lobo by Colon, Inner City Press will live tweet, thread below / interrogatorio a Fabio Lobo - hilo a continuación…
Image All rise!
Judge Castel: Remain standing for the jury.
Jury entering!
JOH's lawyer Colon: Mr. Lobo, isn't it true that when you brought the Mexicans to General Tinoco's office, he got angry?
Fabio Lobo: Yes.
Feb 29 27 tweets 5 min read
OK - now in Honduras ex-Prez JOH trial, now finally re-direct of Devis Rivera Maradiaga, Inner City Press will live tweet, thread below / Ahora Redireccionamiento de Devis Rivera Maradiaga por parte del fiscal- hilo a continuación…
Image Jury enters.
Judge Castel: Let me know if it gets too cold. Mr. Gutwillig?
ASUA Gutwillig: Mr. Rivera, did you provide info to the DEA that led to arrests, including Fabio Lobo?
Devis: Yes.
Feb 28 22 tweets 4 min read
OK - now in Honduras ex-Prez JOH trial, Devis Rivera Maradiaga to be cross examined, Inner City Press will live tweet, thread below / Ahora Devis Rivera Maradiaga será interrogado - hilo a continuación…
Image Judge Castel (before jury comes in) - the military man was a member of the conspiracy, I find, because he was reporting to a known drug trafficker about the landing of planes with cocaine
JOH's lawyer Colon: He was just giving information
Feb 27 29 tweets 6 min read
OK - now in Honduras ex-Prez JOH trial, Perez / Monroy Murillo still being cross examined, next may be Devis Rivera Maradiaga. Inner City Press will live tweet, thread below / Ahora - hilo a continuación…
Image All rise!
JOH's lawyer Colon: You have no audio or video recordings of JOH receiving this money, do you?
Perez/MM: Correct.
AUSA: Objection. Asked and answered.
Judge Castel: Agreed. Let me see you at sidebar
Feb 26 42 tweets 8 min read
OK - now in Honduras ex-Prez JOH trial, Reynoso is done, US blocked report it sealed - now Manuel Prado takes the stand. Inner City Press will live tweet, thread below / Ahora - hilo a continuación…
Image AUSA Tarlow: How do you find your translation work?
Prado: Word of mouth.
AUSA: How long has you worked as an interpreter?
Prado: 35 years.
AUSA: Do you prepare transcripts of audio and video recordings?
Prado: Yes.
Feb 23 21 tweets 4 min read
OK - now in Honduras ex-President JOH trial, Feb 23 afternoon session Alex Ardon STILL on stand - Inner City Press covered morning & will live tweet, thread below / tarde, Inner City Press cubrió Ardon por la manana y publicará tweets en vivo, hilo a continuación Image Ardon, still on the witness stand, is standing up waiting for judge and jury, for cross examination by JOH lawyer Colon to continue
Feb 22 33 tweets 7 min read
OK - now in Honduras ex-President JOH trial, Feb 22 afternoon session Alex Ardon on stand - Inner City Press covered morning & will live tweet, thread below / tarde, Inner City Press cubrió Ardon por la manana y publicará tweets en vivo, hilo a continuación Image Before Judge Castel comes in, JOH is seated at defense table while Colon, standing up, chats with a prosecutor. Alex Ardon, too, is standing up, next to the witness chair. Inner City Press over the lunch break looked up his case - he has another judge, not Castel
Feb 21 31 tweets 6 min read
OK - now in Honduras ex-President JOH trial, before afternoon session - Inner City Press covered jury selection & will live tweet, thread below / tarde, Inner City Press cubrió la selección del jurado y publicará un tweet en vivo, hilo a continuación Image Before the jury comes in, JOH sitting with his hands in his lap, with two U.S. Marshals behind him
Antes de que entre el jurado, JOH está sentado con las manos en el regazo y dos alguaciles estadounidenses detrás de él.