Matthew Hoh Profile picture
Associate Director @MediaEisenhower
Dec 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
"Unprovoked" seems to be being utilized more frequently in messaging regarding the Ukraine war, as in "unprovoked Russian invasion".
This is a good sign that messaging around the war, in terms of putting it in context and showing there is no "good" side, is working. Criminal, illegal, thuggish, brutal, odious, etc are all words I would use to describe the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but unprovoked is not.
Jul 14, 2022 10 tweets 6 min read
BREAKING: We just filed a lawsuit against the NC State Board of Elections' corrupt, lawless, and partisan decision to keep the Green Party off the ballot - even though we submitted over 2000 verified signatures more than required by law.

Read and retweet: Image This case will determine whether the political establishment can abuse its power to stop another party from participating in elections, simply because they don’t want to compete with candidates who stand for working people, our planet, peace, and real democracy.
Jun 30, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
The NC State Board of Elections’ decision to deny the Green Party our rightfully earned place on the ballot is a corrupt, lawless & blatantly partisan attack on democracy - a slap in the face to everyone who believes in democracy.
Please RT our statement!… Image The Green Party needed 13865 verified signatures of NC voters. We submitted 22500+ signatures & 15953 were verified by County BoEs. But even tho the Green Party had 2K+ verified signatures more than needed, all 3 Democrats on the SBOE voted to deny the Green Party a ballot line.
Jun 29, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
The Democratic Party has launched a massive, deceptive & well-funded voter intimidation campaign to bully NC voters to remove their names from our ballot access petition - an outrageous attack on democracy from those who claim to defend it. Please retweet!… We’ve been hearing from folks across NC they’re being bombarded with calls, texts & even people coming to their houses demanding to remove their signature from the @NorthCarolinaGP petition. We have recordings of these callers falsely representing themselves as the Green Party!