Product Manager, @FinancialTimes, formerly @thetimes. Full-stack nerd. Tweets usually on the future of media and cool technology. Views own, not the FT's.
Jun 8, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Fastly, the CDN provider, is having a massive outage, resulting in Twitch, Pinterest, Reddit, The Guardian, and the FT returning 503 errors.
Identified - The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented. Jun 8, 10:44 UTC
What's possible now is a bunch of sites will suffer from a second outage due to lack of caching as their application servers have to suddenly catch up.
Jun 7, 2021 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Okay I got mad enough about Apple's Mail Privacy Protection to write it up.
It's bad news: big email marketing biz Litmus expects Apple Mail on iPhone to be almost 50% of opens.
That's ~50% of your data gone.
Worse though, it hurts small pubs the most.…
If this works like @heyhey then we can guess Apple has a database of 3rd party trackers that it will block outright.
No word as to if they will detect sneakier marketers (I assume yes). Or if they will load everything else via a proxy (also assume yes).