Matt Deitsch Profile picture
Filmmaker, Organizer, Writer, Political Educator. @ProgIntl || Board @CreativeActs @HeadCount Fmr: Founder/Dir @AMarch4OurLives Policy @BernieSanders (he/they)
2 subscribers
May 2, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Anyone who thinks ARMING TEACHERS will DECREASE school shootings is ignoring the reality that more guns only bring more gun violence.

Guns aren’t protected under the consumer protection act meaning they can discharge randomly w/o liability.

Here is what is already happening: March 25th 2018

Blountsville, AL

74-year-old Substitute teacher’s gun accidentally discharges sending a first grader to the nurse.

A 1st grader was hit by Shrapnel.…
Mar 26, 2019 9 tweets 6 min read

“One Week In America” by @AMarch4OurLives In one week in America we lose 735 people to gun violence... 105 of them children.

In one week in New Zealand they were able to pass life saving policy while most people affected in America wont even get thoughts and prayers.
Dec 14, 2018 30 tweets 13 min read
The kids from Sandy Hook should be in middle school today.

The kids that survived are in middle school... still practicing active shooter drills. Olivia Engel, 6

She was bubbly and smart. She played Tennis and swam. She loved to draw and paint.

She was killed 6 years ago today in her elementary school.

Her parents would like you to donate here in her memory:
Oct 1, 2018 8 tweets 3 min read
Oct 1st in Las Vegas, a year ago today, there was a massacre that we cannot afford to forget.

20,000+ at the Route 91 concert ran for their lives during Jason Aldean’s performance.

It’s been one year and NOTHING has changed at the federal level. It could happen again TODAY. 58 people shot and killed.

Another 480+ injured.

Mothers, grandmothers, fathers, grandfathers, brothers, sisters, sons, nephews, daughters, nieces, lovers.. the victims ages ranged from 20 to 67.

Some of those injured are still going through surgeries to remove shrapnel.
Aug 28, 2018 7 tweets 3 min read
August 28th is an incredibly important day to remember - not just for the elections happening today in Florida, Arizona and Oklahoma - but the history of this day that steers us in the direction of unity.

8/28 carries an incredibly important torch towards justice and equality. August 28th 1833:

The United Kingdom officially abolishes Slavery causing a domino effect. This eventually led to American abolition.
Jul 31, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
Last night, my brother and I went to visit the sleepaway camp we would’ve been working at this summer if we were not working to prevent gun violence.

We wanted to surprise our lil sis because it was her last week of camp as a camper and we were supposed to all be there together. As I sat in the prayer service listening to all these kids — Kids I watched grow up as their counselor — I couldn’t stop thinking about the loss of one of our own on Valentine’s Day.

I remembered the reason we’re working everyday is for these kids and kids everywhere to live.
Jul 8, 2018 12 tweets 4 min read

Incase you didn’t know I am one of the organizers for #RoadToChange and we are currently traveling through TX organizing youth meetings, rallies and town halls.

These counter protests at our events are incredibly invited because they allow us to clarify our message. In Dallas the Facebook event for the protest of us had a few hundred people RSVP’d — there were around 20 people standing outside open carrying in protest... When I first walked up I was being harassed by a few protestors.. but one man in a red hat approached me peacefully...