Andrew Matzkin Profile picture
Health-Tech Strategist. Head of Strategy at Paradigm, Inc.
Sep 16, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Amidst the excitement about consumer wearables, we need to realize how different these models are:

1) Device + algorithm alone
2) Device/algo + your HCP
3) Device/algo + 3rd party coach/HCP

Common tech, but very different biz models, evidence reqs, regulatory, etc.

⬇️THREAD⬇️ 1) Device + algo alone:
-Self-Tracking for Fitness/Wellness
-Health Screening (alerts user of a *possible* issue & suggests they see HCP)

-> Can differentiate consumer devices
-> May enable consumer subscription biz
-> May enable device sales to employers and payers
Apr 13, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
As anticipated, the virus is accelerating adoption of virtual mental health:
@ginger_io 50% increase March vs. Feb
@Livongo 140% increase for @mystrengthbh March vs. Sept (obv not just due to virus)
@OMadA 10x increase in behav. tools among diabetes patients

1/3 .@omadahealth data point is here:…

Feb 20, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
This @seanduffy editorial will get attention for its POV on DH definitions, but more important is @omadahealth's public affirmation of their strategy to be a Digital Care Provider. Simple way to understand this: they're more likely to compete with @onemedical than @Pear_Tx 1/6 Omada is one of several digital disease management companies (or, now, Digital Care Providers?) organized and licensed as medical practices, along with @Livongo @virtahealth @onduo. Expect many more of these models across different disease areas and patient populations. 2/6
Jul 24, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
Picking up on discussion w/ @chrissyfarr @cwhogg @geoffclapp @malayhgandhi et al. about digital health starting B2C and using that to bridge to B2B2C, this is usually a bad idea, but I think it might work in rare cases. @bloom_life might be such a case 1/5… I think the only times this difficult strategy MIGHT work are when there is
1) Real consumer demand around a clinical need AND
2) Clear connection/progression from DTC to clinical version (technology and/or customer acquisition) 2/5
Jun 18, 2019 6 tweets 4 min read
For today's @Google @sanofi deal and January's @Microsoft @Walgreens deal, the headlines are about AI and tech development, with little attention to the part that probably matters much more to the tech co's: winning these co's as cloud customers… Another @Microsoft deal today that looks a lot like these ones, this time with a major health system.…
Jul 25, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
.@RebeccaDRobbins' report on @IBMWatson in oncology highlights an important catch-22 for AI algorithms and clinical decision support software...

The catch-22 for CDS:
•If software makes recommendations that differ from guidelines or what most doctors would recommend, people think the software doesn’t work
•If software always aligns with guidelines or physician consensus, people ask what the value of the software is
Jul 9, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
For #DigitalHealth co's, deciding whom to sell to is a critical choice. This article is right about employers offering relatively easier near-term revenue opportunity for many companies... 1/5 This is why, to date, some of the most successful digital health co's are primarily employer-facing: e.g., @Livongo @omadahealth @CastlightHealth @Collective @Teladoc Not all wild successes, but it's hard to build a comparable list of co's targeting providers/payers. 2/5
Apr 26, 2018 7 tweets 3 min read
1/ FDA just released more detailed guidance on the Digital Health Pre-cert program it is piloting with @Apple, Verily, @Roche, @Pear_Tx and others. Here's a brief thread with some initial takeaways.… 2/ Pre-certification is based on the company, not the product, and pre-cert levels depend on company systems/capabilities/culture AND experience marketing digital health. The net effect is an advantage and barrier to entry for larger more established players.