Marshall Auerback Profile picture
Market analyst, Levy Institute researcher, recovering Toronto Maple Leafs addict:…
Aug 21, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read… This is a brilliant piece. Worthy of Christopher Lasch's best works. Money quote: Not sure we can suggest that the fall of Afghanistan is the moment in which the collapse of the current political & geopolitical order becomes manifest to all. What's particularly distressing is the obsession with the nature of the withdrawal, not the totality of the fiasco
Jul 15, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
@GeorgeSzamuely Trump should not be injecting himself into these scientific discussions (I know, that's asking the impossible). His intervention completely discredited any research done on hydroxychloroquine. There's a Yale paper on HCQ, very persuasive. In regular use in Cuba, Spain, India..1/2 @GeorgeSzamuely Used in combination with zinc greatly increases efficacy and that zinc is actually the main player with HCQ acting as carrier. HCQ is zinc ionophore, proven, and zinc itself has well documented antiviral effects as well as immune boosting effects.
Dec 1, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Some eye-opening clues in these two articles:……

In brief:

a) gas-oil conglomerate Burisma paid Hunter Biden and his partners far more than anyone has even hinted at--a cool $16.5 million, presumably not for their less-than-evident managerial skills;
May 25, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Overstated threat. US can be supplied with magnetic materials from plants in Thailand for which raw materials are sourced from either Estonia, Australia, Malaysia. Some assemblies are manufactured in the US from components imported from China, Japan and Europe...1/2 but very few advanced rare earths are used right in the US. In addition, the amount of rare earths used in defence is grossly exaggerated. The only rare earths that the US imports in relatively large quantities are low-value lanthanum & cerium for refinery catalyst applications.