Mau Profile picture
Passion for nature, tech, people. Backyard Scientist. Armchair genealogist. Determined to save lives and change the world to make it work again. #VaxStatRep
May 28, 2024 39 tweets 10 min read
Now that I'm going to be sued by Erin Elizabeth, I thought I'd do my homework. It's best to be prepared.

So I listened in on a space she hosted yesterday where that poor badly "vaccine injured" nurse Lyndsey joined in.

I want to share what Lyndsey told. Just to point out that I'm from Africa and had no idea who Erin was until her short spat with @sjs856 last week.

I wrote about my expected coming libel case yesterday after I wandered into a conversation where she claimed vaccines cause cancer.
Apr 28, 2024 19 tweets 6 min read
#VaxStatRep on 28/04/2024

Now that most populations have a high level of population level immunity from vaccines and covid infections, what do we know about:

Infection Fatality Rate (IFR)
Case Fatality Rate (CFR)

RT=Appreciated Image If you missed the previous VaxStatReports, please find them here👇
Apr 15, 2024 26 tweets 9 min read
VaxStatReport 16/04/2024

Question: How big can an antivaxxer lie get?

Answer: Aseem Malhotra big.

Retweet = Appreciated Image If you missed the previous VaxStatReports, you can find them linked here.👇
Apr 10, 2024 20 tweets 7 min read
How can we compare death rates between two countries?

Let us take a look at Country A & Country B
The measures that we use are mainly:
- Absolute number of deaths
- Crude death rates (CDR)
- Age-Specific death rates
- Age-Standardised death rates
- Life Expectancy
Feb 9, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
Homework @sco0psmcgoo

I think guys, @sco0psmcgoo is being disrespectful here. We have invested a lot of time to educate him but today he basically said it was all meaningless because his spreadsheet tells him what he needs to know.

@UncleJo46902375 He was again educated by others today and I think it would be fair to say that the homework for Scoops is now to figure out what a control group is and why it is important. Also how to account for age and time in his model because he just completely ignores it beyond stratifying by age.

I suggested that I will do anything to help him master these techniques. I think it is only fair that we agree not to help him any longer unless his endeavours are clearly showing he is engaging this topic without gish galloping and wasting everyone's time as he clearly has been doing.
Jan 30, 2024 60 tweets 20 min read
Alright @Macj007C 🧵

Mortality risk comparison.

Evidence of deaths from vaccines in different countries:

1. New Zealand.
~4 people in a population of 5,1m with more than 12million vaccines administrated.

Risk of < 1 in a 1 000 000 people.… 2. Australia
~11 people in a population of 26 with more that 40m vaccines administrated.

Risk of way < 1 in 1 000 000 people.

705 deaths investigated. Even all those deaths were from the vaccine risk < 1 in 36 000…
Apr 5, 2023 16 tweets 11 min read
Quick high level summary of the antivaxxer attempt at a court case. FASA they call themselves.

They sue everyone who works in 'HEALTH', the president, @SAHPRA1 & @pfizer

In some ways its painful to watch because its going to be pretty brutally damaging if this gets to court. ImageImage They have lots of money and it's telling that they fell for an old laywer trick which is to tell customers they may just win.

737 pages in an affidavit does not come cheap. (Tip for the future antivaxxers. Get an advocate that knows medicine next time. It's not looking good.) Image
Mar 19, 2023 83 tweets 58 min read
What's driven me to the point where I am insulting fellow humans for their ignorance is utter desperation at the lack of integrity by those advocating for ideas which will have as consequence that more humans will die.

I ask forgiveness for how my behaviour reflects on me AND I'm using the tactic to get people to their truth.

The use of ivermectin is a great way to show how all this works because like HCQ, despite thousands of studies the only clear and credible evidence we have is that it is does not work.…
Mar 18, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
🤦‍♂️ this would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Aleda thought she got sick "TWICE IN ONE MONTH" taking her Ivermectin and though it was Covid.

Looks like she's already had one "clot shot" but the Ivermectin saved her.
🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ It gets better. This statement from her shows how @DrAseemMalhotra feels sorry for people who passed away and milks the opportunity.

Twin Sister feels Vitamin C,D & Zinc meant you "virtually never die of covid." He says nothing.

Aleda says she got sick twice in one month.
Mar 11, 2023 6 tweets 8 min read
@maggsnaidu @Jay_Naidoo @_cosatu @DrAseemMalhotra Let me help you guys out on your path to save the world from itself and us.

@DrAseemMalhotra happens to have made his views and paper known before you guys "discovered" him.

This is going to be painful for you to stomach.

@maggsnaidu @Jay_Naidoo @_cosatu @DrAseemMalhotra This guy sets it out nicely and links to a few sources you should not ignore given how vested you fools now are on the topic.

Mar 11, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Antivaxxers are keen to suggest that Africa is an example of something. It's been proof the virus is a hoax, that hcq and ivermectin works (yes in Africa we are apparently rubbing ourselves daily), or as Maggs seems to suggest, Covid magically missed Africa. Valid question, but many obvious reasons.

First its an issue of data. Very few countries in Africa would have reliable data.

We have relatively good systems in South Africa, yet the excess death statistics suggest a good % of people died without being tested.
Mar 10, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
It's maybe worth it to tell what is happening here. @Jay_Naidoo has waddled into quack territory but he didn't quite bargain on reality.

Antivaxxers don't want to think about these things. Of you visit their "lectures" you will see they have an interesting dilemma. The whole narrative is based on some big pharma conspiracy, so they have the lunatic fringe hook-line-and-sinker. Problem is, not everyone agrees but you will never see anyone stepping out of line. So a guy will pitch up and rant about the 5G they want to mandate blah blah blah