Colin McAllister Profile picture
Chief of Staff at the Scottish Government
Mar 23, 2021 16 tweets 6 min read
The Parliamentary committee on harassment's report has been published.

It concludes that:

“James Hamilton’s report is the most appropriate place to address the question of whether or not the First Minister has breached the Scottish Ministerial Code.”

He found she did not. The Report rejects conspiracy theories about messages between women saying:
Jan 4, 2021 87 tweets 11 min read
The FM today updated Parliament on Covid-19. She said:

"The Cabinet met this morning to assess the up to date Covid situation and discuss what further action is necessary to minimise further spread of the virus. "I can confirm now, in summary, that we decided to introduce from tomorrow, for the duration of January, a legal requirement to stay at home except for essential purposes.

"This is similar to the lockdown of March last year.
Nov 17, 2020 87 tweets 12 min read
The FM today updated Parliament on the Covid-19 protection levels.

First, she set out today’s key statistics including 1,248 new cases and, tragically, a further 37 deaths. Making a statement, the FM said:

“My deepest condolences go to all those who have lost a loved one.
Sep 22, 2020 58 tweets 20 min read
The FM today updated Parliament on additional restrictions that the Scottish Government believes are necessary to get Covid back under control.

#StickWithIt She said: "In mid July, we were recording an average of 9 new cases a day. Around 4 weeks later, that had risen to an average of 52 cases a day. Three weeks after that, it was 102. Today it is 285."

Sep 10, 2020 68 tweets 24 min read
The FM today updated Parliament on the latest review of Covid-19 restrictions. Here’s the quick summary of changes:

#ProtectScotland Table showing the changes i... Speaking to Parliament she said:
“in light of the increase in cases - and because it must still be our aim to keep prevalence of the virus as low as possible - we have taken the precautionary decision to pause some changes that we had previously scheduled

Sep 1, 2020 114 tweets 39 min read
The First Minister today published the @scotgov Programme for Government setting out our plans, focused on tackling Covid-19 and supporting new, good, green jobs.

#PFG Image In her statement to Parliament, the FM said: "Today’s programme is clear that suppressing COVID is our most immediate priority - and it will remain so for some time."

Aug 20, 2020 54 tweets 7 min read
FM Nicola Sturgeon today set out the latest on Scotland's route out of lockdown. Here's the quick summary: Graphic showing key dates i... Speaking to Parliament she said :

"I am not able to indicate, today, a move from phase 3 of our route map out of lockdown to phase 4. We will remain, for now, in phase 3 and I must give notice today that this may well be the case beyond the next review point too."
Aug 12, 2020 23 tweets 4 min read
DFM John Swinney makes a statement on the reopening of schools saying:

"This week, marks a milestone, not just in our children’s lives, but in our nation’s recovery from COVID. A step towards growth and renewal. This week, we reopen our schools." "People rightly ask how we will keep our schools safe and how we will support our teachers, pupils and young people through the weeks and months ahead.

"Given all our nation has gone through, the pain and sacrifice people have endured, it is a question we must face and answer."
Aug 11, 2020 25 tweets 4 min read
DFM @JohnSwinney apologises for the getting the SQA results process wrong saying:

"We set out to ensure that the system was fair.
We set out to ensure it was credible.
But we did not get it right for all young people. " "In speaking directly to the young people affected by the downgrading of awards – the seventy-five thousand pupils whose teacher estimates were higher than their final award - I want to say this : I am sorry. "
Aug 5, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
FM has announced that, following an increase in coronavirus cases in the Aberdeen area, local restrictions on travel, indoor gatherings between households and the closure of indoor and outdoor hospitality will be introduced in Aberdeen City. Taking effect from 5pm on Wednesday 5 August, bars, restaurants, cafes and pubs will be required by law to close. Hotel restaurants can remain open to provide food for existing guests, and takeaway services can continue.
Jul 9, 2020 32 tweets 5 min read
FM has updated Parliament on progress in implementing the Routemap.

She has announced that we will move into Phase 3 in a gradual fashion.

Here’s the table of the Phase 3 changes: Image FM also confirms that – in a limited number of sectors – an exception will be made to the requirement for 2 metre distancing. This will be subject to strict conditions tailored to the circumstances of each sector.

In public transport and the retail sector, 1m starts tomorrow.
Jul 2, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
.@Joanna_Barrett asked me to post the CMO's remarks from today's briefing for info as I understand not everyone saw them. The 3-page text he worked from follows with the caveat of 'check against delivery'. Even if there are minor differences , the substance is the same. 1/4 2/4 Page 1 of the text of the C...
Jul 2, 2020 17 tweets 3 min read
FM today confirmed a change to the guidance on local travel. The 5 mile limit ends tomorrow, with the exception of specific areas of D&G currently seeing an outbreak. FM also announced the position on 2 metres physical distancing for the rest of Phase 2 and 3.

This is based on the latest scientific advice. It notes that the science has not changed. To quote ‘there is increased risk somewhere between 2 and 10 fold in reducing from 2m to 1m’.
Jun 24, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
The First Minister today updated the Routemap with indicative dates for the remainder of Phase 2 and the early part of Phase 3. Here's the one page summary: Picture of updated routemap... This is only possible because of the efforts of people to follow the rules: Image
Jun 23, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Parliamentary statement by @JohnSwinney sets out the progress made in suppressing the virus now allows a new planning assumption: a return to school, full time, in August. Image This is a change delivered by the efforts of ordinary people acting to suppress the virus Image
Jun 18, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
Here's the Phase 2 changes to restrictions on one page: Image Here's the criteria for each stage and the protections associated with each: Image
May 21, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
The phases of the @scotgov routemap and the criteria aligning to each: Image And, the protections in place in each phase: Image
Sep 3, 2019 81 tweets 10 min read
The centrepiece of this Programme for Government is our work to tackle the climate emergency. #ScotPfG "I can confirm today that, during the passage of the [Referendum] Bill, we will seek agreement to the transfer of power that will put the referendum beyond legal challenge."