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Telling stories of Medieval Europe. One thread at a time. ©
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Jun 28 19 tweets 11 min read
Through the history of Medieval Europe many orders of chivalry came and went. But in 1348, through the King of England, came one of the most prestigious to exist.

This is the Most Noble Order of the Garter and their story, a thread. 🧵⚔️Image The Order of the Garter was founded in 1348 by King Edward III along with 25 knights including his son the legendary Black Prince.

1348 was the year it was formally proclaimed. However the book titled The Complete Peerage states that the order was founded four years prior in 1344 on April 23rd.Image
Jun 27 14 tweets 8 min read

The House of Nassau

Origin: Holy Roman Empire, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, England, Scotland, Ireland, Nassau, Luxembourg, Principality of Orange

Titles: King of the Romans, King of the Netherlands, King of England, Scotland and Ireland, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Duke of Nassau, Duke of Limburg and more.Image The land that would become the county of Nassau originated in the Duchy of Franconia.

The House of Nassau was founded in 1093 by Count Dudo of Laurenberg. He was the son of Rupert who served as the Vogt (steward) for the Archbishop of Mainz in Siegerland. Coat of Arms of the Duchy of Franconia
Jun 26 11 tweets 10 min read
Countless tales both fictional and historical of heroism and courage. Training vigorously to earn the status of knighthood.

Many went on to carve themselves into history as brave warriors and paragons of chivalry.

Here are ten of the greatest knights in history. 🧵⚔️ Image 1. El Cid:

Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar or better known as El Cid was both a Castilian knight and a warlord who played a major role in the Spanish Reconquista.

During his time fighting with Muslims, he would earn the honorific title “as-Sayyid” which translates to “The Lord” or “The Master” this name would eventually evolve into El Cid, the name we know him as today.

He born in 1043 in the town of Vivar, near Burgos Spain. By a young age Rodrigo would already be well known in the Iberian Peninsula, being one of its most renowned warriors.

He first came to see success when he was given the role as a commander of the forces of King Ferdinand I of Castile and Leon at the age of just 22.

After a dispute, El Cid was sent off into exile where he then joined to fight with the Moorish king al-Mu'tamin at Zaragoza. His military victories and conquests earned him the title El Campeador ('The Champion').Image
Jun 22 25 tweets 11 min read
In around the year 1060, in modern day Belgium in the county of Flanders, one of the greatest knights in history was born.

One who would grow up to be a hero of the first crusade, a hero of Christendom, a chivalric warrior unlike any other. This is the story of Godfrey of Bouillon. 🧵Image Godfrey of Bouillon, born around 1060, was the second son of Eustace II, Count of Boulogne, and Ida, daughter of the Lotharingian duke Godfrey the Bearded.

His birthplace is likely Boulogne-sur-Mer, though some sources suggest Baisy, in modern-day Belgium. Image
Jun 14 23 tweets 13 min read
"I am not afraid... I was born to do this."

During the brutal Hundred Years War between England and France, there came the Siege of Orléans.

Besieged by English and Burgundians since October, when all hope had faded, came a light of hope that would turn the tide of battle.🧵Image After conflict over Hainaut in 1425–26, English and Burgundian forces renewed their alliance and launched an offensive on France in 1427.

The Orléanais region was important for controlling the Loire River and connecting English and Burgundian operations. French forces achieved a significant victory in the siege of Montargis in late 1427, which started uprisings in the English-occupied Maine.Image
Jun 13 21 tweets 11 min read

The House of Welf

Origin: Holy Roman Empire, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

Titles: Holy Roman Emperor, Emperor of Russia, Empress of India, King of Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Burgundy, Hanover and more.Image
The Younger House of Welf is the older branch of the House of Este.

The progenitor of the family was Welf I, Duke of Bavaria who lived from 1035/1040 to 1101. Serving as the Duke of Bavaria from 1070 to 1077 and then from 1096 until his death.
Jun 7 24 tweets 11 min read
Amidst howling winds, sleet and snow on March 29th 1461 near Towton in Yorkshire, England, Yorkist and Lancastrian forces clashed in a bloody battle, the bloodiest in the history of English soil.

This is the story of the Battle of Towton 🧵⚔️ Image By 1461, it had been 6 years since the beginning of the bloody Wars of the Roses, civil wars between the Houses of York and Lancaster.

A fun fact is this event is what helped give inspiration to George R.R. Martin for his power struggle in Game of Thrones. Image
May 31 22 tweets 12 min read

The House of Habsburg

Origin: Holy Roman Empire, Austria Bohemia, Hungary, Croatia, Galicia and Lodomeria

Titles: Holy Roman Emperor, Emperor of Austria, King of Bohemia, Croatia, Hungary, Germany, Sicily, Naples, Navarre, Castile, Aragon and many more.Image The House of Habsburg takes its name from the castle built in modern day Switzerland by Radbot of Klettgau in the 1020s.

His grandson Otto II was the first to take the fortress name, adding Count of Habsburg to his title.
May 24 18 tweets 7 min read
On July 21st 1403 the Lancastrian King Henry IV met the rebel army led by Henry Percy.

On the fields three miles (5km) north of Shrewsbury in Shropshire, England the two armies would do battle in the bloody Battle of Shrewsbury

A thread 🧵🪡Image The Percys were previous supporters of Henry IV. Being by his side and aiding in his war against Richard II as well as his war against the rebellious Owain Glyndŵr.

After the war had ended, lands that were promised by the king to be given to the Percys were instead given to a rival near Cumberland.

The Percys had also been promised a deal of money which was never given to them as well, this caused them to revolt.Image
May 22 14 tweets 7 min read
Castle of the Week #6: Convent of Christ in Tomar! 🇵🇹

Once a castle stronghold for the legendary Knights Templar that later became a Catholic Convent.

Dating back to the 12th century the evolution of architecture is astounding!

A thread 🧵🪡 Image The original convent was founded in 1118 by the Order of Poor Knights of the Temple (Knights Templar).

Construction continued until the end of the 12th century when the oratory was completed by Grand Master D. Gualdim Pais, a Portuguese crusader and Templar.
May 17 25 tweets 13 min read

England's legendary warrior leader King Henry V carved his way into the history books through diplomacy and battle. Cementing himself as one of the greatest kings of England.

From Harfleur to the fields of Agincourt, this is the story of King Henry V 🧵 Image Henry of Monmouth was born on September 16th 1386 in Monmouth Castle in Wales.

His father was King Henry IV (Henry Bolingbroke) of England and his mother was Mary de Bohun.
May 16 16 tweets 8 min read

The House of Luxembourg

Origin: Holy Roman Empire, Bohemia, Hungary, Croatia, France, Luxembourg

Titles: Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, King of Hungary, King of Croatia, Count/Duke of Luxembourg Image Founded in the year 1247 the House of Luxembourg possessed numerous powerful members who became kings of Germany, Bohemia, Hungary and Croatia as well as Holy Roman Emperors between the years of 1308 and 1437. Image
May 11 14 tweets 4 min read
To celebrate one year on this platform as well as nearing 30k followers. Here is a thread on my favorite threads I've made as well as my greatest hits! 🧵 Image The Battle of Agincourt
May 10 24 tweets 12 min read
In the twilight of medieval Europe there came one of the greatest leaders of his time.

As Emperor, he wielded power and cunning, leading his men to battle and earning the moniker of "The Last Knight".

Man, Warrior, Knight, Emperor. This is Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I. 🧵 Image Maximilian was born in the city of Wiener Neustadt in Austria on March 22nd 1459. His father was Holy Roman Emperor Frederick III and his mother was Eleanor of Portugal.
May 8 24 tweets 11 min read
Castle of the Week #4: Bodiam Castle! 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Built in the 14th century, this English castle was constructed to defend the area against French invasion during the Hundred Years War as well as seeing the Wars of the Roses and the English Civil War!

Here is the story 🧵 Image Bodiam Castle is a moated castle on a quadrangular plane. It lies nestled in the English countryside near the village of Robertsbridge in East Sussex. Image
May 6 25 tweets 10 min read
Did you know Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II negotiated Jerusalem back to the Christians without a drop of blood being spilled taking the city?

Here is the story of Emperor Frederick II and his endeavors to retake Jerusalem during the Sixth Crusade. 🧵 Image After the devastating failure of the Fifth Crusade the only European sovereign in a position to attempt a retaking of Jerusalem was Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II Image
May 3 26 tweets 10 min read
The Northern Crusades.

A collection of military campaigns in the Baltic region of Europe to convert the pagan people there to Christianity by Catholic military orders, primarily the Teutonic Order.

Here is the story of these campaigns and the bloodshed and zeal behind them 🧵 Image The Northern Crusades began officially in 1195 with the call by Pope Celestine III.

Christian monarchs throughout Europe sought the Christianization of land that included modern day Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Russia. Image
May 2 24 tweets 11 min read

The House of Hohenstaufen

Origin: Swabia
States: Duchy of Swabia, Holy Roman Empire, Kingdoms of Italy, Sicily and Jerusalem.
Titles: Holy Roman Emperor, Duke of Swabia, King of Italy, Sicily, Jerusalem, Burgundy, Count of Burgundy.Image The Hohenstaufen dynasty were also known as the Staufer, founded in 1079 by Frederick I, Duke of Swabia.

The name Staufen derives from the old high german word "stouf" which meant "chalice". This term was applied commonly to conical hills in Swabia. Image
Apr 26 27 tweets 10 min read
Set against the backdrop of 14th century France.

Knights Jacques le Gris and Jean de Carrouges engaged in a brutal trial by combat. A tale of brotherhood, accusation and betrayal. A tale of comrades in arms would end in violent bloodshed.

Here is the story of The Last Duel 🧵Image Jean de Carrouges was born in the 1330s in Carrouges, France. He was a knight who had governance of estates in Normandy and was a vassal to Count Pierre d'Alencon.
Apr 24 16 tweets 7 min read
Castle of the week #2: Eltz Castle! 🇩🇪

Still belonging to the original family to this day, this castle played an important role in protecting trade routes in the Holy Roman Empire under Frederick Barbarossa.

Here is its story🧵 Image Nestled deep within the hills above the Moselle river, between the cities of Koblenz and Trier in Germany lies Eltz Castle or Burg Eltz in German.

The land originally had a manor hall with an earthen palisade belonging to Louis the Pious, son of Charlemagne in 814. Image
Apr 19 26 tweets 10 min read
The greatest knight who ever lived.

William Marshal was an English knight, a man of honor and integrity. A man who served five kings, fought in the crusades, became a Templar and was an undefeated tournament champion.

This is the story of the greatest knight, a thread. 🧵Image William Marshal was born in either 1146 or 1147 to his father John Marshal and mother Sybilla of Salisbury. He was a member of the noble Marshal family, below is their coat of arms. Image