Meg Brock Profile picture
Wife + Mom. Left-handed, Right-brained. Dancing on my own. Former: Peds ICU RN + Documentary 📸. Current: Investigator at @dailycaller.
3TW 🐭🕊🐰🐸🇺🇸🍊 Profile picture ❌BigMamaTEA❌ Profile picture CBStrike27 Profile picture Kevin Jaibur ✝️ Profile picture Melvin C. McDowell ✝️🇺🇸⚖️⚓ Profile picture 9 subscribed
Jun 13 10 tweets 2 min read
🧵If you’re a pastor, ministry leader, or Christian who doesn’t like engaging on “controversial” issues, I have some great news about transgender ideology.

For Bible believing Christians, it’s completely uncontroversial to openly and ardently oppose transgenderism! The Biblical basis is very clear and simple:

Genesis 1:27:

“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

It’s open and shut: There are two sexes.
May 21 9 tweets 4 min read
🧵Last week, the @DailyCaller News Foundation published an investigative report on hours of behind-the-scenes recordings from WPATH, an influential transgender medical organizations.

“Basically, not only are the medications off-label, the whole field’s off-label."

#wpathtapes This is a thread of some of the most shocking things we found in the behind-the-scenes recordings reveal what top gender doctors really think about controversial sex change procedures.

You can access the report from @kliseanderson and I here:…
May 14 27 tweets 7 min read
🚨🚨🚨 EXCLUSIVE: THE WPATH TAPES: Behind-The-Scenes Recordings Reveal What Top Gender Doctors Really Think About Sex Change Procedures

Here's a behind scenes look at the most powerful organization in transgender medicine.

@DailyCaller @kliseanderson… Through a public record request, the DCNF obtained a link to a folder containing nearly 30 hours of recordings from WPATH’s September 2022 closed-door summit.

Here is a sampling of what we learned:
Feb 15 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵EXCLUSIVE: Prominent Trans Surgeon Admits In Unearthed Video That Complications Of Genital Surgery ‘Can Be Pretty Bad’

My latest via @DailyCaller News Foundation about vaginoplasty, a surgery that creates a neovagina for males wanting to look female.… On Complications of Vaginoplasty:

“Complications can be pretty bad for vaginoplasty and the most-dreaded complication is to perforate the rectum while you are dissecting the vaginal cavity,” Dr. Alex Laungani."
Jan 16 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵Top Trans Pediatric Doctors Admit In Unearthed Video That Puberty Blockers Aren't As 'Reversible' As Advertised

My latest via @DailyCaller.

Here is a thread of clips of MD's speaking in September 2022 at a WPATH event:…
On future genital surgery:

"You need tissue, genital tissue, to create that vagina. And if we are taking an 11-year-old boy, who does not have a lot of genital tissue and blocking puberty right there, we’re preventing the growth of the vagina for down the road."
Jan 13 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵The end game of gender ideology is giving government power to remove children from their parents. The ultimate price for wrong think.

The federal government has already published documents labeling parents who don’t ‘affirm’ as potentially abusive.… How can normal people stop this?

We have to educate and be a voice in our communities. Here are some things that anyone can do:

1. Educate yourself on gender ideology. Understand what it is and what’s happening. Checkout @donoharm if you want a place to start.
Nov 29, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
🧵The idea that attempting to change your sex is ‘medically necessary’ is a critical lie of transgender ideology.

All sex reassignments procedures are cosmetic.

Your sex is encoded in your DNA and unchangeable. There is no medical necessity in trying to change this. The classification of sex reassignments procedures as cosmetic vs. ‘medically necessary’ is important.

It impacts both the level of tolerated, acceptable risk associated with these procedures and the possibility of insurance coverage.
Oct 29, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵Bucks County Democrats Get Caught Misleading Public In Heated Local Elections

Last week, Democrats created signage WRONGFULLY suggesting the Teachers Union (CBEA) had endorsed the Democrat Central Bucks Slate of School Board Candidates.
Today, the Republican Central Bucks slate of candidates posted a statement refuting this endorsement, sharing an email from the local union president,l who said he did not support the signs or endorse a slate of candidates. Image
May 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I’ll never forget the actions of Teachers Unions during Covid. You shouldn’t either.

An example: 7/17/2020 the @PSEA posted a video from President Rich Askey explaining he sent PA Gov Wolf a letter,

“..encouraging them to direct schools to plan for online-only instruction.” The letter stated: “It is also extremely important for Pennsylvania’s public schools to plan for the distinct possibility that further increases in COVID-19 cases will make it impossible to safely reopen Pennsylvania’s schools for in-person instruction.” ImageImage
Apr 26, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵As data continues to show masks mandates were ineffective, remember it’s the SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS, not science, that has changed.

Here are excerpts of peer reviewed paper published in 2016 titled,

“The surgical mask is a bad fit for risk reduction.”… Image “The widespread misconception about the use of surgical masks — that wearing a mask protects against the transmission of virus — is a problem of the kind theorized by German sociologist Ulrich Beck.” ImageImage
Apr 22, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
🧵In October 2022, the ACLU filed a Federal complaint against @CBSDSchools, alleging, “A longtime toxic environment for LGBQ&T students in the district’s schools.”

On Thursday, Duane Morris attorney Michael Rinaldi, shared the stunning results of their extensive investigation: The ACLU Alleged that the Central Bucks School District, “improperly suspended Andrew Burgess, a middle school teacher in the School District, in retaliation for his having filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”)…” Image
Mar 17, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read

Mom confronts school board member who wrote an Op Ed attacking @Moms4Liberty and defending explicit books.

“...We would like to see a policy change that allows parents to see, know and decide which books should be allowed within our children’s schools.” School board member @christlanfusco accused Moms For Liberty of disenfranchising students writing,

“...many school boards cave-in to the pressure of groups like Moms for Liberty and implement policies designed that disenfranchise students...”
Mar 16, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
🧵Government Abuse🧵

Yesterday, Bucks County Commissioners announced they are suing social media companies.

Democrats @MarsegliaHarvie intentionally kept kids out of school and caused this crisis. They have sued me FIVE TIMES to hide public records and hide what they did. ImageImage On 8/20/2020, I left commissioner Marselgia a voicemail (see clip), expressing the importance of getting kids back into school.

She got angry and blocked me from calling Bucks County Gov for 18 months. When I discovered this, instead of apologizing, they maligned my character.
Mar 14, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵Conversion Therapy Bans🧵

“Conversion Therapy Bans” are the ultimate attack on parental rights. If passed, parents will be FORCED to seek “gender affirming” care for their kids or potentially have them taken away by the state.

That’s the end game. They want your kids. “Conversion Therapy” is a blanket term for any treatment of gender dysphoria that’s not “gender affirming.”

This would include the much less invasive behavioral therapy, which has a long history of successfully helping minors resolve gender dysphoria.
Mar 14, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Great piece from @BroadAndLiberty exposing how legacy media in SE PA utilizes their platforms and reputation for progressive activism by constantly covering @CBSDSchools from an ‘anti-LGBT’ angle, while reporters frequently ignore board’s perspective.… “In southeast Pennsylvania may be under the impression that “anti-LGBT” hate pervades the newly flipped Central Bucks School District, but the district isn’t being helped at all by local media determined not to include the district’s explanations and defenses of its policies.”
Mar 13, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
🚨Stunning Interview🚨

7/13/2020: Then CEO of Merck, Ken Frazier, explained that vaccines take years to develop, expressed worry over the rush to creat a Covid vax:

“Ultimately if you are going to use a vaccine in billions of people, you better know what that vaccine does.” “There are a lot of examples of vaccines in the past that have stimulated the immune system but ultimately didn’t confer protection..there are some cases where it stimulated the immune system and not only didn’t confer protection but actually helped the virus invade the cell.”
Mar 12, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
🧵Puberty Blockers🧵

Nadia Dowshen, co-director of the CHOP Gender Clinic, claims the benefits of putting children on puberty blockers includes delaying secondary sex characteristics, preventing the need for a future surgeries and “It gives parents time to get on board.” The medications used to block puberty can cost almost $50,000 a year. Children as young as 8 may be put on puberty blockers.

Yes, that means second graders, who are still learning how to read, are being put on these medications. ImageImage
Mar 5, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
🧵Rachel Levine Mega Thread🧵

Rachel Levine is a tax funded transgender activist. Since being appointed as Pennsylvania’s Physician General in 2015, Levine has worked tirelessly to promote sterilizing and irreversibly disfiguring children.

Here is the proof: “If I had transitioned when I was young then I wouldn’t have my children. I can’t imagine a life without my children.”

Feb 24, 2023 11 tweets 7 min read
🧵Ode To The Institutional Capture of Medicine By Transgender Activists

In December 2018, UPenn collaborated with the CHOP Gender Clinic and @HHS_ASH to host a Transgender Symposium.

The Keynote was, “How to build a Transgender Program in Academic Medicine.” Per the itinerary, Rachel Bluebond-Langner from NYU discussed “Top Surgery and Vaginoplasty.”

Here are clips of her endorsing double mastectomy surgeries for minors.
Feb 23, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
🚨Public record emails show the Quakertown Community Education Association (part of the @PSEA) referring to parents who didn’t want to mask their special education students as “extremists” and “anti-science.”

Time has proven it was the teacher’s union who was anti-science. The QCEA president had collected questions from is members working in special education.

The first question:

“Will the district push back against parents trying to modify IEPs/504 plans to prevent mask wearing from their children because they are extremists/antiscience?”
Feb 16, 2023 9 tweets 8 min read
🚨🧵 Public Records show Rachel Levine discussing potential revenue and ROI associated with having a Gender Clinic Social Worker.

These emails from 12/2018 are between Levine and Rollyn M. Ornstein, MD.

Rollyn was affiliated with Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital. Image Rollyn:

“I am trying to convince the administration about the need for a MSW position specific for the imminent Gender clinic, I am trying to put together a presentation re: potential revenue, including downstream.” Image