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The official Meidas University Chapter at the University of Wisconsin.
Dec 21, 2020 31 tweets 6 min read
🚨New Thread🚨:
Today I’m gonna take a deep dive into how Congressional corruption started, what it looks like now, how it affects critical issues, and how to fix it
The story of corruption of Congress begins in 1993 on the eve of the 1994 midterms. Newt Gingrich, since he was elected to Congress in 1978, had been involved in the process of changing how the parties treat each other and speak to each other.
Dec 16, 2020 34 tweets 6 min read
Now that finals are over I’m going to start doing threads every once in a while on topics that I care about. Today I’m going to take a deep dive into why Trump and Republicans aren’t accepting the results of the election, why that’s harmful, and how we can fix it
Side note: apologies for how long this thread got, I tried to be as comprehensive as possible