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John Graham | Embodiment Mentor
3x USA Memory Champion Codes of Higher Potential: Alchemize the True Root of the Pressure Within You
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Sep 17, 2018
10 tweets
3 min read
The most powerful memory technique in the history of mankind
(that school NEVER taught you) is...
Here's a Brief History & How-To Use One (Thread) 👇
Memory champions (like myself) use memory palaces to achieve superhuman feats.
It's how I can remember a 296 digit # in 5 mins.
It's how the World Record for pi is 70,030 digits recited.
It can be used for any large, long-term memory storage.
SIMPLE enough for anyone to use.
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Sep 5, 2018
9 tweets
3 min read
If YOU struggle with learning languages or WANT to start learning a new language
...listen carefully.
This is How to Learn Foreign Languages FASTER and RETAIN them LONG TERM.
I took 2 years of Spanish in high school and forgot 95% of it.
So I know how you feel.
This all changed with memory techniques...
With this SIMPLE linking trick, I've learned words / phrases from 9 different languages on my world travels.
I still remember them 4+ years later.
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Aug 31, 2018
8 tweets
2 min read
If YOU are terrible at remembering names
...that ends NOW.
This is How To Remember Everyone's Name.
A QUICK THREAD With this SIMPLE trick, I can remember 181 names/faces in 15 mins.
I used to SUCK with names, but
now I'm the USA Memory Champion.
This trick will work for you too.