Metta Bhavana
"With mind set right happiness follows your every move just as a shadow follows your footsteps on a sunny day." Land of Yalukit Willam clan of the Boon Wurrung.
Aug 25, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Speaking of mugshots. The US prison population is the second largest in the world. In total! Not as a ratio. Roughly 1.68m people are incarcerated in the U.S. in 2023 from a population of 322m. In China, the estimated prison population is 1.69m from a pop of 1.42 BILLION. 1/6 Image By any measure, America is incarceration-crazy. And no, it doesn't have more crime than anywhere else comparable. It ranks 5th for murders in the OECD group of wealthy nations, 8th in robberies and 16th in assaults.2/6 Image
Aug 10, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Not so much a "backlash from pharmacies" as a campaign by a chemist lobby group run by an attention-seeking stunt-loving former LNP campaign manager and potential LNP senate candidate. Trent Twomey is not doing this for the sick, or the pill-pushers; he's doing it for Dutton.
Image From 2018: LNP MP Warren Entsch's one-time staffer Trent Twomey chaired a panel which recommended broad priorities for $20 million in grants. A separate committee awarded $2.5 m to QRX Group 1, one-third owned by Twomey's wife Georgina.…
Jun 10, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Moving up fast on the outside in the fuck-wit stakes... Far-right psychosis, part IV.
PS: This hoary old chestnut of dogs vs cars has been around for at least ten years. It's as bogus now as it was then.… Image If all dogs in the OECD vanished, the effect on the carbon-footprint of the planet would be zero. Dog food comes from by-products of existing meat & cereal production for human consumption. Between one to two-thirds of crops are grown as feed for animals raised to feed humans.
Jun 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
(Shades of Trump). Coalition staffers may have taken classified documents after election loss. Labor’s Sen. Anne Urquhart has told senate estimates Services Australia investigated two staff in Linda Reynolds’ office for transferring data off government network. Image Oh, Lindy. "Senator Reynolds’ office was emailing a large volume of official documents from government email accounts to a private Gmail account," Sen. Urquhart said. “I understand the documents in question were marked with the classification ‘official’."… Image
Aug 23, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
The greatest damage of #Jobgrabber's shopping spree through cabinet isn't in the sordid mechanics of it, but rather in the reputational damage it causes; democracy is fragile and exploitable, convention is optional, rules can be flouted, trust in social structures diminishes. This broken ground is where despotism flowers. Trashing the rules, the laws, the expectations we have of institutions, is the modus operandi of half a dozen actors across the globe - Trump, Boris, Morrison, Erdoğan in Turkey, Bolsonaro in Brazil, Orbán in Hungary. 2/3
Dec 19, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
In terms of risk, with the rise of Omicron, we are right back where we were this time last year when there were no vaccines available at all. The same uncertainties, the same supply problems, the same confused & ideologically delusional messaging, the same incompetent Liberals. The difference is there is now no appetite left - no political wiggle-room - for lockdowns, curfews, mask mandates, or border closures that might help prevent an Omicron surge...
Dec 17, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
I'll be posting some random memes from the extensive back catalogue of the #MemestreamClassics collection, apropos of that being what everyone does, this time of year, yeah? Recycling tat? Here's a little taste of Tony... (Not my meme!) Image MAFS Beijing-style... #MemestreamClassic Image
Oct 2, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
The ICAC revelations are as nothing compared to the unseemly hagiographies for a disgraced premier who CHOSE to quit BECAUSE SHE MAY BE SOON FOUND GUILTY OF CORRUPTION! The suckhole bourgeois elites who trade blandly mediocre uni degrees for careers in media are a dumb joke. Historian Peter Turchin theorises cleverly, with abundant historical data, how a glut of over-educated elites eventually begins to sap social integrity, this happens when too many qualified but self-serving individuals, all of a type, form cliques and cabals of opinion...
May 13, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
@MrKRudd "This smug bloke made a political career of rubbishing Labor’s world-beating GFC response, which avoided recession & saved livelihoods. Now his budget figures have 5-times the deficit and 5-times as much debt, he is seeking to erase his past. Not if I can help it." 4 Feb 2009. "Opposition to vote against Rudd's $42 billion package" SMH

@KevinRudd ...with Murdoch’s blessing, [Morrison] expects Australians will simply forget how [Liberals] tried to wreck the economy by opposing stimulus back then [in 2008-9]. They won’t.
Apr 20, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
He's having a laugh.Keynes used the term pejoratively: "decisions to do something positive...can only be...the result of animal spirits—a spontaneous urge to action rather than inaction, and not as the outcome of a weighted average of quantitative benefits..." The emptiness of the political urge to just "have a go," is derided by Keynes as rash, "there is the instability due to the characteristic of human nature that a large proportion of our positive activities depend on spontaneous optimism rather than mathematical expectations."
Apr 19, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Détournement ("rerouting" "hijacking") was a 60s subversive strategy invented by leftist Situationists, essentially to rewire an idea or art form, rendering it meaningless, or disrupting its message.This ad is alt-Right culture jamming, hijacking & mocking the message. Space for a clear message on harassment, personal safety, respect and knowing boundaries has now been polluted and cheapened by this effort. That seems like a deliberate strategy. "Look, we tried. Made a vid," will be the refrain from right-wing men, keen to shed the "issue."
Apr 5, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
Let's discuss empathy. Empathy is hard wired into human beings. It's the result of our evolved societal bonding where we survived because we recognised mutual advantage in pair bonding, cooperative child raising and forging close interpersonal connections. "Scientists recognise two kinds of empathy -- affective empathy and cognitive empathy -- and studies strongly suggest that babies experience both."…
Apr 5, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
As I say often, "in Australia it's normal," when dealing with Adam Creighton, to apply the George Costanza rule. If everything he says is wrong (and it always is!), simply saying the opposite means you'll always be right! #reversio #scienceinnit? #mettarulesforlivingwell It is staggering, but not surprising, that someone so highly paid, so self-aggrandising, could be so utterly stupid, uninformed, incapable of actually Google checking the bleak and nasty history of racist voter suppression in Georgia. There is literally a library of information.
Apr 4, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
"Journalism" - not Twitter - invented the pile on, the public smear campaign, the rumours exaggerated as fact, the facts ignored, the appeals to primitive tribalism, racism and xenophobia, the invasions of privacy, all while claiming the status of a unique moral correctness. Murdoch and the News Of The World didn't invent that kind of toxic business model. It has been a low bar for over a century. Ask Lindy Chamberlain. Ask anyone "of African appearance" in Melbourne, ask any Muslim, look at the front pages and editorial lines run by Murdoch.
Apr 3, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." According to Gloria Steinem, Irina Dunn,Australian educator, journalist and politician, coined the phrase 1970 as a student at the University of Sydney, paraphrasing the old maxim, 'Man needs God like a fish needs a bicycle.' Irina Dunn concurs: "I scribbled the phrase on two toilet doors, would you believe, one at Sydney University where I was a student, and the other at Soren's Wine Bar at Woolloomooloo, a seedy suburb in south Sydney. The doors, were already favoured graffiti sites."
Feb 5, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
"Philip Lowe, the Governor of the Reserve Bank, is trying to get wages up, but he can’t. Prime Minister Scott Morrison could get wages up but he is so deep in the habit of suppressing them that it’s an addiction."
Alan Kohler absolutely spot on here. Tanya Plibersek: Philip Lowe is an economist with a doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who has been at the Reserve Bank for 40 years; Scott Morrison is a politician with a background in tourism marketing.
Jan 25, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
I just want you to have look at recent articles by James Massola from The Age. Is there an editorial pattern here?… 1. "How safe is Anthony Albanese and how long does he have as leader?" Pic of Albo alone.
2. In an 'exclusive' interview "Frydenberg flags multibillion-dollar boost from faster vaccine rollout after year of economic pain." Pic of Frydo with cute kids AND A PUPPY!
Jan 23, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Those bothered by Margaret Court's views should perhaps reflect that in Australia's same-sex marriage vote, 38.4% of those who voted, chose 'NO.' As Micheal Kirby commented at the time, overjoyed as he was with the 61.6% "Yes," the other 1/3rd were a sobering reality. Image It isn't possible to make a simple transposition of stats from one question to other socially regressive attitudes, but it has to be assumed that such reactionary recalcitrance around "progress" might well also apply to attitudes on race, climate, refugees, and so on.
Nov 4, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
When Trump stood on the balcony of the White House & took off that mask, any elite, like me, saw a ludicrous display. Any elite, like me, studying the dictator's playbook, also saw it for what it was: a miraculous death-defying resurrection symbol suggesting immortality. Trump told us Covid was nothing. His diagnosis, treatment and apparently rapid recovery gave the appearance of having proven his claim. This is again from the dictator's playbook: the leader's words alone are greater than science or medicine and routinely defy mere human wisdom.
Oct 3, 2020 15 tweets 5 min read
"Journalism" invented the pile on, the public smear campaign, the rumours exaggerated as fact, the facts ignored, the appeals to primitive tribalism, racism and xenophobia, the invasions of privacy, all while claiming the status of a unique moral correctness. Murdoch and the News Of The World didn't invent that kind of toxic business model. It has been a low bar for over a century. Ask Lindy Chamberlain. Ask anyone "of African appearance" in Melbourne, ask any Muslim, look at the front pages and editorial lines run by Murdoch.
Sep 18, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Patrick Carlyon has written many stories on Vic politics for the Herald Sun. After a quick survey of 10 or so (on Google), it is unsurprising to find every single one is slanted with a formulaic attack on Labor plus numerous personal and gratuitous slurs aimed at Dan Andrews. "LACK OF TRUST IN LEADERSHIP [aka Dan Andrews] SPREADING QUICKER THAN VIRUS"
[No it isn't.]
"Melbournians are angry at their leaders!"
[aka Dan Andrews. And, no. Mostly they are not.]
"Daniel Andrews and his cohort don’t want us to explore the truth. " [WTF does that mean?]