David Michael Kinne Profile picture
Inconspicuous normal human creature. He/him. READ MY BOOK: https://t.co/kzEWqluCwL… READ MY COMIC TOO: https://t.co/51EnspWGNM Married to @dogss
Mar 14, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
FE3H supports are like:

Character 1: Whoa! What happened to you?!

Character 2: (Fully clothed.) Sigh. All my clothes were stolen by bandits.

Character 1: This is my chance to improve how you dress!

Character 1: Here! *Gesture animation, character is holding nothing* *Screen fades in and out*

Character 2: (same clothes) Wow! I look great!

*Character 2's character model rotates 90 degrees*

Character 2: ...But I don't know if I'm... WORTHY of such clothes. My backstory is too tragic. Sigh.
Jun 19, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Cool people: Gen 1 Pokemon cannot be topped.

Me: Yeah it's a classic.

Dignified people: Hold on. Gen 2 is the same but BETTER.

Me: You're right they added a lot to the formula.

Awesome folks: Ya'll just going to pretend Gen 3 didn't happen?

Me: Sorry I forgot. Rad people: Gen 4 is RIGHT THERE.

Me: Shit. I need to rethink this.

Sophisticated fans: But Gen 5 is basically perfect!

Me: Oh! Yeah. I love that one too.

Revolutionary: Gen 6 brought the main line games into 3D!

Me: That's true. They got lots of people back into the series.