I teach philosophy. I make/play games. I do recreational math. I once did a podcast on pop music. (I also grade papers.)
Apr 4, 2022 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
Today's fractal. It alternates between two forms, I believe. This is my favorite form: micahtillman.com/lsviz/?f&f=frf…
Be the 1st person to ever see this fractal. Well, the 2nd. I saw it first. Finders, keepers. It's my precious. micahtillman.com/lsviz/?f&f=frf…
Aug 13, 2021 • 94 tweets • 45 min read
Version 2.0 of my (free, online) L-System Visualizer App is out. (#fractals@madewithunity) micahtillman.com/lsviz/
What's the big deal? Well, color, for one: @madewithunity The colors show the iteration of the L-system's development that introduced/added/inserted that portion of the fractal. The most obvious way to see that as happening is via interpolation. That is, you can see the fractal as growing from within, with new "nodes' being inserted:
Dec 10, 2020 • 242 tweets • >60 min read
You can now share the #fractals you find using L-System Visualizer. Here's one I found the other day: micahtillman.com/lsviz/?FrBlFlB…
To hunt for fractals, go to micahtillman.com/lsviz/. The app (made with @unity3d) will generate a URL for each figure you find, which you can then send to others. They can then examine the L-system you created, and derive variants from it.