Michael Ammons Profile picture
Helping Treatment-Resistant Chronic Pain Sufferers Find Lasting Relief in 3 Months through Mindfulness, Movement, Nutrition, & Nature.
Oct 27, 2023 30 tweets 7 min read
Unmasking the Mysteries of Chronic Pain.

And Why Your MRI Diagnosis Might be BS.

A Thread: Image Nearly 20% of Americans suffer from chronic neck/back pain, with all sorts of diagnoses taking the blame.

‣Disc Degeneration
‣Herniated Discs
‣Bulged Discs

& a number of other 'spinal abnormalities' are blamed as being the culprits for the pain.
Sep 7, 2023 22 tweets 6 min read
Unveiling the Hidden Healing Potential of Humming.

A Thread: Image Ancient cultures have used the vibrational power from humming & chanting for healing for thousands of years.

Many will write this off as woo-woo, but with our modern day technology & understanding of the body we can see that there are very real benefits.

Let's dive in: Image
Jul 24, 2023 35 tweets 7 min read
Harmonize your Mind, Body, and Spirit through Nature.

The Ultimate Guide to Forest Bathing: Image "You carry a forest inside you, a mirror within of the great forests of the world." - M. Amos Clifford

In this thread we'll explore the history, benefits, and practice of the ancient practice of forest bathing.

A remembrance of who we are, down to our very core.

Let's begin.
Dec 21, 2022 15 tweets 5 min read
You're Weightlifting 3-5x a Week and NOT Training This Movement?

Your Spine is at Risk.

Let me save you from potential injury and pain...

Thread: Before we begin, I have to credit much of this information to @LionheartBam and his Movement Protocol, @PrimalMovement_

Working with Bam as my movement coach for the past 8 months has been life-changing.

Highly recommend following them both.

Now let’s get into it!
Dec 13, 2022 20 tweets 6 min read
How a Swiss Doctor Leveraged the Healing Powers of the Sun to Combat Various Forms of Dis-ease.

A Thread on the Ancient Practice of Heliotherapy. Did you know that the Ancient Greeks & Romans used the Sun's rays as a form of medicine?

Even Hippocrates wrote extensively about the therapeutic effects of the sun and recommended it for a number of conditions such as joint pain and skin disorders.
Nov 19, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
How The US Army Discovered that Long Hair can Increase your Wisdom and Intuition.

An Esoteric Thread for Men. Throughout history long hair has had a spiritual significance amongst various cultures.

Long hair is often associated with wisdom, divine intuition, and strength.

It's no coincidence that the men of history with the most wisdom and strength are shown to have had long hair.
Nov 17, 2022 15 tweets 5 min read
You can turn your Ice Cream into a Superfood...

THE SECRET to Making the PERFECT Raw Milk Ice Cream.

THREAD: ImageImageImageImage I bet you haven't heard the words "Ice Cream" and "Superfood" in the same sentence before.

I'm here to change that.

And no, it's not hyperbole. It's real. By following the instructions outlined in this thread, you can have GUILT-FREE Ice Cream that is LITERALLY a Superfood!
Nov 9, 2022 25 tweets 6 min read
Left (25 y/o):

- Constant Pain
- Purposeless
- Depressed
- Addicted

Right (29 y/o):

- Completely Pain Free
- Living in Alignment
- 5+ Yrs No Pills
- Fulfilled

How To Climb Out of Your Rock Bottom.

A Thread. I'll never forget how I felt when I took the picture on the left.

I was completely lost, abusing drugs to cope with my chronic pain and lack of purpose, living life at my rock bottom.

I was looking in the mirror and realized I didn't even recognize who I was looking at.
Oct 25, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
How to increase your energy levels without substances:

- Cold Exposure
- Max Set Pushups
- Brisk Walk Outside
- 5 Minutes Breath of Fire
- 15-30 Minutes of Sunlight
- NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest)
- 10 Minute Wim Hoff Breathing

What would you add? Breath of Fire Follow Along:
Oct 12, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
How Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.

A Thread. You hear it all the time..

"Your thoughts create your reality!"

"Words are spells, careful what you say!"

"You can manifest anything you want!"

What do these statements actually mean?

And how can we apply them to our lives to ACTUALLY change our reality?
Aug 16, 2022 25 tweets 10 min read
The Difference Between Medicine and Poison is in the Dose.

19 Excerpts from the book "Heal Yourself with Sunlight" by Andreas Moritz

That Shatter the Mainstream Narrative about the Sun. We've all heard the following:

"Put on your sunscreen, you're going to get burned!"

"Be careful with too much sun exposure - you'll get skin cancer!"

"The sun is dangerous!"

While well intentioned, are these tidbits of advice from mom actually true?
Apr 19, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
If you are worried about mercury toxicity from seafood consumption, consider this:

Selenium has a high affinity to bind to Mercury.

When this happens, it forms a new substance, making it harder for the body to absorb mercury separately.

And which foods are highest in Selenium? You guessed it, SEAFOOD!

16 of the top 25 dietary sources of Selenium are ocean fish.

Eating seafood is completely safe, and much safer than not eating seafood.

Nature wins yet again.
Apr 16, 2022 24 tweets 7 min read
All Downhill After Age 70?

Think Again.

4 Lessons on Longevity from my Great-Grandfather.

Thread: Devoted Husband, Father, and Grandfather.

Record-Breaking Masters Track and Field Athlete.

Nature Appreciator.

Man of God.


An impressive resume for anyone, but even more-so when you find out my Great-Grandfather embodied all of the above between ages 70-91.
Apr 6, 2022 25 tweets 8 min read

This one simple dietary change will reduce your risk of Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, and other Chronic Illnesses TENFOLD.

THREAD The Health world has placed a lot of emphasis on balancing your dietary intake of Omega 3s:Omega 6s, and for good reason.

We'll learn all about EFAs in this thread:

-What Are They
-Why They're Important
-Their Effects on the Body
-How To Rebalance Your EFA Ratio

Let's dive in:
Mar 30, 2022 22 tweets 6 min read

Your Breath is the Bridge into your Subconscious Mind.

Open this thread to learn how to Open the Portal. Image Your Autonomic Nervous system [ANS] is responsible for all the bodily processes that the Conscious Mind has no control over.

For example, your:

-Blood Pressure
-Body Temperature
-Hormone Responses

And more are all controlled by the ANS.
Mar 22, 2022 25 tweets 7 min read

There's a Silent War taking place.

The objective is your Soul.

Open this thread to learn how to fight back. Image In this thread we'll cover:

-What the Pineal Gland is, and it's function in Human Physiology

-The History of and Ancient Reverence behind the Pineal Gland

-The War Against your Soul and how you can Fight Back
Mar 16, 2022 32 tweets 8 min read

We talk a lot about mindfulness on my page.

I want to bring awareness to what sounds you allow to enter your auditory field.

In this thread we take a look at the effects that Music, Frequencies, and Vibrations have on your Mind, Body, & Spirit. Image Everyone loves music & beautiful sound. It brings people together, both in the literal sense (concerts/festivals) but also figuratively in that all of us can appreciate the raw talent & beauty behind spectacular music.

To me music is undoubtedly a net-positive for humanity.
Feb 22, 2022 22 tweets 8 min read

If you've spent time in the health & wellness space you've undoubtedly come across this phrase.

In this thread we'll look into the health implications of excessive sitting/sedentary lifestyle, and look at solutions/alternatives

Let's dive in! Image Before we start, if you find this thread useful your interactions mean the world. Please like/RT/follow to help me grow and reach as many people as possible!
Feb 17, 2022 22 tweets 9 min read

What if I told you there are ways to become more present, improve emotional intelligence, enhance concentration and clarity, relieve stress, improve sleep, and you don't need anything but yourself?

Chances are you'd want a thread on it, so I made one So what is Mindfulness?


1. the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something

That's easy enough to understand - Mindfulness is awareness.

Or if we go one level deeper - being aware of your awareness.
Feb 9, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read

I receive more nutrients from this smoothie DAILY than most people get in an entire week

Nutrients from WHOLE FOODS are more readily absorbed by my body because they are consumed in an unaltered state

Why you should EAT RAW and how I do it 🧵 Image Before we dive in, if you find this recipe/thread useful or learn something new a like and RT would be greatly appreciated 🙏
Feb 4, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read

SRBW™ is one of the most powerful healing modalities I have experienced in my life.

In this thread we'll break down what it is, why it works, and who can benefit (Spoiler Alert: it's everyone). "Trauma is not what happens to you, it's what happens inside of you as a result of what happens to you"- @DrGaborMate

Trauma is something we have ALL experienced. Trauma is subjective, meaning that something that may have been traumatic to me, may not be to you, and vice versa